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Searched for: PMMA
28 Jun 2011 20:40
I have been lurking on the old board for some while and am undecided should I get pmma. I am 4,5 EG like many who has gotten the procedure done.
From before/after pics it is hard to make conclusions of the results.All except sizemic\'s results look quite unnatural and bruised.Why are his results so different looking? Is it just in my eyes?I\'d rather have smaller and natural, than thick and strange.So it would probably be gamble how my results would look with pmma?
28 Jun 2011 18:04
FFT sounds good if you don\'t mind the fact that it tends to resorb over time more than PMMA and that its collagen formation might be slightly less resilient? I guess like any procedure it all boils down to the doctor\'s skill and the patients configuration and response to the techniques used.
For others here I haven\'t had issues with my size at least overtly when it came to women. However I know indirectly - call it intuition as you may - that I have lost at least a few to men who were better endowed while they had neither charm or charisma nor better looks or social status, just some strange reason that lured them away. I took the hint by the words and actions when they left me although I wasn\'t a slacker when it came to sleepless nights of constant attention.
However I recently renewed with a former girlfriend from my youth and she noted my complaints about that young girl I\'m hooked on who tends to go for ethnic types usually of African origins. She said it\'s a myth that black men have larger shlongs, something which sounded like she had had plenty of time to check out for herself. She is a woman of experience and always had a flock of suitors waiting in line. Her looks, character and incredible personality gave her the pick of any man in town. If anyone knows she does.
But she did read into my comments and from the bitter way I expressed them noted that it wasn\'t as simple as all that. We were teenagers together both in love and those were days one remained a virgin at an age such as that. We had what I can only call sex by kissing so erotically that for neither of us nothing has since ever matched this. Yet no sexual contact. When we were 25 we got together again but I was having a hard time recovering from the loss of the love of my life and she pretended she had herself another man she loved.... out of spite. We even spent a night in bed but she wouldn\'t make love, so we just laid there together talking and hugging until we finally passed out.
Last week we found out we were both for the first time since that both in town, and got together two days before I was on my way to see Dr C. We had dinner both remaining evenings but agreed to postpone more serious aspects of the encounter until I return in September... and she said regarding my earlier comments \"If I understand from your comments earlier you are quite small?\" I said that we shouldn\'t exxagerate or jump to conclusions but was taken aback by her frankness which I think was to get this out of the way. She also called my convertible sports car my \"man\'s penis\" which is a way of implying I must be compensating as she says most men do with their penile hangups.
So I don\'t know if she thinks guys are dumb to be so dick focused or whether having had her pick of so many has her own needs and requirements which make her jostle me thus. Possibly she is exacting revenge at my earlier infliction on her of my devotion to that other woman who had dumped me, when she herself had stronger feelings for me than she cared to reveal. After all I was broke and depressed and she\'d take me out to dinner all the time.
In any case this is a very unusual situation burdened with decades of curiosity and expectations, and I do hope that although I made no girth requests of Dr C that I will be at least enhanced enough to please a woman of discriminating taste and vast sexual experience. My favorite result will be that she moves on to another topic, such as how great it is to be together at last, with that penile organ taking a back seat to other aspects of a fulfilling relationship...

28 Jun 2011 18:04
Hello, I just joined because its nice to know I\'m not the only one that has dealt with this problem. I can relate to each and everyone of you. I haven\'t had it as bad as most of y\'all but I am very bothered by it. I had a comments made by a few girls but it never really bothered me until now. It may be because I looked at it as, I got what I needed and to hell with you but the fact of the matter it seemed to me was they all wanted more. As of a month ago I had rotator cuff surgery that took seven pieces of hardware to put it back together. I also have a tear in my other shoulder that will need attention in the near future. I guess what I\'m getting at is that with all this going on I feel worthless. The bad part is my size issue is driving me crazy. It should be the last thing on my mind but I feel once this is fixed I\'d be much better off. Am I wrong for thinking this? I feel like I\'m going crazy because of it. I\'m really interested in doing the pmma and so far I\'ve seen the ones who\'ve had it have had good results. I know its a fairly new thing and I\'m willing to do it no matter what. Should I be thinking like this or do I just need to get a grasp of what\'s going on in my head? I\'m just looking for some guidance and help to make the right decision. Its nice just being able to vent \"so to speak\" to people who understand what this does to someone. Sorry if this doesn\'t belong here but I didn\'t know where else to put it. Thanks for any input.
28 Jun 2011 18:04
Growing up I was always that nice / shy blonde hair blue eyed boy that all the girls had secret crushes on; but due to my Christian upbringing, general kind heartedness and nice moral behaviour I never really paid much attention to it. Everyone likely grew up with a kid like this in your class. A cute boy that girls crushed on that was too shy / nice to \"date around\" with them. At least in the early years.

