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Searched for: PMMA
24 Jun 2011 03:24
EP when you say Dr C confirmed it can be performed, are you talking about Artefill ?
24 Jun 2011 03:24
skatezy, that\'s probably easily answered, it\'s about a tenth of the cost !
24 Jun 2011 03:24
Good stuff EP. Best wishes for a speedy recovery! The ladies are waiting and forming an orderly queue LOL

24 Jun 2011 03:24
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Also, did he mention why he uses the PMMA he does over the Artefill?
24 Jun 2011 03:24
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Hi EP,
Thanks for keeping us posted, and thanks for asking the questions. Did you receive a formal diagnosis from the doctor? Good luck on your recovery.
24 Jun 2011 03:24
Great posts as usual smartman. Thank you for contacting the professer. I dont see how lemperle can compare penis injections with the depth of buttock injections. Stop me if im wrong, but isint it impossible to go deep into the penis?
24 Jun 2011 03:24
Thats why it is recommended to alternate sides with each use, as well as vary the site of injection. To avoid the formation of scar tissues in the Tunica
24 Jun 2011 03:24
You have mentioned that you are planning to take a strong Erectile Dysfunction injection daily directly into the penis . Dont do it , they can cause scar tissues formation in the tunica after multiple injections ----> Peyronie (curved penis)
24 Jun 2011 03:24
Another one:
1. Necrosis cannot occur with cannulas since it is impossible to inject it into in artery (which has occurred with PMMAin Brazil several times in the facial artery with nasal necrosis).
2. However, foreign body granulomas can occur after PMMA, especially when injected superficially into the dermis. This is not the case with cannulas ! Granulmas after all injectables occur in about 1:1000 in the face. In buttocks and penis I haven\'t heard or read about one case. As deeper from the skin injectables are deposited, as less they cause granulomas.
3. If inflammation or granulomas should occur, thet treatment of choice are Cortisone (Kenalog) injections : 2 -5 and they should be gone within 3 - 6 months.
4. Keloids raise from the dermis and have nothing to do with a foreign body reaction around PMMA microspheres, e.g if the PMMA or injectable is injected sub-dermally as in a penis. There is no proof or relation published within the last 20 years,
5. This is the best question : The cannula runs normally between the 2 fascia , that\'s where the skin moves over the corpora (and where also an implant is inserted. The early morning erections, however, let the corpora move forwards - and with this movement, the injected PMMA or whatever becomes automatically attached to the Dartos fascia, e.g. the skin.
6. I have tested NewPlastic - and it is almost pure , e.g. free of small PMMA microspheres, which might cause inflammation. The FDA approved ArteFill is absolutely pure and causes no granulomas anymore, however , it will be 10 or 20 times more expensive : 0.8 ml cost $ 450 to the doctor ! And you will need 10 -20 ml! -
7. Since the PMMA is attached to the skin , its removal is rather difficult ! The excision can lead to necrosis and skin defects and should be avoided ! Irregularities are in my eyes the only complication you may fear - and that is something you have to discuss with Dr. Casvantes : how often has he seen it - and how did he treat it ? Probably with more PMMA into the depressions. From all injectables today, PMMA is the safest (I say this not because I am biased) . There is Macrolane from Sweden on the European and Japanese and Korean market since 2010 , a high viscous hyaluronic acid like Restylane - however, it last for 1-1,5 years only - and is much more expensive than NewPlastic.
As far as I remember he mentioned before to me :
Low concentration of PMMA ----> less irregularitiesMore concentration of PMMA ----> more irregularities
24 Jun 2011 03:24
I will try to get more information about the whole thing about PMMA and try to post everything in this forum (the good and the bad) somebody has asked me if Lemperle has any affiliation with Suneva Medical Inc.??
Lemperle has NO official affiliation with Suneva Medical Inc. and he has NO affiliation with any Brazilian products (e.g. Metacrill or Newplastic).
I have just received an e-mail from him:
To make it short : I had developed all three Arteplast (bad) Artecoll (first bad, then from 2006 on good) and ArteFill (best) . I funded Artes Medical and was fired after 6 years just before IPO and FDA approval in 2006. Then Artes went bankrupt in 2008 and sued me and my son Stefan for $ 30 Million damages... because we wanted to save our company from bankruptcy. Suneva took over this lawsuit and is still suing me : this is America !
I have nothing to do with all other products from Brazil, which were illegal copies of Arteplast.

Another e-mail :

You cannot compare silicone fluid with PMMA beads. PMMA does not migrate: even if phagocytosed, the macrophages cannot leave the location (too fat !) and remain in the implant.The only risk of both are foreign body granulomas , even after a few years. Theoretically, they are higher in NewPlastic than in ArteFill - but for one or another reason, they appear not to form deep under the skin, e.g. in a penis. As we know it from the skin ! And they can be treated effectivly withcortisone.So far, I would not be worrid about Newplastic in the penis .....until the first granuloma occurs - otherwise, I would have tried to stop Dr. Casavantes.
Another one :
no beads can migrate by themselves ! If they are phagocytosed, the macrophage cannot move. The only way to move to other organs is by swimming through open veins or venules during injection (we said in animal experiments with pigs where we found 40 micron beads in Lungs and lymph nodes but not 125 micron beads.
So, only later dislocation under the penile skin by pressure is possible during the first 3 weeks until they are fiully encapsulated.

Carboxy-cellulose is resorbed within 1-2 days, the present collagen in Artecoll or ArteFill within 3 - 5 days like gelatine (it is not optimally cross-linked ! - because the FDA would have asked for new trials...

24 Jun 2011 03:24
i see them now, anybody hear back from dr.C about injecting temp. fillers or artefill?
24 Jun 2011 03:24
I can see them. For some reason I could not some time earlier. May be a few kinks in the website which still needs to be run-in a little more?
24 Jun 2011 03:24

supa wrote: Guys, I cant see my attachments in my past two posts anymore (the EM pictures). Have they been removed?

I can still see them. Be sure you are logged in, because that is the only way to see uploaded photos.
If you are logged in and still cannot see them, please let me know.
24 Jun 2011 03:24
Why were those pics removed? . Anyways, if dr. Cohen is working for suneva, his opinions are going to be remarkably bias. I know the corporate world very well, trust me I\'ve seen bigger company\'s throw smaller company\'s with BETTER products under the bus. Not saying thats what\'s going on, just stating its possible.
24 Jun 2011 03:24


As mentioned in my posts, in the legend you read that EM picture of Artefill has been zoomed 400x. Length unit of the picture is reported to be 100 microns. In contrast, EM picture of Newplastic has been zoomed 250x and the length unit is 200 microns. I have also noted that in the legend the lengths of the two length units is different whilst the dimensions of the two pictures are the same.

And my point just was: why would you use different zooms and length units in pictures if you want to optically compare shapes??? I cannot see the scientific logic behind! The only explanation I can come up with is that the zooming choice simply reflects the bias of the author of the article (other possible explanations from forum members are welcome).
I paste below the disclosures at the end of the Cohen\'s article:

Dr. Steven R. Cohen is on the Medical Advisory Board of Suneva Medical, Inc., the company that manufactures and distributes ArteFill. He has received stock options and periodicreimbursement for travel, lodging, and consulting. He is also aninvestigator in the FDA postapproval safety study for ArteFill.

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