Hello Phallo Boards,
After nearly 10 years I finally went back for round 3. I am going to add this as my third installment to my story.
Starting stats:
5.1-5.25 EG
6.1 BPEL
Massive Turtler, but generally a shower
After round 1:
5.6-5.75 EG
6.1 BPEL
After round 2:
5.75-6.10 EG
6.2 BPEL
Don't turtle anymore
Drum roll
Round 3
6.5-7 EG
6.75-7" BPEL
I do not turtle ...
Yes please note that I got a massive gain from round 3. Strangely I got a gain in both girth and oddly length. I think the weight of my penis itself over 10 years naturally stretched it and I never measured it once until on a random whim I decided to add some size. That being said the weight that they give you for after care worked really well and I am not going to look a gift horse in the mouth.
I had all 3 rounds at Avanti Derma.
First 2 rounds were with Wade and Dr Casavantas, last round was with Dra Morelas and Ian.
My impression after 10 years is that the technology has improved by a significant margin. They are artists!
I am very happy with the result. There is one ridge which puffs out a bit but I know from experience that over time it will become softer and although it won't disappear in a few years it will be replaced mostly with my own tissue.
I have had many many sexual experiences over time. I had many many sexual experiences before round 1. The majority of my partners were with 5.1 EG
I had 6 EG for about 10 years. So I got to know the real difference. So in my opinion does size matter to women?
Yes - but - it is complicated. let me explain.
See when a woman first sees a guy she is in the mood for something. Generally she probably wants an average or above average penis for a one night stand. This is if she is a bit experienced. Of course every woman is different.
Now as soon as she's had sex with you a few times it no longer matters as much and the thunder is gone.
At this point size does not matter anymore. If she goes a long time without sex or is having sex with a much different penis she may want to try you again and the thunder can come back. But it is temporary.
So in short term I think it matters, and in a more longer term it is a bit of a liability, in my experience.
But it DOES matter to men. Men are always staring if they get a look.
And it DOES matter to me. Psychologically I get more turned on for some reason looking at my own junk. I don't think how it feels in terms of sex in a long term relationship matters much. But sex feels tighter with a one night stand. Generally. There is less loose women.
There are what I call "runners" which are women who bolt when they see a big one. My before and after with a tight girl was that she basically was not enjoying sex after 6EG strangely she didn't comment on size. I think initially after 2 rounds I thought I was getting reactions from women but instead I think I was smoking my own belly lint.
It wasn't until after I got to the point of forgetting that I have an implant that I could objectively evaluate the whole situation.
I am still pretty new with my 7EG but I already can tell that it isn't as significant as I thought it would be when I was 5.1EG
Was it worth it? Absolutely. Because it helped cure my anxiety. Would I do it again ? In a

beat. Will I get round 4? Maybe if I get bored or I just feel like getting bigger again.
I like to think I am done at this point and I will post photos. For comparison photos you would need to visit the archives.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading.
Oh, to some women size matters but these women are generally huge in my experience and if they knew how big their vagina is they would probably be embarrassed.
There are definitely guys who have 6 EG natural and think they're gods gift to women. These guys talk down to small penises and they have big egos. Unfortunately they don't know what I know, which is that size doesn't matter that much. So they are acting quite ridiculous.
The big difference between 6 EG and 7 EG? Good bye anything remotely like a quickie. Wife asks / demands for lube. I don't fear natural 6 EG anymore. The double edge sword is when you get to 7 EG women can't generally feel any imperfections because you're so massive already.
More runners at 7 EG too. So size matters to these runners because you're too intimidating.
My penis handles like a bus or tractor trailer now. I have to drive carefully, slowly and always below the speed limit. You have to restrain yourself. I forgot and started normally fucking my wife and she bled out and started cursing me the next day. I can say with total confidence that finally if I go full tilt on basically any girl ... Like she will feel beat up. So the penis is also capable of being a weapon.
I don't know about you, but as a guy there is something awesome about knowing that you can hurt a woman with your cock. It is a guy thing. I have no interest in "assaulting" a woman with my cock but just knowing that you could is a very masculine feeling.
It is a great confidence boost.I think I like it because there ARE women who like to play on mens feelings and talk about how they love big cock. They know it hurts mens feelings. At 7 EG you have shut up money so to speak. You know that if you unload on that same chick she is going to regret it. It is about not being manipulated by these women anymore. If that makes sense somehow? Yes I can still fuck softly and make it feel good. But you can always tell a size queen to fuck off. Sure there will be some weird chick out there with aassove vagina who won't be hurt by you... But you probably don't want to date that woman.
Ohajor drawback: don't do round 3 if you care about blowjobs. I almost forgot.
Overall I am happy with 7 EG. I feel like my wife likes my new size, but probably a huge factor is because she got bored of the same dick for 10 years so any new dick would be a relief.
In the photo you can see a tiny divit on the right side under the glans. I might one day try to fix that in a touch up session or might just forget about it. It is so massive now that a slight ridge really doesn't matter
That's it!! Hope it helps