So after reading alot of not so positive posts about
PMMA and other available procedures, ive really want to get an Neo
Phallus plus Silicon Testicles, i want an penectomy and castration because i dont accept my genitals as my body anymore, my ED is getting worser and worser which now has resulted in an
Atrophy, i was diagnosed with klinefelter and couldnt believe it that the doctors (endocrinologist) still dont care, i dont got hormones prescribed, they diagnosed it and then they had let me go again home without any real help, the only thing they told me were already known facts about the klinefelter syndrom. So it was completely senseless and useless to visit an \"expert\" doctor. Germany is getting extremly feminised through media and politc propaganda about male Attributes, so if doctors hear the word testosterone they instantly associate it with rapists and roids. If i would get an castration they would be forced to give me male hormones and with an penectomy i could get penis size ive ever want. The only question is which doctor does perform that?
And for these people here who will now try to discourage me, PLEASE dont even try!
Im a grown male and i can do whatever i want with my body!