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Searched for: PMMA
24 Jun 2011 03:24 it took me a month finally read through all the threads on this post but wow it was worth it. I am set for Dr C. August 18th at 12:30pm. I will document with lots of pics of course. I am so very excited but nervous as well. Never did get to see any pics from this site (doing something wrong I\'m sure) but saw gsxr\'s on Make me heal. My wife wasn\'t on board at first but does feel bad I hardly get to finish during sex as I am too thin and once she becomes...lubricated it\'s all over for me feeling Anything. We have an open marriage and she does enjoy the comforts of larger, thicker men. I\'ll never have more than my 6\" length but I surely want my 4.5\" girth to thrive. Sounds like won\'t be a problem at all with PMMA. I was 5.25\" long but after a year of the ol stretching and hanging I made 6\". Became too busy and undisciplined to go more but after my first PMMA session I likely will pursue more length but that\'s another topic. I\'m just glad to be a part of this community. Skeptical One and everyone else\'s posts are some of the most intelligent reads of any forum I\'ve seen and I\'ve been looking for 17 yrs now. I\'m 38yo btw. You\'ve convinced not only me but my wife that this may be the best option. You\'ve laid out all or most of the risks and I\'ve had great back and forth info from the Dr and his ppl.

Guess that enough back story for now. Thanks for a great place to share and learn. Fingers crossed!
24 Jun 2011 03:24
For those who are patiently waiting for the new plastic report, I have no t fell asleep at the wheel! I have been inundating wade with phone calls and I recived this yesterday;

\"Dr. Casavantes is still gathering your requested information. I should have something for you by tomorrow. Today has been booked solid.\"

So he is working on it, and as soon as I receive it I will share it with the forum.
24 Jun 2011 03:24
Thanks EP and Mustang for the solid advice (as usual)'.I still haven't completely committed yet but I've been inspired by the success stories'
to all of you PMMA pioneers paving the way'.My hat's truly off to you...
Regarding the ghost'If I had an over 7 inch girth, I believe that would officially protect me from anything a spirit might throw at me'And who knows? If it's a hot female spirit, I might be able to entice her to bangJ
24 Jun 2011 03:24
I don\'t know man....if he gets scared of the ghost...there will be shrinkage!!!!! and you do not want shrinkage after PMMA
24 Jun 2011 03:24
Thanks EP and Coolhandluke for the hotel suggestions...Very much appreciated! I\'m considering having the PMMA procedure done in early August. Of course I\'ll meticulously detail my experience on this site'. PMMA looks like it may well be the answer we've been waiting for'.
24 Jun 2011 03:24
Greetings Messageman & the Phalloboards crew,

I\'m new to this site, i use to contribute to BTC\'s board mynewsize way back in the day, but this PMMA proceedure for enlargement has me intrigued. At any rate, I\'m a Socal native and i regularly travel from Los Angeles to Tj & Ensenada between my school breaks to visit some ex-lovers. I\'m very well versed in the quality of the hotels out in Tj for those that are interested in staying on the mexico side.
If your interested in a Safe, yet modern Hotel like the Holiday Inn Express, that also has a very nice bar in the lobby, I would recommend HOTEL TICUAN, here\'s the link: . If you book online, the rooms cost $53-55 USD based upon the current exchange rate, if you go without a reservation it\'ll cost $70.
My Second recommendation is a 4-star hotel, that has a nice gambling hall in the lobby. The Hotel is Pueblo Amigo, its owned by Caliente Casinos, here\'s the link: , whats great about this hotel is the room service, and that its nearly 3min away from the border line, if your driving in they have a safe parking lot but tip the attendant. The basic suite will cost 80 USD if you book online, $100 without reservations. They also have a massage parlor with plenty of senorita\'s next door thats owned by the Hotel\'s upper management.

My 3rd recommendation is a new hotel that i\'ve been to, it\'s closer to the TJ\'s airport, its modern, the parking situation is super safe 24/7 security, awesome baja style lobster, avg cost of a room when booked online is $60 USD, here\'s the link:

I don\'t work for any hotel industry, most of the hotels can be found on tripadvisor. A little about me, I\'m a Bio undergraduate major here in the states, with a previous background in healthcare. Tj has been my backyard of fun when i want to get away from the Los Angeles college scene, if you have any questions and you want some young Americans\' take on the City, or references of good places to eat hit me up. by the way i\'m planning on having this proceedure done as soon as i receive the cash flow, when that happens hopefully i can call some of the board members who have had this proceedure done in Tj. Cheers gents!


