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TOPIC: Penile erect Lengthening

Penile erect Lengthening 6 years 7 months ago #1304565356

Penis Erect lengthening tissue growthHello, this is my first post on PhalloBoards, and in the begining i want to say hi to all of you, and to say that this post is about the subject that really matters in PE: Erect lengthening of the penis. I had a similar post on Thunder Place, but it didn't quite land there.I think i had read about any little possibility about PE, especially lengthen the Erect state, none of them with good results. All about the classic Phalloplasty procedure, Sava Perovic procedure, the forearm attachemet procedure developed by a Russian surgeon (acclaimed at the time in 2004 by Dr. Atala himself), chemical PE, and all the other articles and reviews that you can find online. I had visited a very well known plastic surgeon in my country, and he said that the standard ligaments cut procedure will not help me at all. In my tremendous search, i had also read about Anthony Atala, no further reason to say who he is, i think you all know about him and his researches! In an interview, he menaged to explain the future procedure that will use his tehnique, about penile transplant and he said that at first, it will create some parts of the penis and not the whole organ, the outside of body part to be precise. In this logic, it will be possible to establish a standard procedure in creating artificial extra tissue using 3D printer ( like in the case of rabbits) or donor tissue, that can be placed in the body of the penis near the glans for extra length, and can be used in the cases of men who want to lengthen the Erect state of the penis. The funding for the research in penile reconstruction, transplant and tissue growth artificially, was made by the US Army Institute, to target the war veterans at first. The fundings were about 350 million dollars, and that is a lot of money. But, in my opinion an amount of 50 million dollars would be easily raised in a form of International funding structure, in which we can all donate about 2 or 3 dollars, so that 25 to 40 million men would participate, so we can help to bust the tehnique international implementation, and to make our presence (it is just outrageous that the medical world only talks about veterans, men that lost their penile tissue or conditions like micropenises, etc.
It is somewhat out of my imagination, how is it even possible that we still do not have a standard procedure to lengthen the Erect state of the penile tissue, and to be available for almost anybody around the world, moneywise. ( like in the case of breast implants for women) ; i am sure that even on this forum there are at least a couple of thounsands men that would pay 20.000, 30.000 or more for a lengthening of 4-5 cm, i would be one of them (i am little over 18 cm BPSL, but in Erect state 16.5 cm, not the smallest but i am down about it). I would gladly put pictures on this website but I am not sure If it would be posiible since PhalloBoards requests membership for everything.If you take a look at the penis section you can see that this is very hard to do, but let's face it, the interest in the field is almost nonexistent: we can clonate, make mouse eggs from stem cells and many other stuff like that, but we still cannot find a procedure to solve the existential problem for men: lengthen the Erect state.So, in the end i would really apreaciate if you cand find the time to think about it for a moment, and ask yourself two questions:
1)Would it be outrageous to think that we can raise largely amounts of money in a funding structure, worldwide marketed and promoted? I really do not think so, i think all the guys that would hear about it will donate at least 1 dollar, if the fundation is targeted just for genital reconstruction wich implies also the penile lenghtening. To let them know we are here, we exist and we really want to change ourselves and the perception of the medical world about the normal penile dimensions. TO REALLY MAKE A STATEMENT
2) Would it be hard to have the most respected researchers and surgeons to include us in the targeted spectrum of their future tehniques, and maybe in the future to associate their status with a fundation like that?Once again, i am new here, so if the post does not match the Thread category, is inappropriate or misplaced, i am asking the admins to remove it. But i really want your opinion about it, because this is an important community that contains many men.

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Penile erect Lengthening 6 years 7 months ago #1304589460

The problem is stigma and ROI (return in investment) about this subject. I think eventually they will have a safe and effective procedures for Erect gains, but it will take time beyond our lifetime, may be in 20-30 years....I may be flying with spirits by then. ?

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Penile erect Lengthening 6 years 7 months ago #1304591188

I think there\'s a ton of money to be made for anybody coming up with a procedure that could guarantee a 2 Inch gain in Erect length. I\'d gladly pay a substantial amount of money to have my penis lengthened by 2 inches (Flaccid and Erect). If someone could come up with the money for a venture like that, I\'m sure a solution could be found and made available to the public. The penis is such a complex organ, though, it won\'t be easy.

