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Searched for: PMMA
Yesterday 17:04
Over time, do girth gains increase from PMMA?

In the first week after getting the pmma filler I didn't notice that I was just under 5 inches girth now 3 weeks later I seem to be at or slightly greater than 5 inches girth. Is this normal? Does the penis continue to gain girth as the pmma nodules get more collagen formed around them?
Yesterday 17:01
>You played tennis the day after and did an upper body workout? Back in LA? Christ man you should be taking it easy the day after.

Yeah it was no problem

>Being in LA, I'm just curious why you didn't drive to Avanti Derma as opposed to flying to Cleveland and driving to Warren?

Rupeka is the best in the country and it's my penis we're talking about, I didn't want to mess it up
23 Jun 2024 08:43
Day 6: huge improvements! I’m satisfied

BPEL: 7.25
MSEG: 6.05
Base Girth: 6.1

I took viagra and Cialis to measure at full volume. Pleased with the results :) looks very natural too
23 Jun 2024 00:23

CuriousFiller wrote: Hey do you happen to have any beige pictures? How many sessions did you have? Your dick is extremely thick.

Btw, can you get HA injected into the glans as well? I’m worried about my shaft being thicker than my glans. Right now there are very even (evenly thin…) lol

Beige pictures?

Every session with Dr Leonardo is listed. I also had a couple PMMA sessions prior. It's been multiple spread over time.

Yes you can have the glans injected. I also touched on that above and volumes listed by the doc himself. I'm all for answering questions but people have to actually read. I'm going to have more done there as well in the future.
22 Jun 2024 23:41
Hey do you happen to have any beige pictures? How many sessions did you have? Your dick is extremely thick.

Btw, can you get HA injected into the glans as well? I’m worried about my shaft being thicker than my glans. Right now there are very even (evenly thin…) lol
22 Jun 2024 17:24
21 Jun 2024 23:22
Ahh I misunderstood. Well, good luck then for next week. Just remember it's all about the aftercare and you'll be fine! Ian will show you what to do.
21 Jun 2024 15:21

BloodyL wrote: Congrats on the positive experience Jung! I'm glad to read that you're happy with the results that you are confident to go back for more.

Is anyone from this forum currently in Tijuana right now? I'm staying at the Grand Hotel.

I actually haven't gone yet for a first round; those pictures are pre-PMMA. My first round is happening on 6.27.24, next Thursday.
21 Jun 2024 06:19
Day 4: improvements!

BPEL: 7.2
MSEG: 5.87

My current routine:
Hanging 4-5+ hours daily with the still-on-systems stretcher
12,000mg Collagen
Anavar (Oxandralone) 25mg daily to stimulate collagen production
Warm compress to reduce swelling

I still have soreness all over the shaft. But erection quality was much better today, though getting an erection is still painful, at least at first.
21 Jun 2024 02:30
It’s looking very good, I think you’ve convinced me to get a procedure.

Do you have an updated pictures of the flaccid state now that the swelling has gone down? I’m starting at a same size and general shape and I’m aiming for the same goal. It seemed like in your before pictures you were a shower, does it still generally look natural when flaccid or has it kinda… I’m not sure how to describe it, like bunched up or taken a more swollen looking from the added mass?

I’m also really curious if the added material moves with the skin, like if you slide the skin forward and backward down the shaft is the filler mobile with the skin or does the skin move over the filler?
20 Jun 2024 22:03
You are on the longer end, so yeah that is somewhat of a modest volume. I'd expect more, though. Still early though so who knows.

I do think it's useful that I've seen you and others lately paying attention to the total volume of product as well as the concentration.
So where 15 x 0.8mL syringes is 12mL and only 20% of it is PMMA, that's 2.4mL of PMMA.
While 15 x 1mL syringes of 30% product gives you 4.5mL of PMMA.
People comparing their Bellafill results on a per-syringe basis to e.g. Linnea, it isn't going to be similar. Higher concentration, in a larger syringe.
25 Bellafill syringes is 20 Linnea syringes, with fewer PMMA spheres per each syringe (20% vs 30%)
20 Jun 2024 12:24

PmmaFan wrote: I m also very interested!
Nice lift / press of the shaft in direction G Spot ! - Also if I could restart my Pmma Journey I would have done only a very conservative / natural session on Top - BUT also one additional conservative on the underside!!! Both with less filler!! But from both sides :))

While it's not all PMMA because I've been getting HA since, aesthetically it would be similar so if you look on page two of my more recent journal, you'll see a pic of me standing and holding it up that kind of shows from an angle a bit of the underside. I think it's on the 3rd page if you click Recent Topics). I have product most of the way around now.
20 Jun 2024 06:12
I m also very interested!
Nice lift / press of the shaft in direction G Spot ! - Also if I could restart my Pmma Journey I would have done only a very conservative / natural session on Top - BUT also one additional conservative on the underside!!! Both with less filler!! But from both sides :))
20 Jun 2024 03:24

Jung wrote:

JJones928 wrote: My procedure was done on the 28th and I stayed until Friday morning when I had one more checkup. I saw Ian twice a day since my procedure and didn't forget to tip him. He was very helpful with post op care. I would sleep with knees on a pillow on top of a blanket with my chest on multiple pillows stacked so my dick could hang. Mind you I was up every hour (alarm set) to rub thee lymphatic fluid and push the PMMA as to mold. I took my collagen pills with me along with vitamins and fish oil capsules

So even through all that it bunched up at the base?

I was told more was injected at the base, I like it like that because the base is thicker and it leaves to the shaft although the shaft is thinner you can’t really tell because it’s only part of the shaft that’s at 5 1/4. I’m going to go back for a touchup in about 6 to 7 months Primarily for the shaft I think my end goal is 5 3/4 from the gland to the base
20 Jun 2024 03:13

JJones928 wrote: My procedure was done on the 28th and I stayed until Friday morning when I had one more checkup. I saw Ian twice a day since my procedure and didn't forget to tip him. He was very helpful with post op care. I would sleep with knees on a pillow on top of a blanket with my chest on multiple pillows stacked so my dick could hang. Mind you I was up every hour (alarm set) to rub thee lymphatic fluid and push the PMMA as to mold. I took my collagen pills with me along with vitamins and fish oil capsules

So even through all that it bunched up at the base?
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