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TOPIC: Updates on P-Shot, P-Long, hang size

Updates on P-Shot, P-Long, hang size 1 year 8 months ago #1308713016

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Hi everyone. I’ve been receiving questions about my posts on the P-Long thread posted by Dr. Brandeis on PhalloBoards @PLong , so I thought I would share my experience here for the benefit of all.

A few months ago, I decided to try a P-Shot (penis PRP injection) to help with E.D. I went to a clinic in Detroit. The doctor added a GainsWave (penile shockwave massage) treatment and gave me a Dr. Kaplan pump to use at home, 10-20 mins twice a day at “green” to “yellow” pressure (<10). I am a grower, and my penis is on the smaller side (2” flaccid, 4.5” erect). So, when flaccid, my penis usually sticks straight out like a little stub! But, about 2-3 weeks after the P-Shot and pumping, it started to remain puffier and hang more towards the testicles in between pumping sessions.

I got a 2nd P-Shot after that (different clinic in Bloomington Hills, north of Detroit) and erections improved even more a few weeks later. I started getting some morning wood again! (Not always but definitely more than usual).

[As a side note, an endo switched me from Androgel to Clomid after this and it totally killed my erections again… so I had to start daily Cialis until I can be seen by a different doctor].

The Dr. Kaplan pump is a very high quality pump. It has a gage with green/yellow/red zones with 1-30 (1-5 is green, 6-10 is yellow, above that is red). If you ensure you stay in the green zone, and only go to yellow for the last 2 minutes, it doesn’t hurt at all even if like me you have slight penis curvature). However the Cylinder I got from the doctor was a size XL or about 2.5” diameter. I got a cylinder on ebay for $40 that is 1.75” in diameter which made a big difference in terms of comfort. It is compatible with the Dr. Kaplan pump and hose. Unfortunately it is also rather long - 9” - but I could not find anything shorter.

Recently, I learned about the P-Long protocol. I decided to give it a try, if anything to go from grower to shower even of I don’t get much erect growth. I was able to purchase the RestoreX device ($400) and Affirm l-citeulline NO booster. I started actually following the protocol about a week ago. Just yesterday, I went back to the clinic in Detroit to get the first of 6 P-Shot treatments (plus GainsWave) that are part of the P-Long protocol. I will post some results after my next treatment! Treatment total at this particular clinic was about $7500 split in 6 payments. I really wanted to try exosomes as they are said to be more powerful than PRP but I could not find anyone in Michigan that offered Exosomes for the penis specifically.

I will post some updates as I go along. Wish me luck!
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Updates on P-Shot, P-Long, hang size 1 year 8 months ago #1308713021

Following closely. I’m half-assing my RestoreX protocol right now. Taking AFFIRM 2x/day, stretching 2x/day maybe 3 days/week, and haven’t yet done the PRP shots. Will pick it up in earnest following summer travel, and am eager to hear of others’ progress.

The RestoreX itself, coming out of Mayo Clinic research, shows ~2cm of gains on 6mos of 2x/day * 30 mins of usage, similar to gains seen with the P-Long protocol. And in a growing number of studies, PRP is not proving to be the panacea many clinicians would tout,( e.g. this study on PRP for ED ) so I’m somewhat skeptical that it will provide meaningful additional benefit over the RestoreX protocol alone. I do, however, see the merit to adding L-Citruline to help boost nocturnal erections.

Good luck!

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Updates on P-Shot, P-Long, hang size 1 year 8 months ago #1308713023

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The idea behind P-Shots in this protocol is that they help you make gains faster. Personally I did find the first two P-Shots made a difference in my E.D. Granted, one was combined with GainsWave...

I see a couple of issues with that study right away though. It is testing their own PRP protocol, not the P-Shot specifically. The amount of injections and amount of platelets injected were about half of that used by P-Shot. Moreover, they used ice on the penis instead of lidocain cream, whereas the P-Shot specifically says NOT to use ice or ibuprofen because it counteracts the effects of PRP. PRP is supposed to cause inflamation, and ice is decreasing it.

