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Searched for: PMMA
29 Jun 2011 01:02
Hi Guys,
Glad to at last be in the new PhalloBoards - congrats SO !
This thread has been created to discuss the various issues surrounding PE surgery including but not limited to swelling, stretching, sanitary care, sexual abstinence delays, useful supplements or treatments, medical follow-up and examination of imperfections needing to be brought to a physician\'s attention.
I will kick off the thread with an initial topic which is that of swelling. I noticed that many here who received PMMA injections, and the same presumably holds true for other forms of phalloplasty, had a week or longer period of significant fluid build-up and swelling. Furthermore quite a few also had serious bruising and black and blue marks.
This is why I wondered whether the method used by plastic surgeons practicing rhinoplasty (nose surgery) might also be used for phalloplasty? Patients are given either a steroid injection locally, or an oral regimen of steroid pills such as Prednisone or Decadron (generic name: Dexamethasone). For if this helps significantly reduce swelling it could improve recovery from PMMA injections and possibly positively impact the media distribution thanks to less bloating? If any here have discussed this with Dr Casavantes please let us know.
28 Jun 2011 22:31
The Radiesse ProcedureThe Radiesse procedure is performed in the doctor\'s office. It is most often performed with local anesthesia. Patients may experience minimal discomfort from the needle injection. Depending upon the extent of treatment, the procedure can take up to 15 minutes. Patients return home within minutes after the procedure.The procedure involves injecting a compound of calcium hydroxyl apatite microspheres that are suspended in a carboxymethylcellulose gel. Calcium and phosphate ions, naturally occurring in our bodies, primarily make up the calcium hydroxyl apatite particles. The gel contains an organic compound of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, as well as glycerin and sterile water. Thin connective tissue forms around the microspheres so that the microspheres act as a filler that remains permanently implanted at the site location.Step One: The doctor may select one or more injection points for each location to be treated. Antiseptic is also applied.Step Two: The doctor will identify the correct amount of Radiesse for the procedure.Step Three: The Radiesse filler is then injected beneath the skin, under the dermis and subcutis layer.Results are fully evident within one week. Radiesse can last two years or more, but touchups may be necessary throughout this time period.Recovery after Radiesse TreatmentThere may be minimal swelling, which usually subsides in 24 to 36 hours. There may also be some discomfort and bruising. The discomfort can be managed with medications. Normal activities can be resumed immediately; however, patients are advised to stay out of the sun.Complications and Risks of RadiesseA rare complication might be the appearance of nodules which would require steroid treatment or surgical intervention. Unmanageable pain or any symptoms that are progressive or abnormal should be reported to the doctor immediately. Your doctor can tell you more about possible complications and the remedies associated with each complication.Alternative and Additional TreatmentsThere may be alternative treatment options, depending on your condition. Other minimally invasive procedures include collagen injections, Restylane and Fat Fillers. For severe signs of aging, surgical procedures may be more appropriate, such as a facelift. Your doctor may recommend additional treatments in conjunction with Radiesse, such as chemical peel, laser skin resurfacing or microdermabrasion.Consult a Qualified DoctorDermatologists and plastic surgeons may have extensive knowledge and experience with anti-aging treatments. However, some may not have expertise with this specific procedure ' the injection, the proper dosage ' and some may not offer a medical setting with the highest level of quality care. Finding a doctor with specific Radiesse injection experience is important for safety and for achieving optimal results. Consulting a qualified doctor will also help ensure that you receive the most appropriate treatment for your condition.Here are some tips to consider when consulting a doctor:Review the doctor\'s credentials, education, training, type of certification held, and the number of times that the treatment has been performed by the doctor.Ask the doctor how much Radiesse will be required to achieve a satisfactory result for your condition. Patients usually require only one treatment.View before-and-after photos of patients with similar conditions who received Radiesse and alternative treatments such as Restylane.Inquire about complication risks and possible side effects, including the impact of smoking and medications on your treatment.Request a list of pre- and postoperative instructions. Following these instructions can reduce the risk of complications.The Cost of RadiesseThe extent of the procedure may involve one or several areas of the face, and the appropriate dosage for each area may vary, making it difficult to provide a meaningful cost estimate until you are examined by a doctor.The cost for Radiesse typically ranges from $650 to $800 per syringe.If the cost of Radiesse is more than you can pay all at once, ask your doctor about payment plans and medical finance options. For financing options and tips, continue reading about Patient Financing.

I pulled this off of I find Radiesse an intriguing option as it is basically the same concept as PMMA except in a temporary sphere form. Your body forms collagen as a result, so I am wondering if after a few treatments if this wouldn\'t end giving you the same result as PMMA but without the plastic spheres being permanently attached.

