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Silicone implants are an option \"very widespread\" for men who have suffered testicular cancer and whose therapeutic option has been the extirpation of it, which causes an \"important\" psychological impact on men.
\" For years we have received requests from many men concerned about the size of their testicles and with a real complex that prevents them from enjoying a serene and satisfying intimate life ,\" said Dr. Abecassis.
For this reason, Abecassis and Athmani have developed this new silicone implant to improve the scrotal sac through a prosthesis that preserves the function, anatomy and physiology of the existing testicles.
\"In this case, it is not a matter of replacing or supplying the absence of the testicles with a silicone prosthesis, but of increasing the scrotal volume leaving the healthy testicle intact,\" explained Abecassis. In addition, the shape of the implant adapts \" perfectly \" to the testicle and is fixed within the thin skin that surrounds the inside of the scrotum, called the tunica vaginalis.
20 patients have already been treatedDoctors Abecassis and Athmani have treated with this aesthetic technique, a pioneer in Europe, about 20 patients with \"very satisfactory\" results. The surgery, which is performed on an outpatient basis under local or general anesthesia, lasts approximately 1 hour and in it a short and discrete incision is made, leaving the scar hidden in the crease of the scrotum, and the implants, as well as those used for breast augmentation, do not cause rejection.
The score of patients operated so far indicates that the path followed is shown as appropriate. \"The new implant shows very positive results so far.We think that this new procedure should be added to the therapeutic arsenal of surgeons specialized in genital aesthetic reconstruction and should benefit from the contributions of each one of us in order to improve it, \"said Abecassis.