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TOPIC: 57ml Ellanse Progress and Beyond

39ml Ellanse Progress and Beyond 3 years 8 months ago #1308704276

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For my second rd I had 16ml of Ellanse injected and I gained considerably less than my first round of 12ml. Also, I developed a pretty wicked hard spot/Nodule after rd 2 on top center shaft about a quarter Inch below the circ scar. There was a mass of hard tissue and then a thin trail of hardness wrapping around to the underside of my shaft. Addressing it in rd 3 has helped a lot. From my personal experience, I wouldn’t get more than 12.

There’s a chance I have more Ellanse in me than anyone else in the world (based on phalloboard reports and Ian said I have the most for any of their patients). I’m currently at 39ml.

Rd1: 12ml sept 2020
Rd2: 16ml exactly 3 months later
Rd3: 11ml 5 months later

I went from 5-5.1mseg to currently at about 6.3mseg at the largest spot swelling to 6.45 during and after sex. I’m at 6.25 at the lowest point. I still have another month or two of growth. I’m about 6.9-7 BPEL and 35 years old.

The first two rounds I put 1ml in my inner skin and my inner skin did not react well. There was a Nodule at almost every entry point. I have sort of a moderate high cut.

The first round went great and I gained .65 in one spot and overall about .6 with more being gained at the base. I wanted to gain as much as I could in Rd2 to try and impress a lady. I only gained about .3 maybe .25. In rd 3 I’m currently at a .35 gain so each time I got less Ellanse I gained more.

I’m convinced there’s something going on immediately after treatment where it doesn’t matter what you do but your gains are pretty much set in forecast. In theory, that amount of carrier gel in rd 2 should have produced an immediate result greater than rd1 because the lift from the gel has nothing to do with collagen. That’s one of Sinclair’s selling points is that the gel gives instant lift and the collagen replaces it over the course of 3-4 months putting you at the same gain you started with. However, I noticed night two after my procedure that my Erect Girth was less than night two on my first trip. Even though I was less swollen I was only measuring 6.35. So I was measuring about a .7 Inch gain, what I wanted to end up with after healing, while still being swollen a day after the procedure. I knew at that point I wasn't going to come close to the expected gain. It’s my belief that your Dick can only hold so much. The collagen also needs rooms to grow but again, where was the gel after rd2? In rd3 I started oozing product out of entry points when I didn’t ooze product in the first two rounds. I’m going to try and start pumping in an attempt to loosen skin.

Each rd I’ve been consistent with maintaining the gains starting from about 2 and a half weeks after procedure or until your completely healed.

So to me it’s a mystery why the carrier gel didn’t provide that lift right off the bat. If it was more a collagen growth issue, I would have gotten a good gain right away but then it would have slowly decreased as the gel dissipated.

I was going off @dthoms luck of gaining about an Inch from 19ml (15ml and then 4 ml 3 or 4 days later) and the premise that we can get .5 from 10-12ml. I thought I’d get .6-.75 gain but to get .3 was kind of shocking.

For rd3 I was done with putting Ellanse in my inner skin. It just didn’t react well. Maybe because it was still so sensitive from just having a Circumcision 3 months before rd1. I don’t known for certain but I mean that skin had been protected by a moist sheath for 34 years and 3 months after I get cut I have someone poke holes in it. Pretty traumatic for that inner skin. The swelling and redness after the second round in my inertia skin was getting pretty worrisome. The redness was creeping up onto my glans and I was fairly concerned. It eventually went away.

As for the peptides. Like I said in another thread, for rd 2 I tried a cycle of tb500 and I was also on ghk-cu, bpc157 and cjc1295 + ipamorelin. For rd 3 I wasn’t on any of it. For each round I took a lot of vitamins and also collagen supplements. My diet and health for round 1 and 2 were similar (really good) whereas for rd 3 I’ve gone off the diet about 35%. I was enjoying the Grand’s room service for round 3 and the ice cream with a cheese burger and fries is pretty great. For rd 1 I was in bpc157 and started cjc1295
+ipamorein about a month after my procedure. Also, this whole time I’ve frequently been using sun lightens led wand both the sport and glow.

It hasn’t been studied, no doctor in the world really knows how much or how little peptides, level of diet, stress, drinking, vaping, vitamins/supplements, LED light, shockwave therapy, prp, and whatever else you can think of would have on the amount of collagen derived from these microspheres. It seems the most we can reliably bet on is smoking, age (although even age doesn’t seem to matter according to some reports on here), and if you’re in really shit health like severely lacking basic nutrients (again, even this is a theory, no one knows if your Dick couldn’t grow collagen because you eat cereal all day). They say stress can effect growth and I did have more stress in my life during rd 2 but I’m not sure how that would effect the immediate gel result.

