Putting this as a placeholder and I will drop more details later.
You may recall my
HA log. I got that disolved and went for
Quantity - 12x30% and 9x10% for 21 total. My
Dick is thicker at the base so the 30 is upper shaft and the 10 at the base.
Beginning measurements - 6.5 to 7 EL based on EQ. 5.5 MSEG and 6
Stats at 15 days - EL is on the low end of start to be expected. MSEG is 6.75 and
BEG is a hair over 7. EQ was maybe 70%.
Status - soft is pretty lumpy on the right side. I can feel product lumps. I hear, stretch and massage it out and it's better but it comes back. Hoping it dissipates over time.
Erect it is visually better but you can feel edges and some lumps. It's ugly now but we will see what it does. I also have a bit of a indent along the circ scar like the skin there was too tight for the expansion. But if I go down that will probably go too. 6.75 frankly is too big. I was hoping for 6.25 so I'm actually hoping to drop here. Soft looks and feels like a semi. I'm also 6-3 235 and with my 6.5 length it's choady. When I heating pad it though it goes down and extends better. Looks more natural. Maybe it's still swollen some, I hope so. But this is way different than how my
HA went. That settled after 5 days and looked good. 15 days is far out so we'll see if there is swelling or what the filler does as it breaks down. Just have to play the waiting game on it. I have been good and abstained from sex.