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Searched for: PMMA
07 Jul 2011 01:32
I have realized that getting the length surgery might not be the best thing, I am looking into getting a Penis extender, then when I get closer to 8 inches maybe getting girth done, im leaning more towards PMMA injection has anyone else had this? can this get me to 6 inches girth without looking or feeling unrealistic? And where can I get this done?
07 Jul 2011 01:32
You have a pretty good size to begin with. Look at it this way:
When you meet a girl, chances are you are the biggest she\'s had, or ONE of the biggest. That in itself should be pretty awesome, why risk this already awesome situation with surgery?? If your penis is healthy, functional, rock hard, and big, then I\'d personally recommend manual PE. Manual PE are basically methods for enlarging your penis with the use of applied pressure/traction to obtain gains over time. Some make gains, others do not. But it is much more cost effective in the long run. If after a while you haven\'t made gains, phalloplasty becomes a more reasonable option.
If you are adamant about (immediate) girth, then FFT or PMMA is recommended, and your length is more than sufficient. 99% of girls will think you have an 8-incher, lol so you\'ll be fine. This forum (as well as the original phalloboards found at should supply a decent amount of info regarding an array of topics, and I hope in the end you make the best decision.
If you were asking for our opinions/suggestions, I\'d say you have a great size and probably don\'t need any modifications/augmentations - but if you choose to anyways, we\'re all here in it together.
07 Jul 2011 01:32
Hi Jackalot,

You must realize that by most human standards you are already quite large. Sure larger always exists, just go to the ocean side and every big boat gets put back into question as soon as an even bigger one floats by. But this is due to the impression of sheer volume on the human mind. It is strictly a psychological issue because size is only a problem if it means that sex isn\'t working at its best potential.

Just to place things into perspective, I never considered myself dreadfully small and know quite a few less blessed than myself, yet your dimensions are my Target Specs, meaning that I will consider I have attained Penis Heaven if one day I reach your dimensions. I\'ve never had a formal complaint with a couple hundred babes, so it isn\'t all up to size to make things work. Yet for sure size does help a lot especially in today\'s image conscious world.

Your length is pretty much optimum with it possibly causing issues hitting a woman\'s cervix if longer yet, so if you want to wow them girth should be your only quest. For this there are a number of methods, but given your already thick size, I would imagine that a properly executed FFT procedure would build enough collagen to give that boost you seek? PMMA give thicker dimensions if that\'s what you seek, it is really all about your final objective.

Best of luck in your ultimate PE.

07 Jul 2011 01:32
Hey jack, I know your prob not going to listen but IMO you have no need for penis enlargement. Your size is on the large side. There really is no reason to take an unessasary risk with the great size tool you already have. We have guys here that are 4 inches nbel and 3.5 eg. If I was your size I would be more than happy....but if you feel you need to super size you have come to the right place. I like pmma because its a non-evasive procedure but it all depends on what your looking for. If your looking for length, you can gain via manuel PE(jelqing,ADS,pumping,etc.) just my 2 cents. good luck in whatever you choose.
07 Jul 2011 01:32
I have come to the conclusion that I want to have penis enlargement surgery. As of now I am 7 inches NBPL and my Erect girth is 5.2 inches mid shaft on a very good day. My goal would be 8x6, at least I think, when a girl sees me I want her to think it is big but not to big to want it. However I am lost with all the information which girthprocedure is best as in which will get me closest to my goal and be the most realistic in look in feel? FFT,, Alloderm, PMMA?Also will I lose length? as for length as far as i know they can only cut the ligament but how will this effect erection angle? Does it ever go back to normal? Please help I know a little but I want to make sure I make the right decision. if anyone has pics of post OP that would be amazing.
P.S, I am attaching a few pics of my dick just in case that helps find what is right for me.
07 Jul 2011 00:57
Hey Sizemic, pics look great. Can you explain what it feels like flaccid and erect? I mean is it like have a semi-erection all the time.
07 Jul 2011 00:37
Amazing results. Aesthetically, yours looks more natural with PMMA than a lot guys natural penis does. Couple of questions. You mentioned doctor had used a different or unique technique on you, could you please elaborate?

Also, like you, I have been doing natural PE and have gained .75\" in 3 months in length. Do you know if hanging is allowed after PMMA?

Good luck with you new weapon. There is a new big man on campus.

06 Jul 2011 23:09
Sizemic, looks extremely good, very little bruising too. And thanks for documenting your procedure. We\'re not seeing as much these past few weeks so your report is very welcome.
06 Jul 2011 21:34
Congrats S O
Since you got 1 inch from one session, what do you think I will get from one session with my 4.1 EG. I know that one pmma session normally yields 0,7 \' on average but I have noticed smaller members gets more from one session than the big boys.

Am i right about the following assumptions ?
3,5 EG -> 1 inch after one session
4 EG -> 0,9\'
4.5 EG -> 08\'
5 EG -> 0,7 \'
by the way...why dont you upload some more pictures about ur unit.
It would be nice to see your progress.

06 Jul 2011 20:16

Bro your results are amazing. This is tempting and I\'m really thinking that I need to make my appointment. Please continue to keep us updated.
06 Jul 2011 18:52
Haha thanks S.O. Porn is tempting for sure... like running it as a business and of course being in it. I have another friend in the film industry (he\'s actually a children\'s TV star HAHA) who wants to film / co-own a porn company and he has approached me a few times about it. He has a lot of really good ideas and at least knows some people who he could talk to about it. I am in business at University and plan on getting my MBA as well... It\'s definitely quite tempting.
Haha BUT you have to consider how being involved (especially starring) in something like that will put a stop to a lot of career opportunities in the future... So its still a very very big maybe... more of just a fantasy really. But it is a thought haha
06 Jul 2011 18:22
Your penis seems to have tolerated the 2nd round better it seems, and I suspect those early \"inflated\" areas will indeed come down (I think most of us from experience can tell early impressions are just too unreliable).
You will be at porn-status given your already well-endowed length, congrats hah!
06 Jul 2011 18:20
ROUND 2 - July 6th, 2011 - Day 2 Post-op - 18cc
These were taken this morning, already the ridge (indent) by the ring has subsided a little bit. Hopefully with time it will lessen and not get worse. If it causes troubles I will have to do a 3rd round... I doubt it will though. I am not overly concerned about people noticing this since it is right where my circ scar is I can blame it on that... It will likely subside, it already has a bit.

06 Jul 2011 18:17
Wow! Awesome my friend. Hope I get results as good as yours. You must be \"beaming\" with confidence. You and I are the about the same starting length but my girth is 5.3\" in circumference. My glans is also 1.75\" wide and 1.875\" long so I\'m good in that department. I\'m hoping to hit a minimum of 6.75\" in two sessions. Thanks for documenting everything. I really appreciate and I\'m sure others do too. Can\'t wait for the next update.

PS. And yes, what you said is so true! There\'s tons of gorgeous women at the airport! Don\'t know why... that\'s just how it is. My trip to Brazil was very interesting.
06 Jul 2011 18:09
ROUND 2 - JULY 5th, 2011 - 18cc - 5 hours post-op

These are the pictures I snapped when I got back to the hotel.

Notice it is a lot more uniform.

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