BBONE is the main dick Dr. Loria shows in his gallery on his website. I've seen it. I'm not surprised by this at all.
I've also been talking to some guys on thebiohacker forum. They also have been a great audience for my issues. They don't like Dr. Loria at all. Here is their solution if I don't want to get an attorney. Let me know what you think.
Here are 3 entities within Florida you should type up a detailed report and send copies to. If I were you, and if CUSP82 were you

, we'd both be banging these official complaints out.
Here they are in order of priority:
Florida Dept of Public Health/Board of Medicine
This is how you get your complaint to the Florida Board of Medicine. It will go through the Florida Dept of Public Health.
This is a direct link to a the Health Care Provider Complaint Form published by the Florida Department of Public Health:
I found it here:
Florida Health Care Complaint Portal
The form will ask you for Loria's license number which is here:
FL DOH MQA Search Portal | Practitioner Profile
On that link you will also find a tab for Proceedings & Actions which makes him look very clean currently. Don't let this deter you from filing your complaints with the entities I'm listing here.
I think you are right to focus on the needle sticking event with Carlos and how that was handled, but I think you should include everything else that happened which you were unhappy about even if you're unsure about it or think that Loria has your signature waiving any right to complaint. Let them decide the merits.
Be sure to read the form carefully and attach copies of your text messages with Carlos, transcribe his voice mail to you and any other voice messages you have and make sure to save them on your phone. Include any paperwork that proves you had these prodecures. Basically send them everything you would show to an attorney.
I recommend putting it in the mail rather than trying to email all of this stuff, but it's up to you. The mailing address is on the form.
Florida Attorney General
You should send the same information to the Office of Attorney General Ashley Moody. They have a similar form you can fill out and mail:
The Attorney General's website includes a special page about how to protect yourself when seeking cosmetic surgery:
Florida Attorney General - How to Protect Yourself: Cosmetic Surgery
Official website of the Florida Attorney General.
By the way: Victor Loria, D.O. is not certified by The American Board of Plastic Surgery which is the only certifying board for plastic surgeons in the USA:
Florida Agency for Healthcare Administration
On that page the Attorney General recommends you also file a complaint directly with the Florida Agency for Healthcare Administration.
The AHCA online form for complaints is here:
Unlicensed Facility Complaint | AHCA - Health Care Facility Complaint Form
You'll notice that the form is for "unlicensed" health care providers. I checked and Loria Medical is not licensed by AHCA as far as I can tell but Dr. Loria is licensed to practice in the state of Florida. They at least do not show up in the AHCA database so I think you should use the above form for unlicensed providers.