I had a second
Bellafill procedure 8 days ago (11-18)In which I received 10 syringes for a total of 18 syringes between both procedures . Everything was looking great annd I was thrilled with the size and symmetry until about day 5 when 2 nodules appeared and became a bit larger the next day. They are in the area below the glans. An area the doctor said they would place one syringe. They used a cannula except while I wasn’t watching they placed 2 direct little injections In that area for some reason. Something we hadn’t discussed. I now have what I believe to be two nodules in that exact spot that I’m concerned will be permanent .
I was able to get in and show the Dr but they aggressively denied that they are nodules and were generally defensive. I asked about
Kenalog and my options and they told me to be patient and wait 10-12 months before considering that and that they would try to bust it up with saline before considering even considering
Kenalog .
She claimed it isn’t infected nor do I think so but she later called in a prescription for an antibiotic and methyl prednisone. I react poorly to prednisone so am on the fence about taking and unsure of why it was prescribed.
I’d like to get some thoughts, opinions, and experiences. Do I need to relax? I knew the deal . I knew there were risks, but I’m worried it will be permanent and that it will look to a woman like I have some kind of STD.
They are pretty hard and slightly painful. For now I’m massaging and trying not to freak out. Any wisdom, advice, or comments about it’s appearance are appreciated.