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TOPIC: 10+ years with PMMA injections? (difficulty finding any real, current use cases)

10+ years with PMMA injections? (difficulty finding any real, current use cases) 4 years 8 months ago #1308698019

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Hey all,

Before you flame me and tell me to use the search engine...I DID...and there were very, very sparse posts about people who got PMMA injections 10+ years ago.

Long story short, after doing my research, I am very interested in trying PMMA injections with Dr. C in Tijuana. I'm clear on the risks but from my research, PMMA looks to be consistently safe and produces long-lasting results if people go for less (than more):

The only burning question that I have, is what happens after 10+ years. Currently, I am 29. I don't want to wake up when I'm 40 and have a slew of issues with my dick.
I've read countless reports where people suddenly get hard nodules in their dick and that is essentially what I am worried about most.

I reached out to their team to see if they had any reports of patients that have had the procedure for over 10 years. They did provide me with a journal article that was written in 2016:

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It's says that the patients in the article received injections from 2007 - 2015.
My qualm with it, is that it doesn't actually state very clearly who actually had results for over 5+ years.
For example: Someone could have gotten an injection in 2015 and been considered a participant in the survey only 1 year later.

I, then, went to Google and just looked up the long-term effects of PMMA injections on any other part of the body and found some decent reports:
Example: 10 year study of PMMA injections in the butt:


A lot of these reports are dated as well as some of the big threads on these Phalloboards.

I am interested in seeing newer studies because in my mind, its been 4-5 years since the last recent studies and the techniques and materials should be improving, no?
I really want to commit and try PMMA but just want to find some account of people with PMMA injections post 10+ years.

Reading a post like this from 2011, just makes me more curious about someone that has had it for 10+ years and how its changing inside their body:

"Pmma does not have mutagenic properties. Your sperm will be fine. There are other concerns with pmma: chronic inflammation, granulomas, migration, and in some cases necrosis. I recommend you read through the main pmma thread, I know it's long, but it's your dick and if you value it you can take a few hours and read it. There is a large scale study posted on artefil (5 year follow up) that showed granuloma and side effects were rare, but keep in mind the study was funded by the manufacturer of artefill, so it is likely a little biased. Also casavantes, the physician forum members are seeing uses bioplasty, which is a different product of pmma than artefill. The forum does not currently have links to large scale studies on bioplasty. Researchers investigating pmma found the beads can change size over time in guenea pigs that were injected with pmma. Change in shape or size could cause migration, an inflammatory response, and granuloma formation. So even if the formulation is perfect and contain no impurities when you get injected, there is no guarentee that they will stay in the proper form, especially years from injection, evidence in guenea pig models shows it can change. Top USA dermatologist Arnold Klein argues against all permanent fillers including pmma, if you don't know him google him he is among the most well known dermatologists in the country. Also, there are mixed reviews regarding pmma if you surf physician boards, some approve of it and cite the artefill study, others (majority from the sites i've seen) are against it and feel the risks manifest themselves years later. It comes down to what studies you trust. Me personally, I put more weight towards the independently conducted studies regarding animals over the company funded study on people. The reason is that I have seen company funded research almost systematically be pro product regardless of field I have investigated: food additives, enviromental effects of a waste product, food container liners, ect. Read the studies and make sure you understand the results, then you should make your decision."
  • HA dermal fillers comparison.jpg

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Last edit: by lb44597. Reason: added a few thoughts

10+ years with PMMA injections? (difficulty finding any real, current use cases) 4 years 8 months ago #1308698021

The forum itself isn't 10 years old, so that's going to be a severely limiting factor in your quest to find cases over 10 years old! Though we do have one member @Smartman, who I think is about 12 years post procedure.

Most PMMA studies are pretty worthless in my opinion, as they tend to be done on the face. That means the PMMA is injected into the dermis itself, where there are more immune cells. So it's not really comparable with PMMA in the penis, where it's injected under the skin into the dartos layer.

But, from what I've observed, late onset complications tend to be much rarer than issues that arise soon after the procedure. Simply put, it's much more common for a guy to have an issue in the first few weeks, than to report an issue several years down the line. But that isn't to say we haven't seen issue's. A few guys have definitely reported inflammation several years post procedure. This seems to be largely or even completely limited to guys that have had several rounds or PMMA and made significant gains.

Ultimately, with any method of PE, there are risks. Of the permanent options, PMMA seems to easily have the lowest complication from my observation and I've probably observed more PE procedures than any non medical professional in the world!

The poster you quoted, @Sparticus, actually got PMMA himself in the end. Side note, he was a bit of a douche and nobody liked him.

But you aren't limited to permanent options. There are alternative fillers, such as HA or Ellanse, that absorb over time.

And of course, you don't have to do anything. If you are a decent size to start with, or if you life isn't significantly negatively impacted, by the size of your penis, then I always advise to just do nothing.

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10+ years with PMMA injections? (difficulty finding any real, current use cases) 4 years 8 months ago #1308698022

hoddle10 wrote: The forum itself isn't 10 years old

It will be in 4 months.. lol.

As for long-term risks, nothing I've seen has actually surfaced with respect to PMMA and its injections anywhere in the body, let alone in the penis. I took a risk knowing at a time (9 years ago) when there was far less information. With what's transpired since, I personally believe I made the right decision, but if you're very risk-averse, this may not be the option for you. This may also explain the popularity of temporary fillers like Ellanse & HA.

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10+ years with PMMA injections? (difficulty finding any real, current use cases) 4 years 8 months ago #1308698023

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Appreciate both your responses!

I am not super risk adverse but I also like to make calculated decisions. Based on lurking this forum for the last month or so and doing my own research, I want to move forwards with the procedure!

There seems to be a through line that when you get to a satisfactory point, don't push it further - which is going to be my plan.

I want to get my money up though so I can prepare for at least 2 sessions because it seems as though that is where people seem to be getting the best results.

In terms of my own personal life. My stats are:
BPEL: 5.8 - 6 (on the best day)
EG: ~4.4 on average

Way back in the day, I was pretty active on I was meticulous about a routine for over a year and a half and got little to no gains - which was deflating. It's been 5+ years since I've looked into anything like this but somehow I came across a reddit post related to PE and it led me to this forum, which led me down the rabbit hole.

I just want to get my Girth up and I'll be happy. There are certain positions where I just don't feel sex. Also in terms of confidence, I know it'll boost my confidence mentally.
If I cross 5, I'll be satisfied. If i get to 5.25 or 5.5, I'll be ecstatic.

That being said, I've learned through reading this forum though that is best to just let the doctor's do their thing and not to push them to a certain #.

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10+ years with PMMA injections? (difficulty finding any real, current use cases) 4 years 8 months ago #1308698449

I am not 10 years in yet, but I'm at 7. I have no issues and have retained my gains. My only regret with it is that I did not do it 10 years earlier.

I think it is great that you are asking guys for their long term experiences. It shows that you are concerned about how things will progress down the road. Kudos for that.

You can easily gain .75" with one round, but I tend to tell people to expect an additional round after you have the size you want. The reason for this is that you may possibly have some irregularities that you want addressed with a "touch up" round just to smooth everything out and make it as aesthetically pleasing as possible. However, it is possible that you could have one round, get excellent results, and call it a day.

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