Fatoes1 wrote: Well I’m currently 3 weeks post-op the injections. And the thing is that if it was just a prickly sensation i wouldn’t worry that much. But when i squeenze the edge of the filler within a couple seconds my Dick will burn like hell, and it will continue burning for 10-20 seconds. While not squeezing i don’t feel anything.
I can also mastrubate without any pain, it’s really the squeezing of the filler wich activates the burning.
Before i have had Voluma and Volux but never had any problems. After 20ml of that, i had it dissolved to start with Ellanse and now have had 2 sessions of Ellanse, 1 of 6ml and 1 of 5ml.
Have another session planned for next week but i dont know if i should proceed with these complaints..
If you can masturbate without pain but can trigger this uncomfortable sensation by selectively pinching the very edge of it (presumably with some force), then it is likely residual inflammation 3 weeks out. I suppose if you did any procedure (elective or otherwise) and poked & prodded the procedure site specifically, you'd get similar reactions freshly post-op. Is it really a
complaint if you are aggravating a procedure site that is known to take weeks to undergo
Girth growth (which includes the creation of collagen, elastin, and vascularization, among other processes)?
With Linnea Safe brand
PMMA for example (similar to
Ellanse in terms of how collagen is built), Clinics like
Avanti Derma (high volume injector of
PMMA and
Ellanse) require a minimum of 6 weeks before considering a 2nd round of injections. Although I don't know if this still the rule, I'm citing this example to explain that this tells me that the processes triggered by the presence of the microspheres can continue well into the 3 week stage -- which may very well explain why agitating the dermal implant creates what I suspect is an inflammatory response.
In other words,
STOP PINCHING IT! Continued pestering and pinching of this area may only exacerbate it and lengthen the time for it to heal & resolve on its own. The fact that there is NO more swelling, bruising, redness, or unprovoked pain, let alone any signs of infection, tells me you are coming along normally -- heck, even user VoltzZz confirmed that such an experience is possible; some of us heal, recover, and deal with neocollagenesis & inflammation in different ways with varying degrees.
As for your follow-up appointment, I think 4 weeks might be too soon, but then again, this isn't
Ellanse and not
PMMA (similar but not identical), and since you only had 6mL's of product, the Doctor may believe you are in the green for further injections at this time (my 6 weeks rule was based on a standard set by one Clinic years ago for
PMMA, so it is possible this is no longer the norm and/or the time window is a bit more discretionary based on each patient's unique circumstances, and how policies in regards to these injections varies per filler-type and Clinic as well).
If they are a
PhalloBoards Sponsor, I trust you'll be fine, especially since they can gauge the efficaciousness of performing that day or postponing based on what they see once
"breaking skin." If they are not, I would perhaps consider postponing through the 6th, if not the 8th week marker (without ANY pinching in the interim), and then doing a mild pinch test on the 6th (or 8th week marker, whichever you choose) and ONLY THEN. Depending on the levels of pain (if any), decide whether or not to move forward with additional work, or wait it out and/or attempt resolving it before any further considerations.
As you can see with Member VoltzZz, his anomalous inflammation (an anomaly in terms of "burning" versus "prickliness", since the former is far less reported than the latter by a significant margin; as a matter of fact this may be the 2nd time I've heard of long-term intense burning due to the aggressive manipulation of a
Dermal Filler from memory -- yours + VoltzZz... any other times must have been so infrequently reported that I can't call it to memory), it eventually resolves on its own but can take a while. It's impossible to say with your situation but then again, why will you need to pinch your penis periodically anyways? Not dismissing it outright, there can always be underlying issues at play that are not apparent, which is why I will double-down on my recommendation: If it is a
PhalloBoards Sponsor, I can trust that if you provide them this information, they can make the necessary call on whether or not a procedure that day is appropriate, and if they are a non-Sponsor, to consider postponement (not saying you should postpone 100%, but simply to consider it more thoroughly).
Good luck.