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Searched for: PMMA
07 Jul 2011 22:57

No not really. Neither of them said anything about \"no more\". I just think they would be reluctant to do more based on what I know about them. They seem to prefer not to overfill... But I am sure if I really really wanted it done, I bet they would do it. I just think they would suggest not to as to avoid any complications and because it already looks good.

Mind you things could change once everything settles and collagen forms. So a third session touch-up might be a possibility as well. I am sure if I really really pressed them to do more, they would. But I think they would suggest not to.

07 Jul 2011 22:44

Sizemic wrote: ...Thanks man! I really hope so... I am starting to doubt it though... I really feel like they didn\'t want to add much mid-shaft and they really did put a lot above and below the middle bulge. I mean it really really looks great now, I\'ll take some new pics soon. I really really really want to reach the 6\" girth mark though. If I don\'t... I will likely go in on a later date (like maybe 6 months or so from now)... we will see. That\'s assuming they would even want to. I know I will be close... but I don\'t know if they would be willing to...

Sounds like Dr. C has cut you off and said no more?
07 Jul 2011 21:35
I\'ll do a flaccid shot later, that has improved and looks more natural as well

Also I will be testing it out on day 7 I already have one of the chicks from after round 1 lined up for it. I\'ll be sure to report what she thinks.... I might even tape it haha it depends what she\'s willing to do. But I\'ll likely keep that to myself
07 Jul 2011 21:31
As promised... the brusing... BUT look how awesome it looks from above I am very very pleased so far!
07 Jul 2011 20:58

mikehok wrote: Sizemic, looks extremely good, very little bruising too. And thanks for documenting your procedure. We\'re not seeing as much these past few weeks so your report is very welcome.

There is definitely some bruising today to report :s pretty bad acutally, but I am not overly concerned... No problem, I am glad to update everyone on this.

stallion wrote: Amazing results. Aesthetically, yours looks more natural with PMMA than a lot guys natural penis does. Couple of questions. You mentioned doctor had used a different or unique technique on you, could you please elaborate?

Also, like you, I have been doing natural PE and have gained .75\" in 3 months in length. Do you know if hanging is allowed after PMMA?

Good luck with you new weapon. There is a new big man on campus.

I don\'t think he really did any sort of \"different\" technique. I think he was just refering to the % concentration of PMMA and where it was placed. He probably does it that way most of the time.

Hanging would depend on the type of hanger... If the hanger squeezes the shaft at all I would say no. It would cause indents in the PMMA and could maybe even cause breaks. Wade mentioned that some people after their first round have breaks in the PMMA (likely just from not putting a lot there and due to healing etc.). So I would be very very careful with it if I were you... and I would want to wait a few months before even trying it...

Makeminelargeplease wrote: Hey Sizemic, pics look great. Can you explain what it feels like flaccid and erect? I mean is it like have a semi-erection all the time.

When you are soft its not really like having a semi erection at all... maybe like a slight chub, but definitely soft and flaccid, not at all hard when you are soft. When you are erect I actually find it gets really hard... Like even if I only have an 80% erection this stuff is nice and firm.. I really like it

Justabitmore wrote: @ sizemic great results dude....I did another volume calc for you and 0.5 inche gain with what you got is very likely let us have measurements on day 6 please which was your old low point! If you hit or are very near your target at this point you know you are good to go!

Thanks man! I really hope so... I am starting to doubt it though... I really feel like they didn\'t want to add much mid-shaft and they really did put a lot above and below the middle bulge. I mean it really really looks great now, I\'ll take some new pics soon. I really really really want to reach the 6\" girth mark though. If I don\'t... I will likely go in on a later date (like maybe 6 months or so from now)... we will see. That\'s assuming they would even want to. I know I will be close... but I don\'t know if they would be willing to.