This mentality lead me to not really \"date\" anyone until I was around 15 years old. During this time we waited 10 months to have sex and I had sex for the first time when I was 16. I was around 6\" x 4.5\" at the time. Of course waiting so long we had it built up hope it would be absolutely amazing... it wasn\'t.

When I first put it in... no real reaction from her. She actually said \"Is it in yet?\". I mean... she was a virgin! She didn\'t even feel it sliding into her at first? Of course after a few seconds she started complaining about it hurting and she bled a little bit. But the damage had been done to my confidence.

After that I started searching the internet and I found Thundersplace. This actually made things worse for me because I read about the \"average\" size and I realized that although my length was average... my girth was below average. I mean I know that 6\" x 4.5\" is by no means small. Just the thought that the average guy out there is bigger than me really bothered me.

That lead me down a ~5 year path of manual PE. I did a lot of jelqing, clamping, hanging, pumping and ADS work. I only really stared posting at thundersplace after I got my vacADS from

After all the years of hard work I measured out at ~7.5\" x 4.5\". I was very very dedicated to manual PE and I had a very postive outlook on it and an open mind which I think helped. If you don\'t think something will working when you start it, it probably wont work for you. Also it is important to note that I was 17 when I started PE, some of my \"gains\" could very well have been puberty.

Naturally, after 5 years of hard and dedicated work and no girth gains, I got very frustrated. I searched around the net for options and ruled everything out because of the price and general unpredictable outcomes. That was until I found phalloboards and stumbled upon PMMA. Everything I saw and read just made me believe that this was the answer I was looking for.

That brings me to here. One bad comment lead to 5 years of obsession and a girth enhancement procedure.

28 Jun 2011 18:04
DD71 just listening to your story makes me feel sick ! For me flaccid size was my only issue up until 4 years ago. I think my flaccid shrinks more than most in relation to my erect size. Something to do with having a type A personality with a high adrenaline level. I would basically avoid urinals and public showers like the plague. I found this stressful and depressing since I wanted to join in on activities. 4 years ago I met a girl who added a new level of insecurity, my erect size. After sex one day she made some comment about me being not that big. I asked her to elaborate and a conversation ensued during which she told me I was one of the smallest she had slept with. I was frankly shocked since I am 6ins nbpel and size surveys suggested this was average. I later realized the problem was my girth. I was 4.7ins base and 4.5 mid. I remember having a conversation with my brother who told me he was also 6ins long, I was relieved until he told me he was 5.7ins in girth. This girl also told me her ex was huge, she tried to suggest 11ins long, but then later retracted that saying she had forgotten the exact number but it was abnormally large. None of this helped and I became obsessed about enlargement. First I had a temporary gel injected much like Dr C does with pmma. It was soft and squishy , absolutely useless. 6 months later I attempted scaffold surgery which ended in disaster and a 2nd surgery was required asap to remove the scaffold. Following the second surgery I discovered my erect dick has lost 1ins in length and 0.5 in girth. I was completely traumatized by this experience. My doctor told me to start pumping which I did. I don\'t know whether it was the pumping or just natural healing, but not only did my original size return I actually gained 0.5ins in girth. For a while I didn\'t believe this extra girth would stay, but it did and 2 years on I am still at 5.1ins girth. A year ago I met another girl, who during sex would start to talk about large cocks ! I\'ve finished with her now, but my experiences have given me an insatiable appetite for enlargement. I find it very hard to see how I\'m going to be happy without increasing my girth. These days with the way women are, it\'s hard to feel like a proper man unless you are big.
28 Jun 2011 18:04
I always knew that my penis was small when compared to the other guys in the locker room. My insecurities about my size really started when I had to go shower in the dreaded locker room in high school. It didn\'t help that I have a cousin that could give most porn stars a run for their money either.

