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Searched for: PMMA
24 Jun 2011 03:24

smartman wrote: ...Or any medical articles stating that there is a chance of distant migration in human after the injection of the worst PMMA Arteplast or Newplastic?? ...

That information has been provided as part of the initial Artecol presentation to the FDA and is referenced by almost every research article on the subject.

Cohen AES Article wrote: In terms of migration, murine studies of Artecoll presented at the FDA panel showed that no spheres larger than 8 microns were found outside of the injection site; a 4-micron diameter sphere was found in one axillary lymph node, whereas a single 8-micron sphere was found in the lung of one mouse.2 From these studies, it was concluded that PMMA microspheres of 30 to 40 microns did not pose a risk of transportation during clinical application. There are presently no human studies of which we are aware that have reported ArteFill migration outside of the injection site.

A key requirement for FDA approval was that Artefill could not contain spheres smaller than 20 microns which were shown to be eaten by marcophages and in the animal studies found in migrated to lymph nodes and lungs!
24 Jun 2011 03:24
You wrote to me bfore:-
(( @smartman I believe directly contacting Dr. Cohen about his opinion would be very beneficial for the forum )) .
As I told you before I will try my best to get more information from Dr.Cohen and he will be one of my sources and not only Lemperle .

So these are the e-mails to Dr.Cohen and his replies :-

1} I am interested in PMMA injection , I was planning to go either to Mexico or Brazil for either (Metacrill or Newplastic) , I know that the Artefill is more superior than the other two , but it is more expensive.As I read the only complication could happen is the chance of developing foreign body granuloma which can be treated by local injection ??
A) Artefill is much safer. For the extra money it is with it. Of course you are the decision maker. If I showed you what these other products under a microscope looked like you would understand.
2} Do we need an antibiotic for Artefill injection in the prevention of short or long-term infection??
A) No it is not necessary . If you are interested please contact our office and schedule an appointment for a consultation.

3} Then I have sent him another two e-mails in regards :-1) If we dont need an antibiotic for PMMA injection , so thats mean the risk of serious infection for this filler is Zero , correct??
Is it true there are millions of macrophages around the beads which will attack any micro-organisms coming close to the beads ??
2) I heard there could be a possibility of migration of the small beads present in the Metacrill or Newplastic to a distant organ if that is true, is there any medical article which will show this complication did happen in human ?? e.g. liver or lung disease or failure ??
Or any medical articles stating that there is a chance of distant migration in human after the injection of the worst PMMA Arteplast or Newplastic?? Liver or lung failure or other serious diseases beside the higher rate of foreign body granuloma formation which is 2.5% .
That was his reply to me :-
A) Please contact the company or come in for a consult. I unfortunately will not be able to spend any more of my time on your emails.

LOL, I dont know why he refused to answer my last Q., the answer of my Q. is so simple YES or NO , could it be he has something e.g. a report about Newplastic (i.e. a proof in regard of migration of the small beads which can cause serious illnesses or did it cause a distant organ failure) and he doesnt want to tell ?? I doubt it .
If somebody has any other names (i.e. other expert doctors in PMMA beside Lemperle and Cohenl) whom we can ask and they could give us more information about our Q., I would appreciate it .

24 Jun 2011 03:24
I\'m curious if any of you guys who have gotten the PMMA have noticed any non-sexual effects of having the impact in your penis. I remember reading that someone noticed their cock floated a lot more in water, which I feel like my cock (if uninhibited) always tends to float poking straight up. But have you guys any unique observations to share?
Also, do you guys think a urologist could tell you had some sort of implantation by looking or feeling around without any medical scans?
24 Jun 2011 03:24
Thanks for the answer gents....One less thing to worry about...
24 Jun 2011 03:24
@ Messageman, I believe the answer to that is a resounding no!

However if you were body searched they might conclude you are carrying a Gun in your pants!
24 Jun 2011 03:24
@mikehok - I don\'t know, one would have to dig through a lot of financial statements and litigation to answer that question. He is still connected to Artecol which is basically the non-US version of Artefill. Why are you asking?
24 Jun 2011 03:24
thanks eq. Am I right in thinking however that he no longer has any connection with Suneva. Or more specifically any connection which benefits him ?
24 Jun 2011 03:24
IIMU that Dr Lemperle is one of the inventors of the \"injectable PMMA' product and developed the product from Arteplast, Artecol, to now Artefill. He was the principal of Artes Medical Inc which owned the rights to Artefil. Artes went bankrupt in 2007/2008. Suneva Medical, Inc now owns the rights to Artefill. Dr Cohen is on the Medical Advisory Board of Suneva. Note Suneva was originally setup as a US based manufacturing plant to ensure that the FDA could conduct ongoing quality tests on the PMMA.Hope this helps.
24 Jun 2011 03:24
@eqstudent I agree with you we should keep searching in the literature looking for any publication showing any serious complication in human after Newplastic injection as we know many patients ( from South america , Central america , US, Canada and Europe ) travel to Mexico and Brazil to get Newplastic injection (face , hands , buttocks , shoulders , legs , body builders) also for the treatment of facial and body muscle wasting in HIV patients (who are immunocompromised patients so they are prone to complication more than the others) so there should be a study which prove to us there is a serious complication from injecting Newplastic , I did do some search on the Arteplast but no serious complication . So I hope if somebody could find a paper about that , and I hope Dr.S.Cohen will help us about that, I am still waiting for his reply, surely he is the expert and I think he did some searching on Newplastic\'s complication more than we could , we just need a proof and not hypothesis in regard of serious complication, dont we think there should be thousands of people becoming ill after having Newplastic.
BTW Lemperle is not anymore working for any Artefill\'s company since 2006 .

