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TOPIC: Any updates on Priapus shot?

Any updates on Priapus shot? 11 years 4 months ago #1279517453

So guys,
I have seen that the Priapus shot is pretty easy to get now, you can get it in a lot of clinic\'s throughout the US now. I still do not believe most of the size claims but the theory still is intriguing and I can see that you may get some results and a harder healthier penis. I may get it just to see if there are any benefits I have a consultation this monday. (I am worried that it will be full of marketing and turn me off from the shot) But I will let you know if it does anything for me. If anyone else has had it please feel free to comment. Basicly I have only seen 4 post any where of people who had it, one was marketing, the other was someone who had damage ( the shot helped) other two said no gains or minimal gains.

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Any updates on Priapus shot? 11 years 4 months ago #1279524962

I had the shot in February. In San Diego with a Dr. Villanueva. Definitely no size increase but yes a Healthier appearance and overall penis. Erections much more frequent after procedure and better quality. I am actually considering doing procedure again early next year. To be fair, I did slack off on pumping post procedure which is what is asked to help see maximum gains with the shot. Overall procedure was worth it for me but didn\'t see gains. What did bother me was as soon as procedure was done Dr never followed up to see how procedure was overall for me. In a new procedure where you are making claims patients are seeing gains of at least an Inch in Girth and length, shouldn\'t you check to see what gains a patient had??

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Any updates on Priapus shot? 11 years 4 months ago #1279557183

After the consultation I still am not sure, they charge 1,900 bucks that is a lot for something I have yet to hear works. However everyone seems to say it has helped in some way. I am not sure.

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Any updates on Priapus shot? 11 years 4 months ago #1279561933

There seems to be more clinics out there now so I guess it at least has some effect.
The method has been out there for a while now. How come not more people are
writing about it? Strange

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Any updates on Priapus shot? 11 years 4 months ago #1279563698

It sounds good in theory, doesn\'t seem to do any harm and there are a lot of rich men in America. Those are the reasons clinics are offering this. Men are so desperate they will take a punt, even though there is little, if any, evidence that this works. The only positives I\'ve heard from it are things like better Erection quality, which is a common occurrence among guys who pump. Yet as part of the Priapus shot guys have to do a pumping regime. I really think this is nothing more than a scam.

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Any updates on Priapus shot? 11 years 4 months ago #1279583626

OK thanks

Didn\'t believe many doctors had that kind of hard skin to play with others penises.

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Any updates on Priapus shot? 11 years 4 months ago #1279585174

It is sad too because this is the type of work that needs to be looked into. Making the Penis grow on its own.

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Any updates on Priapus shot? 11 years 3 months ago #1280142918

Mustang mentioned on another thread that Dr. Runnels has an \"improved\" version of the Priapus Shot.

Mustang, if you read this, just curious about what new ingredient Dr. Runnels added to the mix? I believe at one time he added Acell, but from what I understand it didn\'t seem to improve the results. Were you referring to Acell in when you mentioned the improved version or is this something different? Thanks.

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Any updates on Priapus shot? 11 years 2 months ago #1280436704

Anyone else have something to add? I am surprised more people havent given the shot a go, it seems like one of the least risky. Maybe the risk of paying to get nothing is a risk none of us want to take lol.

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Any updates on Priapus shot? 11 years 2 months ago #1280452436

acu wrote: Mustang mentioned on another thread that Dr. Runnels has an \"improved\" version of the Priapus Shot.

Mustang, if you read this, just curious about what new ingredient Dr. Runnels added to the mix? I believe at one time he added Acell, but from what I understand it didn\'t seem to improve the results. Were you referring to Acell in when you mentioned the improved version or is this something different? Thanks.

Correct...Acelll it was, not sure of any new stuff.. I have tried to talk to him personally but our schedules never synch\'d.

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Any updates on Priapus shot? 8 years 2 months ago #1294133935

I had it done 3 weeks ago. I am not gonna comment on results before the 2 month mark.. But even now my Dick is meatier and feels fatter. Then again this might be from the pumping..

The guy above who said he saw no results - for now I would assume it was because you didn\'t follow the pumping protocol.. The only way one would get the \"side effect of enlargement\" (as it is really presented) is if you cause \"damage\" to the tissues which would be then recovered by the activated plattels, well the stem cells in them. So without the damage there won\'t be stem cell differentiation -> Repair -> and growth.

The \"side effect\" - Ph shot is NOT marketed as PE and if anyone does - they are in the wrong. P-shot I\'d a treatment to help with ED and improves orgasmed. To that I can attest it freaking works! The PE was observed as side effect in people who properly followed the pumping protocol. So in couple months I\'ll let you know if I got the side effect. I sure home I will..

The groomers and the trolls that immediately dismiss things as scam and shit - first do some research before you speak - makes you look bad. And why not many people get yet - we\'ll maybe it\'s because it is FREAKING EXPENSIVE well for me it is at least.

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Any updates on Priapus shot? 8 years 2 months ago #1294138885

i have done the p-shot 6 times, no increase in size or Girth but i do have stronger erections

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Any updates on Priapus shot? 8 years 2 months ago #1294139084

We are about to start offering it. It has taken us a while to get a PRP machine that I believed created proper PRP. We are ordering it next week. The pain is it costs us $350+ in kit to make the PRP. But I double we will be charging $1900US!. I think it is more for quality erections, orgasm. Maybe with pumping there could be some size - it would be good to see some studies.

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Any updates on Priapus shot? 8 years 2 months ago #1294139939

Doc, how often would it be needed or is it a one-off thing?

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Any updates on Priapus shot? 8 years 2 months ago #1294150114

we offer micro needling at our office so we needed a centrifuge and such, so i was the natural guinea pig for trying PRP. to be honest i do it once a month, with pumping directly afterwards. i must say though, it stings like a m***%$#@**-f**&%$@* in the head!

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