Still I didn\'t really let that slow me down too much chasing women and having sex when I was younger. I somewhat compensated by refining my oral techniques.

The worst day for me was when I was in the Navy (many years ago) and ended up in a whore house in Malaysia. Not surprising if you\'ve been around Navy guys. The girl I was with started giggling when I got undressed and told me I was \"small like Chinese\". That pretty much crushed my ego at that point.

When I got back from that cruise, I started looking at options. I ended up ordering a pump from Kaplan right after he started selling them. There wasn\'t much else out there at the time. I tried pumping on and off for a few years but never saw any real results.

Since then I took the attitude that I would live with what I have and focus on technique. That helped things as I learned how to please women, but my size has always been in the back of my mind no matter what. I ended up meeting my wife while in college and obviously things haven\'t been bad, but a couple of years ago my size started bothering me yet again. I bought another pump, a Bathmate, and started researching what surgical operations where out there. I eventually bought a Andros extender a few months after the pump and used that for several months. I did see some gains in length (about 3/8 of an inch) from using the extender, but the noose system got to be so painful that I gave up on it after awhile and started looking at surgical options again.

My search led me to the PhalloBoards eventually and has really opened up the range of what I thought was possible. I have been doing PE exercises and using DHT cream and have seen some real gains due to it. I still want more though. I now have a 5 inch erect penis, still not a lot, but it is a lot more than I started with. I see PMMA being in my future as a happy new year present to myself, but I will continue with the lengthening exercises for quite some time until they come out with the majic penis grow pill.
28 Jun 2011 18:04
My story starts out with a virgin I dated. I knew I was small but figured she had no one to compare me to so I had little reason to be concerned. We dated for about 2 years and while the sex was semi-enjoyable, I always knew there was more to be desired. It didn\'t help that she felt a bit looser than I expected a virgin to feel like on our first fuck. She was a sweet heart and never pointed out my lack in size...perhaps because it was obvious, I\'m not sure lol. It was also difficult to dress in front of her, because when I turtled, I\'d look deceivingly micro. These things played with my head both during the relationship and years after.
Then there was my fascination with porn, which I\'m sure many of us can relate to. These bastards in the adult film industry aught to use average or below average sized men in the films so the rest of us can actually feel normal, but I suppose that isn\'t their objective. A lot of the guys they hire are rock hard, last forever, and sport lengths of 7\" + and girths of 5.5\" + , clearly just above the average range. No matter how much I tried to remind myself that these guys were hired because they were freaks of nature, I could not help but wonder if having that size would equal more confidence, and in turn, a better sex life.
But what really made me realize my smallness, were (believe it or not) PE forums. I started to read threads in hopes to find guys similar to me, since I\'d imagine that the bulk of guys visiting PE sites were small. But on the contrary... many of the guys I read were dreaming of making their 7x5s and their 8x6\'s bigger. There were many 6x5s who were almost deemed \"small\" relative to the rest of the forums users and I was hard pressed to find ANYONE on the site(s) that were my size. Wow... it was like, man I\'m really small. I\'m so small that I can\'t even find similar-sized men on a website that would logically attract them. I was in a gray area, above micro, but below average. My size was as common (in percentage) as guys with super cocks.
Having realized this made me realize another \"fact.\" Chances are, if I sleep with a woman who has had EVEN ONE other partner, that I\'m likely to be her smallest partner. The more partners she has, the more glaring my lack of size would be. So all this talk of EQ, chemistry, confidence, etc felt as if it had no application to me. I could have it all, but I could not escape the inevitable classification in the mind of my partner that I would have been the \"smallest she\'s ever seen.\" You would hope that I could meet women who were more concerned with my heart & character than my endowment, but over the years I have had a (horrible) knack for attracting size queens and/or experienced lovers.
So I decided to look into manual PE for length gains, but I knew obtaining the amount of girth I needed to consider myself adequate would be incredibly difficult to have via PE exercises alone. I say this because people\'s results vary with PE exercising, as does the extent of those results. I was not sure I had the mental patience or energy to endure months, if not years, of aggressive PE exercising (which poses risks in itself) to see whether or not I could make reasonable gains. Even a gain of 1\" in erect girth (which is a lot to gain via PE exercising) would not satisfy my goals.
So that is where Phalloplasty came into play. I was a member of both the Yahoo Group, MyNewSize, and Thundersplace for the early part of my phalloplasty research. I saw both accounts and photos of virtually every procedure under the sun, did a lot of private messaging (wasn\'t much of a forum contributor at the time), and had a gut feeling that this would inevitably be the route I took for girth enlargement.
My first real consideration was Dermal Fat Grafts, but began to really struggle with the amount of \"meat\" they\'d be cutting out of me to have it done. Then came the infamous silicone implant which yielded both positive & negative results. I had taken the implant option very seriously but never actually committed to it.
Then came late 2010 when MyNewSize was falling apart. I felt it was necessary I do this tainted topic (phalloplasty) some justice to myself and others and opened PhalloBoards. Since then, the advent of PMMA\'s popularity caught my attention and in the Spring of 2011 underwent my first injections. I chose this route on a number of considerations, which I will later elaborate on in my progress report. It has been successful in the short term, but only time will tell if this method is the real deal.
I still plan to get more injections, and I still plan to begin a traction/stretching campaign for length, because my pursuit for PE is NOT OVER.
28 Jun 2011 17:50