New1inch wrote: You have some very good results man. Im still working on my length before I get the pmma.. Im mainly hanging right now

Awesome man! Thanks!
07 Jul 2011 20:00

stallion wrote: Amazing results. Aesthetically, yours looks more natural with PMMA than a lot guys natural penis does. Couple of questions. You mentioned doctor had used a different or unique technique on you, could you please elaborate?

Also, like you, I have been doing natural PE and have gained .75\" in 3 months in length. Do you know if hanging is allowed after PMMA?

Good luck with you new weapon. There is a new big man on campus.

I had the same concerns... I wouldnt want the pmma to shift.
07 Jul 2011 19:52

The main reason I find a lot of these doctors hypocritical is that they have no problem doing any of these procedures on women. They will put Radiesse in the face, breasts, etc... Plus most of them do a whole bunch of other procedures. Same risk with malpractice. Same waivers.

When it comes to PE though, we are treated way differently. I get a lot of \"you have to live with what you got\" or the offer of counciling. WTF, I just want to make my dick bigger. It is apparently okay for my wife to get a boob job, tummy tuck and a face lift and is an accepted practice, but I must be crazy to try and find a way to enhance my dick. As you can probably tell, it pisses me off.

Anyhow, I am going to abandon the pursuit of Radiesse for now unless someone else comes up with new info. As long as the PMMA continues to pan out for our group, a temp filler really isn\'t practical.
07 Jul 2011 19:41
You have some very good results man. Im still working on my length before I get the pmma.. Im mainly hanging right now
07 Jul 2011 19:28
Has anyone put a hanger or stretcher on a PMMA penis. Right now I am stretching like crazy, and am waiting to do PMMA, but if we can apply devices to our PMMA\'d penises, I will get PMMA sooner. BUt we have seen on EP that even tight condoms can leave indentations.
07 Jul 2011 15:55
@JAM are you going to post any pics of your progress? I think it would be extremley beneficial to those who have had fft and are interested in pmma. Also I am interested in the look with the two mixed, your in an extremeley rare genre a sort of PE hybrid lol. But if you want to reserve showing your penis to scare the bejesus out of spanish maids, ofcourse that is your right and I respect it.
07 Jul 2011 09:12
On measurements!

Still very happy. Measured again and got about the same results as last time. Its really hard as erections vary and if I use lubricant the tape slides. Sometime I get 6.75 at the base some times almost 7.
On the shaft where I was getting 6.1 before its looks more like 6-6.05 but then near the base where I had a solid 6.5 its still all good and if I move it to within 0.25 inch towards the base I get 6.75 so I dont think it has decreased or increased much just change in erection etc. I actually found that the biggest girth seems to be when I am 80 % erect! seems like the extra lenght I get from being fully erect stretches the material out a tad. Even with a semi I am close to my erect measurements. So my cock does look pretty good when coming out of a warm shower!

and it hangs lower. I was never a shower put I could now be mistaken for one! its often 5.5 plus in flaccid and with just the slightest hint of arousal IE not enough to lift the penis it goes to 6.

Our 4\'11 tiny spanish cleaner caught a glimpse the other day (long story but we have a four floor house with open plan and from the the living room you can see up to the master bath room where our sinks are.)

I think she got a mild fright!

She then ran up and got on her knees......ha ha ok that didnt happen!
07 Jul 2011 08:59
@ uptblk

ha ha ha! Not going to ask what you got for Xms!

07 Jul 2011 08:55
@ sizemic great results dude....I did another volume calc for you and 0.5 inche gain with what you got is very likely let us have measurements on day 6 please which was your old low point! If you hit or are very near your target at this point you know you are good to go!
07 Jul 2011 04:29
change of plans. I cancelled my appointment due to some other issues but I am happy I did so. I will try to hang like my life depends on it and see where that takes me. If I can gain a full inch, I will then go for PMMA. But I think my penis is fine without another surgery. How do we post pics with our post?
07 Jul 2011 02:36
@stallion, how did you gain .75? what exersises did you do?
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