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Searched for: PMMA
04 Jul 2011 17:40

Your totally right about the fit guy being the chosen one. Now that I\'m fit and have a nice body (still in progress). I see the change in the quality of women I take home and the ones who approach me. So if I get the pmma, it would just lock it down. I\'m current a 6x5 when erect with no bone press, I\'m thinking of getting the pubic area lipo to make everything look bigger. I have a September date in my head for my first round of pmma. But I\'m trying to do everything else weight loss wise to see if I really need it.
04 Jul 2011 15:49
@ Uptownblk

Thanks for your kind words my friend. And that\'s so true most girls care a lot less than we do about whether its 4.5 5.5 or 6 inches or whether its 4 or inch girth. Ask them to pick a lover between a guy with a a totally fit body and a average cock or a guy who badly needs to lay off the junk but has an 8 inch cock trust me the average cock wins every time and anytime.

@ SO

Thanks Obi Wan! And yes healthier is better. I have been competing since I was a teenager and still do. I just had a little lull in my commitment end of last year and over six months gained a few pounds around the mid rift and lost a few around my chest. Summer came and I thought shit! I am starting to look like that guy I never wanted to be! 10 weeks later back in control lol and feel so much better and sex is definitely much better when you are fit!


Just remembered a line I used a few times. As I was quite noticeable when I was out on the town (size etc wise) when I had pulled a girl it happened that some would make a reference like ...oh I bet you have a big one ?!

I had no complex to speak of but I knew I wasnt\'t huge and perhaps they expected more so my answer was....Not really! but if you want I can put it up your bum I bet it will feel big there!! That normally got a laugh (slightly nervous laugh) and at the same time I had lowered expectations. When I then pulled it out they were always pleasantly surprised (or maybe just scared I would go A on her lol)

Take care guys twenty days to go for RD 2! Will measure and do pics before.
04 Jul 2011 15:20
Good luck size mic ! I have just done a small calculation for you!

IF! all things are equal and you gain as much as last time in volume (83cm3) then you could end up with about 6.3-6.4 IE .8-.9 Its a big IF but I think you are good for more than 0.5 and man let me tell you 6 plus is massive! best of luck!
04 Jul 2011 15:15
You certainly made some great points about how our overall package as men (not just one specific area, i.e. penis) will improve sexual attraction and gratification with potential mates. Size is just the cherry on top.
With that being said, I\'ve always felt that my journey into PE would not be complete without a physical fitness makeover, which will not only make me more attractive and longer-lasting (stamina) in bed, but could also reduce my fat pad and improve my erection quality (improved nutrition intake and circulation).
Good luck!
04 Jul 2011 12:39
04 Jul 2011 12:35
Thanks guys!

Thanks mike, its fixed

04 Jul 2011 08:36

Thank you for sharing the informaton and your amazing attitude. I think many guys don\'t realize how much having a fit body would do for their sex lives. I have like 15 pounds to go before I hit my goal weight of 170 and ill be set. And what I\'ve learned during my get fit journey is that a tight mid section and nice chest will get you lots of attention well before she gets to your cock. Having a big dick will be the surprise that will keep her talking but being a total package will have her coming back over and over.
04 Jul 2011 06:04
there\'s a typo on the link to your blog it should read:
good luck with the second session.
04 Jul 2011 05:51
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04 Jul 2011 05:48
Thanks S.O.!

Tomorrow!!! So excited!

04 Jul 2011 02:33
03 Jul 2011 23:42
My second session is in 2 days! I am very very excited!

Since my first session I pretty much gained 1\" across the board... I am hopeing for at least 0.75\" increase for the second session. I would LOVE for a 1\" increase, but we will see what I end up getting

03 Jul 2011 23:34
This is a continuation of my previous log on the old site found here:

Here\'s a quick summary of my story: (taken from my old thread)

' Found in 2005, lurked and practiced PE but didn\'t register there until 2008. (I don\'t really go there anymore and didn\'t log much there).
' I was originally around 6\" Erect non-bone pressed (6.5\" BP) x 4.5\" erect girth
' I was originally 4\" flaccid (NBP) x 4\" flaccid girth.

After 5+ years of natural PE (I did it all, stretching, hanging, clamping, jelqing, pumping, All day stretching... you name it, I did it) I am currently at:
' 7.25\" Non-bone pressed Erect length x 4.5\" girth
' 7.5\"+ Bone-pressed erect length
' 6\" ~ 6.5\" flaccid (non-bone pressed) x 4.25\" flaccid girth.

After 1st PMMA session May 27th (22cc):
' Length stayed the same
' Girth is 5.5\" Midshaft, 5.125\" above the circ scar, 6\" Base
' Flaccid is 6\"~6.5\" x 5.25\" normally.

Second PMMA session is July 5th 2011

Because we weren\'t allowed pictures on the old site when I did my first session I started a blog to show my progress. There are 70+ pictures on there and I didn\'t want to upload them all here as I am short on time. Purhaps in the future I will catch up on it. New pictures will be posted here as well as my blog.

Below is a before / after comparison photo.

03 Jul 2011 15:31
@ Mikehook Thanks Mike any news on you or are you being more sensible than me?

@ eqstudent Thanks my friend. I will keep active certainly until my procedures is over and will give updates after. I owe it to the site for giving all this great info and to the guys who pioneered.

@ Supa thanks to you too I hope everything is going well for you did you have a chat with her? Said perfect wife have just shouted at me to stop writing about my dick and come up and barbeque!!

Have a great Sunday evening
03 Jul 2011 15:10
Since I believe that I could accomplish my (modest) 0.5' girth goals with any of the options I don't currently see PMMA as giving the 'best' results. This following is strictly my opinion, others may differ: At this point NewPlastic is totally off the menu. From the info available it is likely somewhere in the Arteplast to early Artecol stage of refinement, not good enough for me to risk it. The Caldellas study of 21 people biopsied 180 to 450 days after injection did it for me. Elist/Implants were barely on the menu and quickly dropped off. Silicone injections? No way! FFT ' not sure the spongy 'fat' feel would work for me. Artefill is an option I would wait on.The Allografts (Alloderm/Belladerm/Repriza) looks like the best options for my particular situation. If I simplify the argument, It comes down to the risk of surgery (skill, loss of function, long term complications, or death) for Allograft vs. potential 'known unknowns' ( loss of function, tissue degeneration, embolism from migration, potential auto immune issues(granuloma) , or death ) on the Artefill side.
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