I flew to Vegas for a week in May of 2022 and scheduled the visit for Tuesday of the week because at the time Dr. Zimmerman required two follow-ups a couple of days post-procedure. I wanted something to give me a boost from the COVID lockdown and the stresses that created, and motivate me to lose the weight I had gained during COVID. I am also
COVID restrictions were still in effect in Las Vegas so there was no one in the waiting room when I arrived. The staff was extremely friendly and had me fill out paperwork and sign
Bellafill releases before the procedure. Dr. Zimmerman recommended only 10 syringes of
Bellafill for the first visit, so I chose that option. There were options for
HA in addition to the
Bellafill, and I chose the
Bellafill for 10 syringes for a price of $8,000 USD at the time.
The staff did the prep for the procedure in which I had to put on a specifically designed gown and then put a numbing cream on my penis to help <s></s> pain sensation. I waited around 20 minutes for the cream to take effect and the doctor came in to apply the filler. The nurse also took before, and after procedure photos for my file. The doc worked with me for about 45 minutes, giving me anesthetic injections and applying the filler. He worked more from a distal to a proximal approach. I just looked at the ceiling and chatted with him and the nurse during the entire procedure.
Afterward, I could feel the added
Girth and the nurse wrapped my penis in a stretch gauze and bandage and instructed me to change it every 4-5 hours for the first day. The doctor instructed me to stretch it some and massage the area of the implant for the next two days every 4-6 hours. They then scheduled me for a followup in two days.
I was numb for the next 3-4 hours which was a very strange feeling but the feeling came back slowly before bedtime that day. I was additionally instructed to refrain from sexual activity for the next two weeks.
Two days later I reported for the follow-up and all was well. The follow-up visits also included a gainswave procedure in which the nurse used the gainswave device on my Penis for about 20 minutes each time. The doctor reportedly felt that this helps with the collagen forming post-procedure.
After the procedure, the area below the glans and proximal to the
Circumcision scar looked hugely inflated I'm guessing because the skin is thinner there. It worried me at first but was back to normal about 5 days after the procedure.
My end result was:
Flaccid Girth - 5.25"
Erect Girth -= 5.75"
Dr Zimmerman also requested you wait at least 6 months between procedures. So I intended to go back for the next round between 6 and 12 months. While the
Girth increase was nice, I knew I wanted much more. I understood from the start that this would be a multi-round process, so I was happy with the results in the first round.
I had video call follow-ups at month 4 and month 6 with Dr Zimmerman as well just to check how the procedure had gone and if there were any irregularities. The was a small uneven spot on the underside of the penis, but nothing that couldn't be smoothed out with future rounds.
Please stay tuned for my Round 2 update.