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TOPIC: How’s sex life after enlargement (ligament release)?

How’s sex life after enlargement (ligament release)? 4 years 8 months ago #1308697711

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I was wondering how is sex life when having penis enlargement especially ligament release and Ofcourse Girth enlargement ? Since I have been eyeing on going to dr. Morganstern. But in general when it comes to ligament release did sex get worse or better and is what’s the risk of penis shortening ?

Since I’m getting conflict reports from penile being shorter than before to sex could be worse

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How’s sex life after enlargement (ligament release)? 4 years 7 months ago #1308697760

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How’s sex life after enlargement (ligament release)? 4 years 7 months ago #1308697761

I cant help you with ligament release but only with Girth enhancement. My wife was supportive of the Girth enhancement only to help with my own feelings of shortcomings and lack of confidence. Afterward she was impressed with what it did and was surprised how much better sex was after. She didnt expect to really notice much but after almost a .75" increase in Girth, I guess it had an eye opening effect.

I would say that if you already have a 5" or larger Girth I wouldnt worry too much about it, but anything below can be very helpful for confidence and overall feeling for the girl.

From a guys perspective, the feeling is more or less the same other than the confidence you gain in the bedroom. I would think lengthening surgery would have a similar effect from the man's perspective, but I dont believe the length would matter much for the woman. It seems the majority of the feeling comes from Girth.

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How’s sex life after enlargement (ligament release)? 4 years 7 months ago #1308697819

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Thanks, yea the confidence level is big thing but glad it has benefit for both parties

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How’s sex life after enlargement (ligament release)? 4 years 7 months ago #1308698119

I would really love to hear from anyone at all that has had this procedure done, I am very wary considering that they talk about having the side effect where you have to hold your penis in your hand during certain sexual positions, that sounds really weird and a bit alarming.

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How’s sex life after enlargement (ligament release)? 4 years 7 months ago #1308698126

gamblinsam wrote: I am very wary considering that they talk about having the side effect where you have to hold your penis in your hand during certain sexual positions, that sounds really weird and a bit alarming.

I'm not sure I've heard of this "side effect." There is allegedly old reports of a change in Erection angle (which is purely anecdotal & dated, how true it is I don't know but more recent reports don't suggest this to be common), but the idea of having to support your own penis post-op is new to me (and I simply don't buy it).

Where did you get this info if you don't mind me asking?

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How’s sex life after enlargement (ligament release)? 4 years 7 months ago #1308698136

oh really? I did talk to them on the phone and they said the change in erection angle is an unavoidable side effect of the surgery. I got the information from Dr. Carney's post here:

Where he describes the 'looseness' at the base of the penis after the procedure. When I spoke to the rep on the phone he said that you can't have normal sex in certain positions unless you hold your cock with your hand but although I tried asking him to describe it several times I wasn't really satisfied that I fully understood what I would be getting myself into in considering this procedure. Thus I really want to speak to someone, preferably a few people who have actually had it done. Is this very uncommon? I would think a lot of guys here would have done it, considering they charge $9800 for the procedure alone, but they bundle it into their girth procedures for 'only' $3000 more I would think a lot of guys would go for it.

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How’s sex life after enlargement (ligament release)? 4 years 7 months ago #1308698142

The way I understand ligament release is that it mainly helps with Flaccid length. You really cannot expect much in Erect length, maybe after a lot of stretching which you could likely gain without ligament release.

Have you considered just going with the Girth enhancement and working on length with other methods like extenders, Hanging, manual exercises, etc...? That may be a good route to consider as you will not have the drawbacks a ligament release may bring but it will obviously take more time.

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How’s sex life after enlargement (ligament release)? 4 years 7 months ago #1308698143

gamblinsam wrote: oh really? I did talk to them on the phone and they said the change in erection angle is an unavoidable side effect of the surgery. I got the information from Dr. Carney's post here:

Where he describes the 'looseness' at the base of the penis after the procedure. When I spoke to the rep on the phone he said that you can't have normal sex in certain positions unless you hold your cock with your hand but although I tried asking him to describe it several times I wasn't really satisfied that I fully understood what I would be getting myself into in considering this procedure. Thus I really want to speak to someone, preferably a few people who have actually had it done. Is this very uncommon? I would think a lot of guys here would have done it, considering they charge $9800 for the procedure alone, but they bundle it into their girth procedures for 'only' $3000 more I would think a lot of guys would go for it.

