Forums aren't really my thing but I figured I'd post about this since it's a big decision for most people (at least on here). Hopefully I can log it all and it can help someone since I've creeped these forums a good bit to get info. I'm scheduling my lig cut for mid-july. Reasoning behind it is I've had little results when it comes to PE. Literally years of trying all the different methods with the most minimal results, if any. In my own physiology it feels as if the ligament is preventing any gains. I have a thick ligament / cord running along the top center of my penis. On PE forums they refer to this as the "steel cord". Seems no one really has a solid idea of what it actually is but it goes right up to where the ligament attaches. Thought process is to release the anchor point and hopefully that allows future growth with PE exercises. Last ditch effort.
The details: I decided to go with Dr. Camacho due to his technique of placing the incision on the side of the scrotum and going through there. Not a fan of having a scar above my dong. Definitely not the Y/V cut. I called them about a week ago and got some quick questions answered and just sent them an email with some more questions. If anyone wants I can relay these questions and answers once I get a reply from them. BPEL is the gold standard for measuring so I'll use that as the bench mark.
BPEL- 7"
FL- ~5"
BPFSL - 7.5"
Just an initial post to lay out the plan and I'll updated once I have it done logging the details and recovery. I'm going to drop some links to some diagrams/pictures of the ligaments which helped me come to this decision as well. (Hopefully that's alright if not mods please delete them). I'm open to any input and thoughts on this as well.
(graphic cadaver pictures but really good visual of it)