@messageman PMMA wouldn\'t be visible on the body scanners at airports.

24 Jun 2011 03:24
eq when you say Lemperle is associated with the company that owns Artefill, can you elaborate a little ?
24 Jun 2011 03:24
Hi guysNot sure if this has been definitively answered yet, but would PMMA be visible on the body scanners at airports? I travel a lot with my job and it would be very embarrassing to be asked about it every time I go to the airport' Thanks
24 Jun 2011 03:24

smartman wrote: ... From now on I will ask only Dr.S. Cohen about PMMA information and he will be one of the sources for my information and not Lemperle.

I don\'t think the issue is Lemperle vs. Cohen after all they are both associated with the company that owns Artefill. The issue IMO is getting more info on Newplastic which is the product our members are are getting injected into their units. I propose that we use the product name when discussing issues instead of the generic \"PMMA\". As Cohen pointed out in his AeS article, these products are not the same and we should not lump them together.
24 Jun 2011 03:24
@mustang I dont think by inserting the needle thru the pmma will cause any problems with the pmma or the surrounding tissue/vessels. I dont want to ask Lemperle this Q. may be because he is bias for PMMA and some people doesnt agree with his answers, so we could ask Dr. S. Cohen this Q. but in a different way not in regard of the penis we could ask him if a patient had previously artefill in his cheek and during the 2nd session you inserted a needle into the old pmma will it cause any problems ?
Thanks mustang for this Q. because it just came to my mind if you insert the needle thru pmma into the CC would it be possible you will introduce some pmma beads into the CC with the needle ??? And if the answer is yes will these beads in the CC will cause a new collagen formation inside the CC or these beads can migrate thru the blood in the CC to a distant organ?? I dont think we will have an answer for this, but it is possible.
So you see I will bring any point even if it was against PMMA.

After I have received the answers from Dr.S.Cohen about the two Q.s, I have sent him straightaway another e-mail asking him :-
As we know Arteplast (the worst pmma) was introduced in the market in Europe around 1989 i.e. > 20 years and then the bad Artecoll came till 2006 so the Q. is :- Is there any publication in the literature showing a serious complication in HUMAN after injecting these products beside the formation of foreign body granuloma (e.g. distant organ e.g.liver or lung disease or failure) which could be due to migration of the small beads ???
I will post his answer after he replies and I would love to see any study about that complication in HUMAN (it is >20 yrs) and I will keep searching for more information about that , and I am sure if there was at least one case had this fatal complication (from these old products) during the last 20 yrs, wouldn\'t you think that Artefill company and the doctors who are using Artefill or other doctors who are against PMMA injection in general wouldn\'t they present or publish a paper about it if it had occurred. I might be wrong I will wait and see.
From now on I will ask only Dr.S. Cohen about PMMA information and he will be one of the sources for my information and not Lemperle.

24 Jun 2011 03:24
JUST to clarify my question about a needle going thru the PMMA. I did not mean I was worried about infection, but more if the needle penetrates the PMMA while trying to reach the CC, will this cause any problems with the pmma or the surrounding tissue/vessels that was formed due to the PMMA?
24 Jun 2011 03:24
We are all here in this forum trying to help each other and that is the most important thing for all of us , and I will never attack anybody even if I didn\'t agree with him.
I said it before the best way to have the truth about Newplastic is to get an ampule of Newplastic and to have it tested by a pathologist e.g. in the US.
I am trying (and will continue) to get more honest information about the whole story of PMMA ( not only for me but also for all of us) .
BTW as you know I didn\'t have penile Newplastic injection, so I would like to get more information about it as all of you . But I have the worse product in my body (the old Artecoll in one side of my face) without any problem .
The main issue here we are worried about the complications of Newplastic injection , so it would be a good idea if we look for any information in the internet about the complications of not only Newplastic but also about the worst PMMA ever made ( ARTEPLAST the 1st generation of PMMA) which suppose to have the worst complications than the other products.
I did get some information about the worst PMMA generation (1989 i.e. >20yrs) most of the publications mentioned only about high risk foreign body formation which is 2. 5% for Arteplast and 0.01- 0.02% for Artecoll
and nothing has been mentioned about serious distant organ migration (e.g. liver, lung or spleen) or organ disease or even organ failure in HUMAN.
One of these papers written by Dr.Steven R. Cohen April 2009 he mentioned only about the higher chance of developing a foreign body granuloma in Arteplast 2.5% ( wouldn\'t you think if there was any publication showing there is a more serious complication from injecting any of the worst and the bad generation of PMMA, he would mention it or we could find it in the internet ) . Anyway I will keep searching (I am expecting the others to do the same) looking for any serious complications not only for the Newplastic but also for the Arteplast which is suppose to have the WORST complications.
He mentioned also in this paper :-
As formulation technology improves, with more precise control of particle size and reduced likelihood for impurities, the most important factor influencing development of granulomas is not filler per se, but injection technique. The more long-term the filler, the more important becomes the experience and skillful technique of administration.
I.e. the technique of the doctor is the most influencing factor in the development of FBG.
He also mentioned :-
The prospect of spontaneous resolution of granulomas is gaining greater substantiation and agreement in the recent literatureCurrent thinking on granuloma treatment is to place greater emphasis on managing the patient\'s concerns, and to approach invasive therapies more thoughtfully, realizing that most granulomas will self-resolve if left to do so, and that the trauma of aggressive therapeutic intervention may be as distressing as the granuloma itself.
So what he says even if a granuloma is formed spontaneous resolution is the best solution , (i.e. it is a complication which you dont need to treat it just leave it).;content
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