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TOPIC: Current Status of Ellanse, USA?

Current Status of Ellanse, USA? 3 years 2 months ago #1308706210

Ellanse seems to be a great option in terms of bang for buck given how long it lasts. However it seems like it wasn't, then was, and now isn't available in the USA? What is the exact current status of the product here?

Some other questions I've been trying to find out but not particularly successful on. Ellanse, to my understanding is not PMMA, and is not permanent. However, does this mean it is reversible the same way as HA is? Is the safety level comparable? Even the smallest chance of long term serious complication would completely disqualify any product in my situation.

This is likely an endeavor I will attempt once, and a longer lasting product would obviously be preferred due to cost and time away from work.

Travelling outside of the Florida/Georgia area is out of the question for me. Is Morganstern basically my only option? So far from my research, their pricing seems to be significantly higher than other clinics.

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Current Status of Ellanse, USA? 3 years 2 months ago #1308706211

perhaps the 1 year is reversible. The 3-year seems to last far longer (at least 5, and who know?). I got it rather than PMMA because it was reversible. IDN now.
Still not approved.

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Current Status of Ellanse, USA? 3 years 1 month ago #1308706467

From my experience speaking with the Morganstern office from time to time about their procedures, they dont offer the Ellanse filler.

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Current Status of Ellanse, USA? 3 years 1 month ago #1308706468

The more I learn about it the more I understand that there are "business-politics" associated with manufacturers, the FDA, and other interests. From my last discussion with Rejuvall's Manager, it doesn't appear Ellanse is any further along than it was a couple years ago, which is a tragedy considering its legality in Europe, South/Central America, and Australia.

Does this mean Ellanse will never be available in the States? No, however if you plan on Ellanse treatment in the near future, don't count on it. There is some talks of a Cayman Island Clinic with Ellanse for those who don't want to travel far, but they've been pretty strict with Covid protocols also delaying this prospect.

As of now, your only Ellanse options are International. If you cannot or do not want to travel abroad, Hyaluronic Acid (HA) filler is still very much a robust choice in terms of Girth enhancement.

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Current Status of Ellanse, USA? 3 years 1 month ago #1308706493

Damn, That really is too bad about Ellanse. I just past the three year point with no loss. I had the 4 year version, so I'm really hoping this last 5 years or longer, and that things change by then. It feels totally natural, Flaccid and hard. I'd fly to the Caymen Islands if I had to and things improve by then. I've always had concern about HA possibly feeling too soft, like a layer over the shaft. Plus, I don't know what the average cost is, but places near NYC are over 9K for 10ml, which you'd need every year? Not spending that. Sigh.

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Current Status of Ellanse, USA? 3 years 1 month ago #1308706495

think wrote: Damn, That really is too bad about Ellanse. I just past the three year point with no loss. I had the 4 year version, so I'm really hoping this last 5 years or longer, and that things change by then. It feels totally natural, Flaccid and hard. I'd fly to the Caymen Islands if I had to and things improve by then. I've always had concern about HA possibly feeling too soft, like a layer over the shaft. Plus, I don't know what the average cost is, but places near NYC are over 9K for 10ml, which you'd need every year? Not spending that. Sigh.

I'm no Doctor, nor do I have a PhD in Physiology, but I'm curious to know if most of these fillers, be it HA or Ellanse, are going to last much longer than projected due to the penis lacking in "lymphatics," unlike other areas popularly used by fillers (i.e. the face). I can't recall who or where I read it, but the implication was that the process by which fillers are broken down and carried away rely on a network of lymphatics which aren't as abundant in the injected layer of the penis, providing the filler a much longer lifespan. Many of these manufacturer stated lifespans are based on the face, where lymphatics (to my understanding) are more present, thus 1-2 year projection for HA and the 3-4 year projection for Ellanse.

I'll see if I can get one of the Sponsors to chime in on that theory as it has massive implications for Phalloplasty- namely that HA and Ellanse are "long-term temporary" and not "short term temporary" like previously thought. This is especially POSITIVE news as it gives temporary fillers even better value. This theory also does ride on the persistence of HA & Ellanse in former patients beyond the "expiration date," both here on the forums and through Physician/Sponsor feedback.

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Current Status of Ellanse, USA? 3 years 1 month ago #1308706497

think wrote: Damn, That really is too bad about Ellanse.

It's really not that bad. You can fly to San Diego and take Avanti's shuttle service to their clinic. It's a fairly easy process.

I'd fly to the Caymen Islands if I had to

But you won't fly to San Diego and take a 25 minute shuttle service to Tijuana? If Morgenstern ever did get set up in the Caymans, my guess is they'd be charging up the ass for Ellanse. I don't see how they could offer the same price as their Atlanta clinic was for Ellanse which was already considerably more expensive than Avanti Derma.

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Current Status of Ellanse, USA? 3 years 1 month ago #1308706498

But you won't fly to San Diego and take a 25 minute shuttle service to Tijuana? If Morgenstern ever did get set up in the Caymans, my guess is they'd be charging up the ass for Ellanse. I don't see how they could offer the same price as their Atlanta clinic was for Ellanse which was already considerably more expensive than Avanti Derma.

I'm not so sure about that. I can't speak for the Caymans themselves, but overhead costs & taxes are typically cheaper in Central America & the Caribbean, which could mean more competitive pricing with the likes of Avanti Derma. As a matter of fact, I'd be surprised if their pricing wasn't more in line with what Avanti charges because either way you'd have to travel International to get the Ellanse.

That said, it's a process that's been stifled by the pandemic; hopefully when the numbers improve and stay manageable, the Cayman's will be back open for business.

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