HunkChunk wrote: Great SO that\'s good to know. It would be useful if before your second session you could take a before shot so that those with similar starting specs will know what can be expected from a fairly consequent 20% PMMA first series of injections. Has it changed your erect shape any?

My second session will have a picture taken at the doc\'s office.
My erect shape isn\'t really any different, just plumper in appearance than my \"before\" look. There are some minor aesthetic concerns (I consider them minor, others may not), where I have some spacing between the upper shaft and glans which I was told can be resolved with a second session.
So far I\'ve avoided any lumps, bumps, and redness, and hope it remains that way.
28 Jun 2011 16:45
Great SO that\'s good to know. It would be useful if before your second session you could take a before shot so that those with similar starting specs will know what can be expected from a fairly consequent 20% PMMA first series of injections. Has it changed your erect shape any?
27 Jun 2011 16:47
I may as well say it since we\'re all thinking it. There\'s seems to more pmma on one side than the other, just wondering why he did that. Is it that hard to judge when he\'s putting it in ? It\'ll be nice to see the latest pics, see what happened to that bulge.
24 Jun 2011 03:24
hi brittani, I\'m not sure if you are aware of this, but you\'ve just joined a site dedicated to penis enlargement!

But I\'m sure if you were to post some photos we could advise you very wisely regarding your butt.
24 Jun 2011 03:24
Hey I just got pmma injections but it went down almost completely .. And I wanted to get some more what do you think ? Or should I go get a Brazilian butt lift I\'m skinny though ?
24 Jun 2011 03:24

1) Do you think Dr. C\'s proceedure gives you the most bang for your buck? If not which one does?
A. I don\'t believe \'BANG FOR YOUR BUCK\" should even be considered. I think safety, permanency, naturalness, etc. far outweigh economical impact. I personally feel it\'s a bargain.
2) Should I go with permanent injectible ot temporary?
A. That is only for you to decide. I suggest reading the information on this site and our old one and the pros and cons of each.
3) If there is any erect length gain with Dr. C\'s procedure, what is the average gain?
A. None.
I know some of these questions may not be answered but any input will be much appreciated. I was thinking maybe someone should start a thread for most bang for your buck for penis enlargement.

24 Jun 2011 03:24
Hi I am new to the forum and I am interested in Dr. C\'s procedure. I have been in contact with his office via email and I am awaiting a response. I have some questions for anybody thats want to answer them or just give me their opinion.
1) Do you think Dr. C\'s proceedure gives you the most bang for your buck? If not which one does?
2) Should I go with permanent injectible ot temporary?
3) If there is any erect length gain with Dr. C\'s procedure, what is the average gain?
I know some of these questions may not be answered but any input will be much appreciated. I was thinking maybe someone should start a thread for most bang for your buck for penis enlargement.

24 Jun 2011 03:24
I sent an email to Dr. C, so hopefully I hear back shortly. Is that my best way of contacting for general information and when they\'ll be able to fit me in?
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