I am unsure of how it would even work. My penis get buried in my pelvic area when Flaccid. If there is injection material, won't it get lost when my penis turtles? Won't the injected material get lost in the pubic region? Not sure if that makes sense.
bobbi_camacho wrote: I am unsure of how it would even work. My penis get buried in my pelvic area when Flaccid. If there is injection material, won't it get lost when my penis turtles? Won't the injected material get lost in the pubic region? Not sure if that makes sense.
You may want to resolve the "buried penis" issue before enhancing it. Either through weight loss/diet or surgical intervention. Dr. Carney of Morganstern Rejuvall is especially resourceful in this regard, I would contact them about correcting a buried penis.