That's just my personal opinion though... I'm sure there are some MD's here who would know more!

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Updates on P-Shot, P-Long, hang size 1 year 8 months ago #1308713040

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This is incredible - just two days after the P-Shot, I had to adjust the RestoreX traction device to go up two nudges! That is probably not a lot of growth - small enough to be a measurable error with a measuring tape - but since RestoreX is a rigid device, the length adjustment signifies real growth.

That’s exciting. I will definitely keep going with the P-Long protocol!
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Updates on P-Shot, P-Long, hang size 1 year 8 months ago #1308713104

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Well, I have some anecdotal evidence that P-Long is working. Last night my wife said I “felt bigger”… like I was “rounder and thicker.” ;)

I didn’t tell her why… but hey, if she likes it, then it’s great news!

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Updates on P-Shot, P-Long, hang size 1 year 7 months ago #1308713139

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This morning, I had to go up one more nudge on the restorex device. I am also noticing stretch marks on the Circumcised (lighter skin) part of my shaft. I have no idea of that’s good or bad though….

Some folks on excelmale and reddit asked me about how I’m using the restorex without pain amf slippage. I think I got over the slippage issue by ensuring the ridge of the glans is wrapped 4-5 times in the self-adhesive tape that’s included. No more slippage since then. When I put on the device, before closing the clamp, I lightly atretch it with my other hand to ensure most of the tape except a small portion stays inside the clamp. I close the clamp about 3-4 clicks, depending on how hard or Flaccid I am. I haven’t had any discomfort doing this.

The other thing to note is that I didn’t get my restorex directly from the manufacturer. I got it from the plong website. I think the doctor’s office who runs the site adjusts things so the clamp doesn’t hurt the penis by closing too much. There is a process documented in the instructions to do this yourself. So maybe between the adjustment, taoe and how I position the penis before closing the clamp, I’m doing something right to prevent the pain/discomfort that others are feeling. I hope that helps anyone who is trying to use the same traction device!

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Updates on P-Shot, P-Long, hang size 1 year 7 months ago #1308713197

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Phalloguy - what are exosomes? Is this a procedure similar to PRP? (which is what everyone calls P-shot, right?)

I’m planning on having gainswave procedure and then PRP shot a few days later when I’ll be having another procedure done (Removal of FFT from ~25 years ago and replacing it with alloderm).

So as far as better erections - would you say you noticed an improvement since you had it?
How many times did you have the gainswave procedure and how many times the PRP shots?

Are those shots pretty painful?


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Updates on P-Shot, P-Long, hang size 1 year 7 months ago #1308713199

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Hi @123abc ,

You might want to ask the doctors in this forum about exosomes. My "some guy on the internet" explanation is that they are essentially a bag of cell material, including growth factors, dna fragments and rdna fragments, which are said to be 1,000x more potent than platelet-rich plasma (PRP). Exosomes are made from other cells (e.g. placenta) while PRP is derived from your own blood cells. In theory, PRP would be safer since it's your own cells. Lots of cosmetic procedures are using exosomes, but I've also read that the potency varies dramatically depending on brand and type, so it can be hit or miss. I just wanted to try it due to being generally more potent than PRP, and someone here posted he was able to get Exosomes injected alongside his P-Shot. Note that the P-Long protocol was NOT studied with exosomes - the clinical study used P-Shot (PRP).

So, the Gainswave is supposed to be done in 5 treatments, one week apart each. I just happened to get a deal from my doctor to instead do it with every P-Shot treatment, so I don't have to travel as often. After I had those 2 treatments, I definitely saw a big improvement in erections. It took maybe 2-3 weeks to kick in but I suddenly started getting more morning wood (which was rare for me). I wouldn't say it's as effective as daily Cialis though. Ever since an endo raised by estrogen way too much with clomid, my erections suffered again, so I had to start Cialis. I am now at 5mg daily (up from 2.5) and oh boy - I feel like I'm 17 again, getting random, hard boners all day long!!

