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TOPIC: DHT success?

DHT success? 13 years 8 months ago #1269324121

I have been reading on here that some of you have had success with DHT. I am surprised by this because I used gobs of andractim (the only DHT jel I could find) for weeks and got no growth. For the guys who got results what were they? Did you use andtractim, if so how much and how often?

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DHT success? 13 years 7 months ago #1269341347

Jackalot - I have been one of those guys that have some \"success\" with DHT if it can be called that.

For me at least, I have been doing a combination of DHT and a manual PE routine since the end of February. Somewhere between the stretching, pumping and the DHT I have gained .5 inches in Erect length(NPEL). I started at 4.5 and now I\'m up to 5. What, if any, can be attributed to the DHT I cannot honestly say. It seems that DHT is hit and miss with people as to what result they obtain. Maybe most of it is just due to getting the hormone levels back to normal and getting better erections? I am not going to claim that the DHT is the main reason behind my success, but I THINK it might have helped to date though. I apply the DHT 4 times per day making sure it is fully rubbed in and dried. I then usually put an AutoXleeve ADS on. The sleeve seems to help with the asorbtion.

I have not tried just using the DHT by itself. I do know that the DHT has restored my hormone levels and made my libidio come back to a late 20\'s level. I still use it, and at least for me will continue to do so. I will continue to do my manual PE routine also. I have not seen any gains in the last month though outside of pumping. I am have started Hanging quite a bit more in order to try and change that.


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DHT success? 13 years 7 months ago #1269685937

I think you need HGH or igf1 along with a test cream. I think you can use about any test cream as well. I\'ve used DHT gel and had some success but i was combining HGH. i\'m going to run mechano growth factor with 1AD 4AD cream and transdermal nitric oxide in 2 weeks. You should cycle DHT creams for 14 days as that is when they throw off your hypothalamus:testosterone ratios which include estrogen. to get levels back to normal you have to wait or take HCG and nolvadex for a couple weeks.

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DHT success? 13 years 7 months ago #1269686014

the reason i say you can use any test cream is because when we\'re in puberty we don\'t have some strange higher DHT hormones. We simply have testosterone which creates estrogen and is needed to maintain proper ratios and i believe more growth. Estrogen makes tissues much more pliable and that\'s a big factor in pubertal growth. You can get over the counter testosterone supplement creams for $30 that will work. Don\'t do what I did and spend $80 on andractim that just ended up shutting down my testes faster and screwing up my natural ratios. now i\'m struggling with energy levels while i restore my natural ratio.on this same topic i think transdermal nitric oxide is a great addition.PGE1 or caverject or edex is going to be my foundational supplement starting in two weeks. the plan is to get enough PGE1 to exhaust the tunica daily and use the other supplements to speed healing.

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DHT success? 13 years 6 months ago #1269769429

I was talking with a buddy of mine the other day. He has two boys, 5 and 6 years old. He went to the dr. to get a prescription to keep his hair. During our conversation he said \"The doc said that DHT is what\'s causing me to go bald.\" I agreed with him and said that I had heard that was a big cause. He went on with \"yeah, he explained that it\'s also what causes your penis to grow in puberty, but then turns on you as you get older. Little DHT, small. Lots of DHT, huge. You know, I might be tempted to give my boys DHT when they get there. You can actually buy the stuff. I\'ll have two swinging studs that will have a hell of a good time in high school and college.\" I simply replied with \"You\'re and idiot. Give me a beer.\"

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DHT success? 13 years 6 months ago #1269802387

I\'ve thought about using this stuff but I\'m worried I\'ll get MPB. There\'s not much history of MPB on either my father\'s or mother\'s side of the family but I still don\'t want to risk inducing it.

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DHT success? 13 years 6 months ago #1269852922

wher do get the DHT cream?

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DHT success? 13 years 6 months ago #1269853291

Pasted the link for you guys. I am currently in an off cycle and will switch to a Test treatment once I\'ve gone through the rest of the tubes I have. I personally haven\'t had any issues with MPB though.

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DHT success? 13 years 6 months ago #1269853889

I\'ve covered this over and over. DHT will NOT cause an increase in penile growth. Period. It may cause a temporary increase in EQ and libido. Growth of the penis due to topical application of DHT will only occur in pubescent boys attributable to DHT receptors in the spongy penile tissue still being highly active. Androgenic alopecia will be accelerated with use of DHT. If you are prone to male pattern baldness, you will see an increase in hair loss while on DHT. If you are not genetically predisposed, you are at no risk of losing hair and can not \"acquire\" male pattern baldness. Please use the search feature. I have many posts regarding this matter. I had a hair transplant in order to combat my hereditary hair loss. Penile growth with DHT is a lie.

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DHT success? 13 years 6 months ago #1269853988

Also, you are better off using testosterone for HRT (hormone replacement therapy). The benefits are greater. DHT is an extremely potent androgen and does play an important role in the body; especially with regard to the penis. Increasing DHT will be of little benefit. Try Google. Type in Propecia and erectile dysfunction and see what you get! Inhibiting DHT is bad for your penis. Increasing DHT is bad for your body (unless you are deficient). Healthy testosterone levels will increase libido, lipolysis, increase muscle mass, Erection spontaneity and firmness, etc. Ignore this information at your own peril. You will hurt your body and your wallet.

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DHT success? 13 years 6 months ago #1269855287


I agree. What an idiot.

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DHT success? 13 years 6 months ago #1269856870

I actually agree with M7 on this, I think the \"gains\" I saw before were due to an improved Erection quality and have posted elsewhere to this effect. However for me, the DHT did give me one heck of a libido boost for awhile along with a bunch more energy, better muscle mass, etc... It doesn\'t seem to be as effective anymore which is part of why I am taking M7\'s advice (mostly) and going with a test cream. It is also expensive as hell. I\'ve dropped a couple grand on this since I started.

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DHT success? 13 years 6 months ago #1269894658

Good move. Just make sure to have your hormone levels checked by an experienced endocrinologist to ensure they are within normal and safe levels. (Also, with DHT, it is necessary to cycle as your body will adjust over time and androgen receptors are not as responsive.) Don\'t forget to exercise!

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DHT success? 13 years 6 months ago #1270036196

Is this guy onto something or just crazy?

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DHT success? 13 years 6 months ago #1270123777

Yes, Ronni has been doing this for some time. he has had considerable gains.. Since he is in the escorting business he can definitely use that hard on for hours every time he injects himself lol But then he has said that his growth has stalled.

Dr. Adam\'s Clinic in Tororonto doesnt advertise anything about penis enhancement anymore. I understand he stopped doing any of that altogether.

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