Hi, this is my first time posting and I will try to reply to this thread if anybody has any questions that I can answer, but I probably won't be posting much more after this. I'm aware that a first time poster doing a review is usually met with skepticism, which I would encourage. Initially, I had no intention of sharing my experience online. I have lurked on this forum from time to time for around the past three or so years, during which I've gotten to see an assortment of reviews on a bunch of different treatment options for phalloplasty. Eventually, I decided that if the right opportunity arose that I would be willing to give getting fillers a shot. I never considered PMMA, the risks far outweighed the rewards to me. I seriously considered getting ellanse at Avanti, to the point to where I even did a video consult with Dr. C prior to his retirement and had planned the trip from start to finish. I just dragged my feet on renewing my passport long enough that when I was waiting to receive my passport I started seeing reviews on here for phallofill. I went to their website and saw that they had a location present in Miami. I live in Florida, so being able to get that done without having to add roundtrip airfare, hotel stay, more time off from work etc in lieu of a one day trip down the turnpike was something that immediately piqued my interest. I e-mailed Ben, whom was great by the way, and he responded very quickly. He answered all of my questions and, when I felt comfortable proceeding, got Dr. Cordon's surgical coordinator to reach out to me about setting up a date to do the deed. I got lucky because he just so happened to have an available opening at the end of that week. I was fairly anxious the night before and I don't even think that I slept an hour. I had to leave in the early hours of the morning because I live in northern Florida and the appointment was first thing in the morning at one of Mount Sinai's satellite clinics. When I got there, it was more or less like checking into a hospital. You have to wear a facemask, they check your temperature, they take your health insurance info etcetera. Eventually, they called me back into one of the rooms and one of the nurses took my

rate and BP, both of which were elevated enough from being anxious that she took them a second time a few minutes later after I had some time to get situated and relax a bit. I waited for a bit and then Dr. Cordon entered into the room. He was very kind and had an excellent bedside manner, which really helped put me at ease. He told me a bit about his journey as a reconstructive urologist, asked me what prompted my interest into getting fillers, he told me some of the horror stories he had encountered from patients coming to him with phalloplasty complications from things like silicone fillers gone awry, what degloving looks like, which led into how he got involved with phallofill and what I could expect from receiving the fillers. He then did a visual inspection, and he accurately guessed my erect girth just from looking at me flaccid which was honestly quite impressive lol. He then brought out the girth models, which are designed to give you an idea of what size you should be around after receiving X units of fillers based on your starting dimensions. This is so you can get a rough idea in terms of look and feel, and it was an interesting touch. I had a laundry list of questions, which he answered patiently. After that, he asked me if I would like to proceed with getting the injections that day or if I would like to hold off until another day; I was grateful for him saying this because he genuinely put me under zero pressure. Electing to do any sort of body modification, be it surgical, injectable, or whatever is something that can be nerve-racking and he couldn't have done a better job of emphasizing that he was strictly there to help me in whatever way that he could. I elected to proceed and a couple of the nurses prepped me for the procedure, which was fairly simple. They just dressed the chair, outfitted me with a surgical isolation gown, and I lied back on the chair as Dr. Cordon and the assisting nurse got to work. He diagrammed what I'm assuming were the areas that he was looking to inject with a surgical skin marker, cleansed the area with chlorhexidine gluconate, and then proceeded to use a series of lidocaine injections to numb the area. This is the only part of the procedure in which there is anything that could be construed as painful, and it was maybe a 2-3/10 at that. He was asking me periodically if I felt anything, and when it was completely numb they started the procedure. I was completely horizontal and looking up, but I just remember repeating the phrase "I can't believe that I'm doing this" with both a sense of excitement and trepidation lying firmly behind that. Dr. Cordon checked in on me frequently to see how I was doing and he informed me after a surprisingly short amount of time that they were already halfway done and switching to the other side. It wasn't long after that that he informed me that they were done and he told me that I could take a look and I was in shock, my penis looked gigantic. Granted, a fair bit of that was swelling, but I couldn't believe it. They then outfitted me with the compression sleeve and gave me post-op instructions. Afterwards, I saw his surgical coordinator to pay for the procedure and schedule an appointment for the next session. We did three sessions together from the end of April of 2022 to the beginning of July of 2022. So, it's been over a year since we started and almost eleven months since we finished. I had read reports here about HA fillers having poor retention so I expected the fillers to start to dissipate after a few months. I'm very surprised to report that I still have about 90% of the size that I had after the final sessions. A couple of questions that I had prior to getting this done was what would my penis feel like after the procedure and would the result look unnatural. I can report that it feels pretty much the same, only bigger and it looks completely natural. I purchased 20 units and my initial gains after swelling went down was a 9/16th of an inch increase. There was a bit of bruising after each round, which lasted from around 3 days to a week and the majority of the swelling was gone in around that same time frame. Any residual swelling was gone within three weeks. I am not writing this to try and influence anybody to get this procedure done, that is something that they must decide on and come to terms with on their own. This post was merely to document my own experience in hopes that it provides clarity to others that are considering this procedure. If you are going to get this procedure and are looking to have it done with Dr. Cordon, I would highly recommend him.