The shots are not terrible but also not a walk in the park. They put lidocaine paste on the sides of the penis and let it sit for 15-20 minutes while they are spinning the blood to get PRP. I don't feel the actual poke, but once the PRP is about half-way in, I do feel the pressure and it is a bit painful. It only lasts a few seconds though. The only exception is when I did the 2nd P-Shot at a different clinic. They did one injection on each side of the shaft, and then one injection on the side of the glans. That last one was painful - I mean like really painful. The pain lasted at least 5-10 minutes, and I had to take Tylenol afterwards. The clinic where I'm doing the P-Shots for P-Long doesn't inject on the head - instead they do 2 shots on each side of the shaft, and they also add extra PRP to help increase thickness.

I hope that helps!

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Updates on P-Shot, P-Long, hang size 1 year 7 months ago #1308713200

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Does anyone if getting stretch marks on the penis is a good sign? Does that mean I'm successfully stretching it? Will they go away?

I'm getting them in the part that's more pink (lighter skin), just under the glans, where my Circumcision occurred (I was Circumcised as adult so I still have lighter/darker skin and a scar line).

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Updates on P-Shot, P-Long, hang size 1 year 7 months ago #1308713205

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Very helpful, thanks.. Sounds promising.

As far as estrogen levels being raised with clomid - webMD says it medication for women (infertility treatment?) and if so not sure why your doc would be prescribing it to you? ..but I’m sure there are other purposes for this medication..

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Updates on P-Shot, P-Long, hang size 1 year 7 months ago #1308713206

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Clomid is used to “restart” testosterone production in men, and it can work well for some, but it also can come with bad side effects. In my case, it made me feel horrible. It raised my testosterone levels *a lot* but unfortunately it also raised estrogen just as much, and the endo wouldn’t start me on arimidex to control estrogen. I ended up getting depression, it killed my erections and libido, and it made me super tired. Fortunately I was able to find a new doctor a couple of weeks ago who put me back on TRT (androgel) and had me stop clomid. I am also going to follow up soon with a TRT clinic called Defy (based out of Florida) to get a second opinion.

If it hadn’t been for that failed clomid treatment, I think I would have kept my Erection gains from PRP and gainswave. Because of clomid, I had to start Cialis, but at least going on Cialis ended up being a very good thing!

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Updates on P-Shot, P-Long, hang size 1 year 7 months ago #1308713220

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Thanks, makes more sense now.
I find it fascinating how important our bodies’ testosterone production is for our general well-being..
Good to know there are ways to trigger new production..

Right now I’m looking into testosterone / nitrogen levels, etc. Apparently they’re all interconnected somehow?

So to make sure I understand the ED treatment ->
5 gainswave procedures (a ~week apart) and 2 PRP shots.
For some reason I was led to believe it’s 1 to 1.
So 1 gainswave + 1 PRP, and so on..

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Updates on P-Shot, P-Long, hang size 1 year 7 months ago #1308713222

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I believe GainsWave and P-Shot are completely separate. However many doctors do recommend having 1-2 P-Shots along with the GainsWave but I don’t know if that’s a marketing thing or if there’s real science backing for it. :) Both are meant to help with E.D. so that could be why they combine them often.

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Updates on P-Shot, P-Long, hang size 1 year 7 months ago #1308713224

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I’ve read that gainswave slightly “damages” the penile shaft tissue (on purpose).

Then the platelets from one’s own blood “trick” the penile tissue to Repair itself..
that’s why I thought the two went hand-in-hand..
However, frankly I’m too confused on which procedures is best and if they should be used together or not?

Seems like the doctors themselves can’t agree?

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Updates on P-Shot, P-Long, hang size 1 year 7 months ago #1308713241

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Another update - I am noticing some turtleing, so maybe I'm overdoing it with restorex a little bit. However I went about 4 days without doing any P.E. so maybe that's why I had a slight setback.

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