24 Jun 2011 03:24
Messageman, if you have made your decision, this probably means an entirely new chapter is in the works to follow up your story thread? Remind me to copy & paste your thread here if you don\'t get to it first.
I\'m not familiar with hotels in San Diego but I\'d take E.P.s suggestions.
24 Jun 2011 03:24
24 Jun 2011 03:24
I know that this was somewhat covered on the last site'but could I have some recommendations for a hotel to stay in San Diego' Thanks guys'. Messageman
24 Jun 2011 03:24
Also I will ask Dr C in ten days or so whether PMMA presents a risk with intracavernous injections such as those done for erectile dysfunction. This is a treatment I am seeking to pursue, not to get rock hard but for the potential expansion using QuadMix and a few potentiators. I won\'t be doing it if this might move PMMA into the bloodstream. Also, I wonder if topical application of DMSO applied onto a PMMA enhanced shaft might not loosen some molecules of New Plastic and wash them into the bloodstream?
24 Jun 2011 03:24
As you say eq there\'s risk in every surgery. I think because it\'s our dicks we become extra cautious. I had a lower lid bletharoplasty a few years back, I was warned of a very small chance of blindness, it didn\'t stop me ! But I was the unlucky one when it came to my scaffold surgery. Nevertheless here I am again, I must be a glutton for punishment !
I do think however that there is a difference between the pmma technique and having your dick cut open. I have been through both , surgery and had a micro cannula inserted in my penis when I had the macrolane. And I can tell you there is no comparison. After the filler I just got in my car and drove home as if nothing had happened. No antibiotics, no painkillers, nothing. I\'m not saying there\'s no risk just saying that something like the elist implant is a much higher risk.
24 Jun 2011 03:24
Lets say the migration of these small beads is true :-
1) As we know the number of people who had the other (bad???) products (e.g. Arteplast,artecoll,metacrill and Newplastic in the whole world) are more than the people who had Artefill (only in US) , so if there is migration of the beads of these products why dont we have at least one sick-patient from that in the last 20 yrs??
2) The volume of the injected PMMA in one patient (e.g in buttocks,Brazilian butts (around 500cc) also in HIV patient-PMMA injected in almost the whole body) as we know these large volumes of injected PMMA in one patient is not Artefill it is mostly from the Brazilian products (Newplastic or Metacrill) so from these e.g. 500 cc we didn\'t read any report about distant organ complication. Would you think a total of 50 cc of Newplastic in the penis will do the distant organ damage and the 500 cc would not , btw the Butts injection was done way before the penile injection ??
If Dr. Cohen has one report of one ill-patient would he hesitate to mention it ???
3) Some of these products are >20 years in the market, is it not enough to see at least one ill-patient ??? May be we have to wait for another 50 yrs and not 20 yrs to see if these products are safe or not ???
In conclusion :-
Lets say we have (a bad + dangerous ???) product tested :-
a) For >20 yrs.
b) Way more number (thousands) of patients (e.g. only in China >500,000 people) were injected with these (bad???) products more than the best product.
c) Large volume of these (bad???) products were injected in one patient than the artefill which is used in a very small volume for e.g.facial wrinkles and never 500cc in butts ???? too expensive.
So from these points ( it is like human experiments and not animal experiments ) wouldn\'t be enough to show at least one ill-patient???
EQ I am only trying to get the truth as all of us from the whole thing, Dr. Cohen will make it easier for us if he can show us at least one patient , could you help us to get this information from him or from other doctors , I have tried but he unfortunately didn\'t answer my Q. (i.e. our Q.) .
24 Jun 2011 03:24
@Dd71 - I am pretty comfortable with Artefill. I just had another discussion with another plastic surgeon (the third) about using it for chin augmentation work I am considering. I have not made a decision on PE; I am leaning towards leaving well enough alone.I am not the best person to ask because I am in the medical industry and very familiar with promising new procedures which 3 to 5 years down the road turn out to be disastrous for some patients. Because of that fact I tend to be very cautious and evaluate every procedure by saying if the worst thing happens is it worth the risk. It is important to remember that the risk numbers are developed and refined because they did occur in the test cases. No matter how low they appear they will occur in some patients. Can you live with it if you are the 'lucky' one?If you have to have a procedure because you believe it will change your life and you can't live with what you have then certainly Artefill or FFT have the lowest procedure risks and likelihood of reaching your girth goals.Reading PatrickEire's post this morning brought the reality home to me as did this honest quote from Dr. Whiteheads site on hia Alloderm procedure.Infection. I have seen three patients who developed an infection and lost the graft and one patient who lost part of the graft, and three patients who did not lose the graft. Thats 7 patient with infections. Now lets say he has done 500 over 10 years or so that is a rate of 1.4%. Sounds low right? I asked myself could I live with that and the resulting surgeries as an outcome. My answer, I will continue to swing my average stick for now! On the other hand I would take Sizemic\'s unit with no long term complications in a heart beat but I am too chicken to live with the risks if my number gets called.
24 Jun 2011 03:24
I\'d be curious to know how eq or sparticus would feel about having Artefill in their dicks if it\'s available ?
24 Jun 2011 03:24
EQ whats your current feeling for pmma? Are you still pursuing alloderm, fft and other options? I honestly feel that they dont compare to all the advantages of pmma...Because even when it comes down to comparing complications , you just dont hear \"my dick is green\" or \"im not able to get an erection\". The complications are reserved to bumps and nodules. In all the research I have gone threw, migration, infection, and impotance are basically Non-exsistant. I keep stalling to get this procedure because of those type of complaints, and there just not happining. This will change my life, theres no doubt about that. My worries now are purely about the quality of the material so I can avoid granulomas down the road. If we find that the purity is not as inferior as cohen suggests, than I wont have a hesitation about scheduling my appointment.
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