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Searched for: Renuva
02 Jul 2022 10:34

hebert1234 wrote: So what is the approximate price of Renuva?

Because prices are subject to change, it would be best to contact their Clinic directly for current pricing.

For contact info, visit
01 Jul 2022 05:45
01 Jul 2022 05:26
I am not familiar with Megafill (although sounds interesting), but Renuva is a matrix made up of fat growth factors such as adiponectin and other growth factors. I hesitate to use the term "permanent" as even surgical procedures are not permanent because your body still ages with time and the cosmesis will therefore change with time eventually. However since these are NEW adipocytes that are created and formed, I would like to think these adipocytes (fat cells) do not "die" similar to the adipocytes that we are born with do NOT die unless we purposely remove them (via liposuction, lipolysis, kybella, etc). The inventory during Covid for Renuva was very scant but I have been given the green light to order as much Renuva as I need, so this supply chain bottleneck should no longer be an issue.
01 Jul 2022 02:07
As I know,If renuva is a dermal matrix, it should be a semi-permanent material, which doctors in Korea call megafill, and it usually lasts 2-5 years.
14 Jun 2022 19:13
I'm waiting for Dr. Tsay to provide me with his Restylane Lyft for $5500 for 10 mL Summer 2022 Special banner.

Normally Hyaluronic Acid (HA) injections in the US can start at $7,000-$8,000+.

10 mL is a modest volume, and depending on your length, can provide substantial gains. I try and encourage my Sponsors to issue specials so that my readership can reap the benefits.
24 May 2022 15:07

Hobby19cm wrote: I am looking at non traditonal fillers as an alternative for PE.
Anyone has any recommandations?

Renuva - there will be an announcement of this filler shortly, and it's first time use by Dr. Tsay of Orange County (California). My understanding (in layman terms) is that it's a filler that mimics fat, and Dr. Tsay describes it as very effective in providing good results. It's exciting to see viable options continue to emerge, providing readership with an opportunity to determine what's best for them.
15 Dec 2021 22:34
I mean... if you aren't a shill, you certainly sound like one. First post, but alleges he's researched forever on a Doctor no one here knows. Or perhaps you're just a big fan, who knows. Just tell the Doc he can email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. re: Sponsorship before he gets blacklisted for "Suspicion of Shilling".

If you got a financial incentive to post a real review, that's fine. If this is fake altogether, there will be issues.

And by the way, PMMA is absolutely permanent. I had my first round of injections in 2011 and still holding strong. Haven't seen a single corroborated comment in the past decade to suggest otherwise.

What "injections" did you have done if they weren't either PMMA or HA? Presumably Fat Transfer (FFT)? Renuva? Dodging Noxcuse's question is technically grounds for a forum suspension, so let's get on the right foot moving forward.
25 Oct 2021 00:38

ColdFire wrote: I think Dr. Jane Chung is her name. I scheduled a consult with her on Tuesday.

If it doesn’t look promising, I’ll probably head down to LA.

Yea I think she's the one I was trying to remember. Honestly not familiar with her cosmetic prowess but it doesn't hurt to get a consultation if she's local.

If she makes a good impression and seems professional, please ask her if she's heard of PhalloBoards and considered any associations/sponsorships. Of course this is predicated on the quality of her work, ethics, and expertise, but it wouldn't hurt to run it by them if you don't mind.

As for Dr. Tsay, see:
01 Jul 2021 23:31

Beebermd wrote: Bellafill is PMMA but has subtle differences in the carrier compared to the PMMA commonly referred to on this board. I know some people use it alone, possibly mixed with renuva (fat). I haven’t seen enough results to render a judgment, so I would approach it with the regard as other PMMA treatments at this time. It is a permanent filler, not at all like HA

True, however, the bovine carrier isn't a subtle difference. If anyone follows enough PMMA progress reports long enough, they'll know that the window of post-op recovery is crucial to the success (aesthetically-speaking) of one's own PMMA outcome. Most of these reports are based on PMMA with cellulose carriers, as opposed to Bellafill's bovine carrier.

The big difference is in the reabsorption of the carriers; cellulose takes days whereas bovine takes weeks. This means a longer window of recovery, which means a greater likelihood of aesthetic irregularities (i.e. nodules, bumps, ridges, etc.).

Avanti Derma, the leading Clinic on PMMA implantation (world-wide), stresses the necessity of post-op molding & massaging of your unit after the procedure, to ensure an aesthetic & "natural-looking" outcome.

Why Bellafill is offered and alternative PMMA brands (with cellulose carriers) aren't? Suneva (American Company) holds the patent on the PMMA dermal filler in the U.S., so it can only be sold and used off-label within the states. This also explains why it can be cost-prohibitive, and why many practitioners will mix it with other fillers to reduce the overall cost.

In a nutshell, Bellafill will give you girth, but you're prone to a higher chance of aesthetic irregularities (which imply multiple corrective procedures). Considering the fact that Avanti Derma recommends multiple follow-ups, I'm afraid Bellafill alone is far from ideal in its current iteration.
01 Jul 2021 22:11
Bellafill is PMMA but has subtle differences in the carrier compared to the PMMA commonly referred to on this board. I know some people use it alone, possibly mixed with renuva (fat). I haven’t seen enough results to render a judgment, so I would approach it with the regard as other PMMA treatments at this time. It is a permanent filler, not at all like HA
26 Jun 2021 08:08
Sounds scam-ish but I'd like to know more details; I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure there is more to it than just "pure blood", like perhaps a different therapy similar to PRP to make it practical for filler (or growth factor) use.

If you want actual gains, get a proper filler with a proven track record; I can't imagine why one would take a silly gamble when HA, Fat, Ellanse, Radiesse, Renuva, and PMMA are on the market! If your friend is comfortable talking penis enlargement, then show him this website. I would like to know more about the procedure he's talking about, because if it is a scam, I'd like my readers to know.
24 Apr 2021 01:31

Rnair wrote: Hi, I'm an internal medicine physician myself and am looking for girth enlargement, what would you recommend for me , I am uncircumcised and can travel to california, located at washington presently.

I'd give their office a call and ask to speak to Dr. Tsay; he's very well reputed for his skill-set in aesthetic medicine and offers a variety of filler options from Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Radiesse (similar to Ellanse), and Renuva (stock may be limited due to covid-impacted industries).
22 Feb 2021 05:55
Majority of patients in my practice do use HA fillers just because of the ease of access and that its widely available. There are different properties with different HA fillers so not all HA fillers will be ideal for this particular application: male girth enhancement...
Dr. Tsay
18 Feb 2021 17:31

Unhung1 wrote: is this permanent or temporary

Temporary, ranging in lifespan:
Hyaluronic Acid 1-2 years;
Radiesse 2+ years;
Renuva up to 5 years.

*Note - these projected estimates were obtained from a variety of sources, including the manufacturers of said-fillers.
*Note - due to covid, Renuva is in limited supply, and this may impact its availability for girth enhancement.
11 Feb 2021 22:34
In theory this product causes proliferation and creation of new adipocytes or fat cells. There are no long term studies on this yet because it has only been out for approx 5 years. I would love to say fat transfer is permanent, but unfortunately it is not. If you ask some of the patients that have had issues with permanent products placed you will see that having a permanent product placed is not all rosy and peachy. There can be issues. And your anatomy changes as you age so you will lose fat over time, lose collagen, and connective tissues become less supportive so even if you do get something permanent placed, you may still have changes that occur and may affect the product later on down the line. Hope this helps....
Dr. Tsay
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