More to come in the next few days. I have an email into a local plastic surgeon that uses this stuff and has blogged about using fillers for sexual enhancement.
28 Jun 2011 20:40
At present she prefers it now anal because she says that way she can feel it \"all around\". So that means that in front it still doesn\'t fit right. She might be the one who is too big after having two kids, but I\'m the one stuck with the problem unless she gets extensive vaginal surgery that sounds more comprehensive than reverse childbirth. Dr Abecassis does it for 5000 euros, but for that sum of $7k I think I can get some girth enhancement? When I suggested that he said, yeah, that way YOU\'d benefit. lol
So after years of her saying she couldn\'t care less for size she\'s become a sex addict and this is only with a tiny bit extra girth 3 weeks after my first PMMA session. She said this morning \"your really huge\" which isn\'t what a lady says when size doesn\'t matter. By the way she doesn\'t seem to care that it is short as long as it is thick, but I doubt she would mind were it longer.

28 Jun 2011 20:40
I think the best answer for this is if we ask the guys here in the forum what was the reaction of their gfs or wives during sex before and after girth enhancement (not only after PMMA) ??
I know the answer of my gf (we are together for 8 years now) :- she doesn\'t want my old thin penis back.

28 Jun 2011 20:40

Jec wrote: Has anyone who\'s had pmma done tried or currently use a traction device?Does it feel safe or same as before? or does the new collagen feel too tight to stretch or something?

I\'ll be receiving a stretching device soon, but in the meantime I find that manual stretching (with my hands) seems no different than before PMMA.
28 Jun 2011 20:40
Has anyone who\'s had pmma done tried or currently use a traction device?Does it feel safe or same as before? or does the new collagen feel too tight to stretch or something?
28 Jun 2011 20:40
Quote - post by eqstudent
\"Now, if all you want is a bigger unit so you can walk around feeling that you have a bigger dick than the next guy, ignore everything I have said and just go for it!\"
That phrase could be placed strategically in every thread in the forum lol.

What is safe or not will always be a matter of conjecture and calculated risk. Nothing is fool proof in life, and much less so in the uncharted territory of experimental medical interventions. As far as a timeline is concerned, it could be that next year research proves it safe or that we\'d need to wait a quarter century for historical tracking of our own current interventions? It all depends on what your comfort zone is for safety. I reflected a lot about it and, given my age and circumstances, considered phalloplasty by PMMA injection by a tried and tested competent practitioner such as Dr C as safe enough today to pursue myself. Others will choose to wait and ponder, each with their own valid reasons and different risk aversion thresholds used in examining scientific data.
28 Jun 2011 20:40
thanks for replies fellas.
I have no idea how the traction devices work on pmma injected penis.
Would it leave a gap at base if it extends, or does it stretch the newly formed collagen just making it sort of thinner layer but not leaving a gap at base?
Maybe no one has an answer, just as no one has answer to the most important question: would it be safe for me in long-term.

But when we know it is reasonably safe? In ten years maybe.

28 Jun 2011 20:40
honestly I am put back from pmma now again after Dr.Cassutos message.
28 Jun 2011 20:40
Can\'t make her orgasm.I just dunno what to do. I want to stay with her forever but were incompatible down there.I just wish I had inch more girth. I have EG 4.3-4.5 EL 6 ,and amazingly tiny flaccid. I just want her to feel me.
Scared about possible risks like inflammatio in future with pmma in penis.I don\'t want to loose what I have but can\'t stop worrying about my size.I do have the cash to drop if I needed for treatments in worst case scenarios.
28 Jun 2011 20:40

Jec wrote: Yes, it might be just that I have looked photos from recovery period.I am actually about to pay my flight today! That\'s why I have major last minute doubts.Yesterday I read the links Supa sent to on the old pmma thread.Now I don\'t know if I am taking some mega risk on my penis health.... uh oh.I already thought it\'s safe, but I guess it\'s not so clear yet?
Are there risks that I could loose erection for life? Or major unstoppable inflammation?
I have planned to take 10% to minimize risks but then the results might be minimal.
Thank\'s for nice replies.