When I read your question initially, I pictured a guy always having to hold his dick to have functional insertion/coitus, perhaps I misunderstood.

As you can see in his answer (below), the degree of change (erection angle) in his opinion doesn't necessarily warrant concern and very select positions may pose a problem for recipients of lengthening surgery. I've been told by other practitioners who've also performed this procedure a multitude of times that reports and/or complaints of significant angle deviations are non-existent.

In other words, while there may (or may not) be a change in erection angle, the idea that such change would prove prohibitive of comfortable sex is something I haven't really come across much (if at all) in my time reading thousands of posts. I was a member of the Yahoo Phalloplasty Group, MyNewSize Forums, mid-2000's Thundersplace (when topic was more pravelent), and moderated nearly a decade of PhalloBoards; erection angle was "a thing," but I never came across anything that suggested it was "extreme" or "undesirable."

Then again, how risk-averse are you? There isn't anything saying that a small percentage of lengthening patients aren't prone to complication or severe angle deviation... or heck, even the paradoxical shortening due to scar tissue buildup (yes, that's something I've read before). I suppose if "her-on-top" is your thing, as Dr. Carney points out, you may have more reason to care, otherwise it seems more-or-less benign to me.

For what it's worth, I've had to use my finger at the base of my shaft for a number of sexual feats and I haven't even had lengthening surgery lol. I'll be quite frank, I could use some length but I'm still very much on the fence about the procedure. Flaccid gains are far more reliable than length gains (which are also dependent on the use of a stretching device post-op), and despite having access to many authentic reports, I still feel like the sample size (of progress reports) are too insufficient for me to "pull the trigger." I'm going to first work on my fat pad and see if that yields any length before re-considering this procedure type.

For me personally, the risks of undergoing a surgery (of any type, but especially one that is elective), may not necessarily be worth erect length gains short of an inch. Personally, I feel like these are best for the under-average & micro designated patients, but I'm not judging those with longer endowments for their decision to consider the procedure regardless. That all said, erection angle was probably toward the bottom of my "concerns list" when having considered this option and will likely remain toward the bottom when I re-consider (short of any new revelations).

There is a recent lengthening progress report that's being updated regularly, I advise PM'ing the author of that thread for more info as well.

Excerpt from your link:
The fear of a significant change in erect angle while standing up is most often promulgated by doctors who don’t perform penile lengthening procedures. The angle changes 5-20 degree’s depending upon your present angle when standing up straight. It drops more on a percentage basis if your engorgement points near straight upward and less if you’re presently situated me straight ahead. Most men are prone on a bed when erect and never notice that difference.

A bigger consideration for some if the subsequent “looseness” at the base of the shaft following a ligament release. While most sexual positions are still fine in this state, the force of a partner coming down at an angle as with “cowgirl and reverse cowgirl” are challenging without putting your fingers at the base of the penis to add support. Thus, if “rodeo” sex is your favorite pastime, you need to think long and hard before considering a penile lengthening procedure.


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Last edit: by Skeptical_One.

How’s sex life after enlargement (ligament release)? 4 years 7 months ago #1308698145

Change in Erection angle isn't my concern at all. It's the 'softness' at the base of the penis that the doctor describes that concerns me. Yes the post says it only comes into play when the girl is on top. The thing is personally I can't think of anything about that position that would make it any different than other positions in terms of the amount of stress or force on my Cock, and the concept that it is somehow 'weakened'in some manner which is difficult to describe makes me uncomfortable.

I have however been attempting to use extenders for two years now and haven't gained a thing and really do want that Inch : P

The representative told me that achieving anything less than a one Inch gain in Erection length (2 inches Flaccid) is extremely rare.

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