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Searched for: ellanse
11 Jan 2017 17:50
I thought Oates was using Voluma.
11 Jan 2017 17:42

I wonder when Ellanse started to be used in the penis? There might be some long term patients out there with reviews on the product?
11 Jan 2017 15:49
The dartos layer is deeper and there are less immune cells than in the skin, so the chances of a similar reaction in the penis should be less in my opinion. That was always the theory with PMMA and that seems to have proven to be true. We\'ve seen lots of issues with lumps, but no real, red violent reactions we read about on general plastic surgery forums of patients who had it injected into wrinkles.
11 Jan 2017 15:20
Ohhh shit! I hope I don\'t end up like that
On the upside I had a very small amount
11 Jan 2017 14:21

Ellanse L is the 3 year product.
I had 2 mls of Ellanse M (2 year) in my face and was a big mistake. Having used both Sulptra and fillers in the past I was excited to get the best of both worlds with Ellanse - something that give a instant result and something that grows (so to speak) giving it longevity. It was all happy sailing for the first year, a firm smooth and even result but after the first 12-18 months I found the product getting hard and pulling together in lumps. Now 2.5 years on the product has not yet started to break down and very much hard lumps under the skin. It will sometimes flare up and get swollen and red...nothing huge but an obvious blemish which I need to cover with makeup once in a while. The biggest issue I have with it now is that the lumps are heavy and not only migrating south under the skin but also weighing down the area it was intended to lift.
I have had it looked at by the clinic I went too as well as 2 separate doctors (all of whom have experience with Ellanse, they have all discontinued using the product as they found it unpredictable) and unfortunately they have advised me to ride it out as disturbing it further may do more harm than good.
Obviously Ellanse in the penis is a different application altogether and I do hope it gets a better result. I guess if hard lumps did appear it might even me more pleasurable for a partner?!?
I\'d be keen to hear how this product goes long term.
11 Jan 2017 12:38
It\'s the 3 year version. I\'m not sure which one that is. That was exactly my situation..... I don\'t want to end up obsessed with complications....
11 Jan 2017 09:54
Great news!
Did you have Ellanse E ?
I\'ve got Ellanse m in my face at the moment, in fairly impressed with it
If someone is too scared to have pmma Ellanse maybe the best option.
11 Jan 2017 08:00
So, after doing 2 rounds of Cymetra and it completely dissolving after about 4 months each time I decided to take a new approach. I went to Australia and got Ellanse with Dr. Oates. The results thus far are way beyond my expectations. I got 14ml and am going tomorrow for another 6ml. I\'m gonna wait until after then to post any pictures. In an effort to respect the doctor\'s craft, I want to wait til it\'s a completed procedure. The Cymetra moved a lot over the first 2 days so it was tricky getting it to settle right. This stuff does not move and does feel a lot firmer. Well worth the money and pain in the ass travel.
08 Jan 2017 03:22

Tropical1994 wrote: reklaw all you ever do is bash every method besides ellanse (which is by no means safe or proven), really annoying

Actually I've got it completely wrong about Fat, go ahead and have 70 ml injected, you'll really enjoy it.
08 Jan 2017 03:22
its like he had one or more procedures that went totally fucked up as far as i\'ve read, but still thinks he can dictate what options other people go for or try and justify a reason for them not to get it done, but yeah go and get a 3 year lasting filler that you know nothing about and literally has no profile for phalloplasty whatsoever, just because it lasts longer than other options.maybe ellanse is the future, but no need to discredit everything that you dont like, maybe not everyone wants to put synthetic fillers into their dicks
08 Jan 2017 03:22
yeah thats fair enough, but i want an honest review of it, not from a guy who hasnt even had fat transfer but bashes it anywhere it appears.

in regards to ellanse, i\'m not saying its unsafe, but there isnt any literature to say it is safe for use in the penis.
08 Jan 2017 03:22
Tropical, Reklaw is simply sharing his opinion, which he has every right to do. This is a forum. That is his opinion on fft. You have yours, which you can freely share here as well.

As for your statement regarding Ellanse, can you share the information you found stating that it\'s \"unsafe?\"
08 Jan 2017 03:22
reklaw all you ever do is bash every method besides ellanse (which is by no means safe or proven), really annoying
29 Dec 2016 05:44
George Ibrahim
Have you thought about going on a Porsche forum and stating \"You\'ve got it all wrong Lada\'s are the best best\"
The reason this forum exists is because fat injection doesn\'t work, dont embarrass yourself any further by claiming you have some \"superior technique\"
FYI PMMA, Ellanse and HA are all better than fat, infact there\'s no comparison.
14 Dec 2016 15:09

Dexterphall wrote:
Interesting re \"Ellanse\" can it be dissolved like HA if something goes wrong?

How\'s it priced comparative to Juverderm Voluma?

Importantly, have you dared to go on holiday or something , 7 days with no contact from Dr Oates.

I\'m getting information withdrawal symptoms.

Ellanse can not be dissolved, but the collagen reaction to it can be reduced with steroid injections. It is more expensive than Voluma - we have done a trial at $400/ml.
Yes went sailing, racing, won.
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