Keep in mind any procedure you choose to undergo will have risks. Women seeking out the common & refined practice of the \"boob job\" still face risks, so us guys certainly have it much riskier when we approach a lesser refined field (i.e. phalloplasty).
I will say, however, that the Bioplasty technique definitely has major advantages over traditional surgery, but that does not make it free of risks.
In the end, most will conclude:To go with a procedure (i.e. PMMA) after having researched thoroughly.Decline pursuing a procedure only to wait out more progress reports before reassessing their decision.Decline all procedures and pursue manual PE.I\'m most concerned with those who have decided to undergo PMMA in specific without having thoroughly reviewed all the information that\'s currently out there. PMMA is almost too good to be true, which is why I\'m still reserved on the topic (even though I love my own result). I\'m obviously pro-PMMA to some extent, but ultimately know that there is still a lot we\'re learning about and cannot possibly conclude with 100% certainty that this is the Holy Grail for Girth (until of course, stem cell magic rules the day). Time will tell that, though I have a hunch that we\'ve come across something legit!
For those who have \"mixed feelings\" (the title of this thread), be sure you feel that you are doing it for all the right & healthy reasons, and keep in mind that this is not an easy process (PMMA in specific) to reverse.
Good luck jec and all others who are contemplating their PE futures.
28 Jun 2011 20:40
Hi Mikehok,
I\'m with you on that one, I think that a \"conservative\" approach is the right one here given the irreversible part of the equation. \"Move ahead cautiously when there is no turning back...\" isn\'t that what Indiana Jones would have said?
This is exactly what Dr Casavantes highly recommends and he is apparently not so pleased with the fact that girth hungry patients seek bigger is better solutions to too little girth. Now don\'t get me wrong, girth is also what I want because it is what the ladies like - right? But heck why settle for just a little when you can get a lot?
I think it might be useful to start a Penis Aesthetics thread here, so that we no longer fail to lost all sense of reference as to what an organ looks like. Not that they can\'t come in all shapes and sizes, but that there might be some incidence of the final result which might both impact our decision so go ahead with a certain procedure or other, or to do so with specific objectives in mind.
I would refer to PMMA as \"collagen sculpting\" which when done with skillful hands such as those of Dr C can produce amazingly splendid results. But as with any artist you can\'t just tell them \"pack it on!\" and hope it will look perfect. I think that he should know what you seek but then let his artistic licence speak. His task, since it is permanent and we are only the \"guardian of our penis\", is to enhance it and not turn it into a circus freak. Sure we want to get the oooohs and gasps... But at the end we\'ll wind up with what we have for keeps.
Form and function cannot always be met in equal measure and of course trade-offs will need to be made. If you\'re short as I and a few others here are, then it is a choice between limiting girth objectives or sacrificing the usual longitudinal proportions of a projected organ which might tend to appear to be stubbed. Now if it pleases the ladies they may come to find that shape beautiful for the promise of joy it represents.
Yet it is also something which incarnates our sense of manhood, who we are and what we have got as a hidden asset? At least this is how I perceive it from my current next to bankrupt assessment in my own accounting. So preserving at least a semblance of authentic appearance will help not only feel good about how it reflects on our overall bodily aesthetics, but also will help us identify it as ours and not some transplanted organ that looks nothing like us.
I think that IF this summer I go ahead and visit Dr C it will be with that purpose in mind, to resculpt the penis with first and foremost aesthetics in mind, regardless of the time taken and number of sessions or cost to achieve a result. Taking it slower than fast will no doubt not only limit the risks of unexpected shapes needing further thickening to conceal, but it will also give one more gradual options in terms of just how to taper, what the perfect base girth might be, and even the general shape of the organ. FWIW.
28 Jun 2011 20:40
Just out of interest I read this in relation to Artefill but the same would apply to pmma generally
\"Overcorrection at the initial treatment session should be avoided as the body may respond better by being able to encapsulate a smaller quantity of product more frequently. \"
28 Jun 2011 20:40
Yes, it might be just that I have looked photos from recovery period.I am actually about to pay my flight today! That\'s why I have major last minute doubts.Yesterday I read the links Supa sent to on the old pmma thread.Now I don\'t know if I am taking some mega risk on my penis health.... uh oh.I already thought it\'s safe, but I guess it\'s not so clear yet?
Are there risks that I could loose erection for life? Or major unstoppable inflammation?
I have planned to take 10% to minimize risks but then the results might be minimal.
Thank\'s for nice replies.
28 Jun 2011 20:40

Jec wrote: I have been lurking on the old board for some while and am undecided should I get pmma. I am 4,5 EG like many who has gotten the procedure done.
From before/after pics it is hard to make conclusions of the results.All except sizemic\'s results look quite unnatural and bruised.Why are his results so different looking? Is it just in my eyes?I\'d rather have smaller and natural, than thick and strange.So it would probably be gamble how my results would look with pmma?

If you came to the forums after the photos were taken down, it may be less apparent that most photos that appear to be bruised are usually well within their recovery period.
The best way to pass judgment on the aesthetics of a PMMA penis is to examine it 6 weeks post-op from the 2nd injection appointment. That is because the first appointment will almost inevitably have major/minor aesthetic issues that is meant to be resolved by the 2nd appointment. The bruising should usually be gone by 6 weeks post-op, regardless of which round it was (1st, 2nd, 3rd).
If you are relying on photos to help you make a decision, I\'d definitely hang around and wait till more are submitted. You are going to want to look at the 6 weeks-post op of penises that have undergone a 2nd or 3rd round.
good luck with whatever it is you decide to do.
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