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TOPIC: Dr. Ivan aguilar

Dr. Ivan Aguilar 5 years 2 days ago #1308696574

@Skeptical one What do you know about
Dr. Ivan Aguilar and his PE practice now that he's away from Dr. C? I contacted him regarding lengthing procedure + scrotal webbing Removal.
What are your thoughts and or suggestions on the best dr in Mexico for this?

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Last edit: by Skeptical_One.

Dr. Ivan aguilar 5 years 2 days ago #1308696579

He sounds like he learned his lengthening technique from Dr Perovic, which makes sense as he trained many of the world srs Dr's and Aquilar offers srs surgery.

I don't think this is a good option for someone with PMMA. In fact, I think degloving is a terrible option for virtually anyone wanting a lig cut.

Reading his Girth options, he sounds like one of the kind of opportunists who work with the likes of Dan Salas. They basically offer pretty much every option going instead of specializing in a procedure they truly believe in. For example. if a Dr truly believed in fillers, why would he also offer Alloderm and Dermal Grafts? It makes no sense. Why offer highly invasive surgery, with a high complication rate, that require a long and arduous recovery, if you get good results with fillers? I've only ever seen brokers like Salas encourage Dr's, with limited experience, to do this kind of thing.

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Dr. Ivan aguilar 5 years 2 days ago #1308696580

I actually called today and he said he's only doing FFT for Girth because the other fillers causes complications. I asked about PMMA and he said he doesn't recommend it but if that's what a patient wants then he'll do it. Lengthing, webb reduction and pubic lipo he does also. He said he does more sex changes than anything. I'm not looking to get degloved lol and he was actually straight up and told me he wouldn't do any other Girth filler on me besides FFT or PMMA which i already have. He said because with the skin grafts and other wraps it would cause a reaction with the PMMA. So i have to give him credit on his honesty.

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Dr. Ivan aguilar 5 years 2 days ago #1308696581

Lexus27 wrote: @Skeptical one What do you know about
Dr. Ivan aguilar and his PE practice now that he's away from dr.c? I contacted him regarding lengthing procedure + scrotal webbing Removal.
What are your thoughts and or suggestions on the best dr in Mexico for this?

I'm not sure I understand... this Dr. Aguilar is "now away from Dr. C" but I don't think he's ever worked with Dr. C prior. Am I misunderstanding the context? I'm not familiar with him or his work and to Hoddle's comments, I would be curious to know if he has any affiliation with Dan --> which would disqualify him in my opinion.

I know that Dr. Camacho might perform some of what you're looking for but I can't say for certain how good he is (he may no longer be working with Dan Salas, which is a plus if confirmed 100%). I'm not terribly familiar with anyone in Mexico that offers both lengthening + scrotal webbing Removal who's also legit and well-established. That would be more of a state-side thing. That isn't to say there aren't some legit practitioners in Mexico offering those services, however, I'm afraid what information is available is limited.

*Note: This isn't just for Lexus but all contributing members: be mindful of formal names, especially given the medical context of this forum; This topic was originally titled "Dr. Ivan aguilar" and the "a" in "aguilar" needs to be capitalized, such that it reads "Aguilar." I notice other members sometimes doing this, where they will type something like dr c or droates. Simply unacceptable, especially since some of the doctors discussed here have offered to chime in from time-to-time.
Let me make clear no one asked me about this and this is something I've enforced from Day 1 of PhalloBoards. This isn't a mark on your account Lexus, I'm just using this as an opportunity to remind readers about what I expect from the discussion content.
I went ahead and edited the topic title and your original post to correct those errors.

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Last edit: by Skeptical_One.

Dr. Ivan aguilar 5 years 2 days ago #1308696583

Lexus27 wrote: I actually called today and he said he's only doing fft for girth because the other fillers causes complications. I asked about pmma and he said he doesn't recommend it but if that's what a patient wants then he'll do it. Lengthing, webb reduction and pubic lipo he does also. He said he does more sex changes than anything. I'm not looking to get degloved lol and he was actually straight up and told me he wouldn't do any other girth filler on me besides fft or pmma which i already have. He said because with the skin grafts and other wraps it would cause a reaction with the pmma. So i have to give him credit on his honesty.

That's why i don't think he's a good option for someone wanting the lig cut, especially with pmma.

"For penile lengthening we dissect the penis for a degloving of the penis,"

Dr Perovic performed lig cuts via degloving and he was a world expert in sex change surgeries, hence I suspect Dr Aguilar may have trained with Perovic.

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Dr. Ivan aguilar 5 years 2 days ago #1308696584

Heard you loud and clear SO. My apologies for the grammar error.

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Dr. Ivan aguilar 5 years 2 days ago #1308696585

Oh ok, I see what you mean. On his site he's stating that the lig cut is done together with the degloving to add any filler? Am I correct?

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Last edit: by Lexus27.

Dr. Ivan aguilar 5 years 2 days ago #1308696586

I think he's just describing how he performs the lig cut regardless of whether he's combining it with Girth work. Though he certainly wouldn't add filler when degloving.

I just googled his name and Perovic and it links back to his website:

"The procedure is named for its founder, Dr. Kim of Seoul, Korea. Dr. Kim studied extensively with Professor Sava Perovic MD PhD (now deceased), who was a critical figure in the advancement of FTM surgeries. Before Dr. Rados Djinovic joined the Sava Perovic Team, Dr. Kim was the surgeon who accompanied and supported Professor Perovic when he demonstrated FTM genital surgeries in other countries"

As soon as I read he degloves the penis to do a lig cut, I knew he'd be connected to Perovic in some way.

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Dr. Ivan aguilar 5 years 2 days ago #1308696588

Yes I've read the same. However I just spoke with him again in regards to the degloving and he said he only degloves the penis for the grafts and integra mesh. He's no longer performing these procedures because of the poor results long term. However I just was wondering if any experience veterans knew of him. Also my apologies for assuming he worked with
DR. Casavantes in the past. I had him mixed up with I Casavantes after care worker. Thanks @hoddle10. Always informative

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Dr. Ivan aguilar 3 years 5 months ago #1308704927

How did the FFT worked for you ? I would be so thankful If you can tell how many cm you gained in gird and length .
I'm looking to get this procedures done . Would you recommended? since you already had it . Do you still have good erections ?

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