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Penile erect Lengthening 6 years 7 months ago #1304597120

One of the main reasons why this lack of a procedure developed in this area, besides the complexity of the penile shaft itself, is the fact that you just cannot find a way to approach the subject without attract amusement. It is not like the case of women masectomies or ovarian cancer or so, in which you can find lots of empathy.

In the case of man who lose their penis or men who have abnomalies or other problems redarding the shape or size of their genitalia, it is just a tragic life experience because first of all there is no empathy but lots of awkwardness that eventually turn into social exclusion.

Now, talking about a future procedure that will use the techniques developed by Wake Forest, i think it is a matter of time (cca. 10 years) untill they use 3d printed tissue or donor tissue decelluralised, and merge it with the penile transplantation microsurgery technique, which is available, successful and graphichally detailed on web (youtube also).

Their first study will finish in the year 2025, with those 5 patients that will receive penile transplantation with donor tissue and own cells printed; i think it will be a breakthrough there because from what i saw, the patients will only receive 6 months of immuno suppressive treatment, wich is a milestone in transplantaion of any kind.

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Penile erect Lengthening 6 years 7 months ago #1304600234

Mustang2020 wrote: The problem is stigma and ROI (return in investment) about this subject. I think eventually they will have a safe and effective procedures for Erect gains, but it will take time beyond our lifetime, may be in 20-30 years....I may be flying with spirits by then. ?

Do you think that a few hundreds millions will not return in investment, after an effective method for BPEL increasement will be finally available on the market? Even if this procedure will cost 1$ for 1 patient, it\'s still will be profitable for investors as f#ck. Every f#cking man on Earth would want to pay to make his own penis longer. We\'re pay thousands dollars for plastick microspheres in our dicks, without even knowing about long-term outcomes just to make the shaft of the penis somehow thicker. And that\'s it.People literally commites suicides because there\'s no solution for small Erect length and they\'re doomed to live with this. What should to do a guy with, let\'s say, 4.5\" BPEL? Go to Dr.C to make his \"near to micro\" Dick even more comical in front of woman? Not to mention about obsessed ones, who would have sold their own kidney for payment for 2 extra inches of Erect length. I myself would pay 100 000$ for effective procedure that make my penis 2\" longer. And how many other people with outcome more than 1$ mln per year? They would easily paid for this even 1$ mln.

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Penile erect Lengthening 6 years 7 months ago #1304600693

I know There is a market for sure. It is just that investors at this time may not take a chance.

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Penile erect Lengthening 6 years 7 months ago #1304617559

Everyone knows that this is a potential huge market. I mean really HUGE market. With a potential profit much bigger than Apple + Microsoft + Google per year all together. Now is 3.5 billion mans on Earth. Ok, leave of those who\'re too young or too old and we still have at least 2 billions of mans. How many of them hung like a horse and don\'t want and don\'t need to make their penises bigger? And how many mans on the other side which have small/average size + guys with micropenises? Obviously that the latter group is significantly bigger. So we have ~2 billions of potential clients of a future possible method for Erect length enhancement. If this will cost only 1000$ it\'s already a 2 trillion dollars profit! Do you realise what profit can be made for investors? And what if cost of this procedure will be way more that 10 000$? Potential profit just incredible.- Huge 2 billions market of potential patients/clients: check
- Huge demand for an option that doesn\'t exists at this time: check
- Zero competition/zero alternatives for this, hence future \"product\" with no doubts will be a monopoly on the market for many years: checkAfter all of this, why in the middle of 2018 we\'re still don\'t have any options for Erect length enhancement?

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Penile erect Lengthening 6 years 7 months ago #1304624066

It is just because it is too damn hard to make a safe yet invasive procedure on the internal penile shaft. At Wake Forest they are working on it since 1992.
After the next 7 years after their penile transplant program, maybe things will get easier and we can find ways to imply the new techniques in the Erect lengthening of the penile shaft; but in case it will be available, it will be a very invasive surgery and so expensive at first (maybe in the range of 50.000 $), judging this to the fact that a penis transplant is around 400.000 $ at this time).

I will make a post in the upcoming days maybe on this thread as a message or open another thread, in which i describe exactly how this endeavor can be approached and developed in a form of entity (foundation or private company), and also describe ways to develop partnerships with Research Institutes and private companies in the field of bioengineering.

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