I’m going to visit Avanti annually from now on until I feel like stopping. So early next spring I might hit the big five-0, 50ml of Ellanse. If the amount of swelling doesn’t increase with more rounds, I might push to 6.75-6.9. Again, for me there’s a section midshaft that gains the most and then it slightly dips below that and then back wider at the base. This has been a common theme with reports, the tendency for things wanting to settle in the middle. I tried rolling/massaging my best but didn’t use heat. Until you’re there trying to do it, it sounds easier than it is. Trying to mold the product after the procedure is really hard. I focused well I think on preventing retraction though. The stuff barely moves around. It’s set in your penis well. If it moves you barely notice. I trust where Dr. Casavantes and Dr. Morales put it, they do a great job. It’s on me after the procedure to do my best with massaging and keeping it from retracting too much.
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39ml Ellanse Progress and Beyond 3 years 8 months ago #1308704280

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Hey Hyperbol,

Thanks for the update. Do you have an old progress report with photos?


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39ml Ellanse Progress and Beyond 3 years 8 months ago #1308704284

I’m fascinated by your choices and progress.

I’m ~30mL in with HA and went from 4.75 to 6.2” MEG with a BPEL of ~6.25”. The procedures themselves went well, but like you, I have a hard Nodule - in my case at a cannula entry point - and a hard, fibrous thread trailing about 1/2 way up the shaft from it. Feels like the kind of thing I’m just going to be stuck with indefinitely, as there’s been almost no change since March, and again like you, another round of filler covered that thread.

You’re the only other person I’ve heard describe having a similar thread. How soon after a procedure did it occur? Did a subsequent procedure remove it or just hide it?

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39ml Ellanse Progress and Beyond 3 years 7 months ago #1308704345

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@Cacx I’ll probably post photos soon. I’ve commented on other people’s posts about my progress a little bit this is the first real progress report.

@GrowthMindset It formed about 3.5 weeks after the procedure. I def think it’s from getting too much in one round. The third round really did wonders. There’s still some little hard spots but it doesn’t bother me and it’s way better than after round 2. I would say it just covered it up but it doesn’t feel like that. It feels like they are covered but also broken up and minimized. It feels like the hardness that was there isn’t there anymore and it’s hard to imagine simply laying over more product alone would cause this. I’m not sure the technique they used to minimize it.

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39ml Ellanse Progress and Beyond 3 years 7 months ago #1308704643

Do you have before and after pictures

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39ml Ellanse Progress and Beyond 3 years 6 months ago #1308704756

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@Hyperbol , bumping for an update and photos.
How is the smoothness after your latest round? And how hard are your post-PMMA erections compared with your pre-PMMA erections (i.e. is there any squishy-ness)?


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39ml Ellanse Progress and Beyond 3 years 6 months ago #1308704902

What happened to the hard Nodule you had next to the Circumcision scar?

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39ml Ellanse Progress and Beyond 3 years 5 months ago #1308705191

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@Hyperbol ? Gotten a chance to take photos?
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39ml Ellanse Progress and Beyond 3 years 3 months ago #1308705954

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I've been always meaning to post photos but haven't yet. Thought I would now. These aren’t the greatest photos and I actually do photography as a hobby. I should take some with my stills camera. I need to take some during sex (not with the girl in it) to probably give the best glimpse.

Again, I started at 5 midshaft Girth and I'm currently sitting at 6.3 after 3 rounds and 39ml of Ellanse. So a bit less than the .5 per 10-12ml average. Still, I'm real happy being bigger and love the results. I'm going to back for a fourth round in March, 11ml, because as I've said earlier, I'm going to keep doing a round a year until I feel like stopping. I want to build up a lot of collagen and taper off the rounds so there's the same amount of collagen sticking round and more PCL leaving my body.

The last two Flaccid pics tell a lot. They aren’t the same angle or frame but you can get the idea of how much wider I am. Just measure round household items and see where your fingers end up when you grip it. At 5 Inch Girth my thumb and forefinger overlapped to where my fire finger would reach my thumbs knuckle. Now when I grip those fingers are separated by a half Inch. It’s cool to grip it and feel that change. It’s fun to go to the bathroom and remind myself of the size. It’s pretty crazy going through most of your life with your penis one size and now it’s a lot bigger. It’s really changed my life. One of the last girls I was with said she’s never had a Cock this thick inside her.

No it’s not perfect. There are irregularities but women either don’t care or don’t notice. Two nodules in my inner skin will have to be removed through incision I believe. But I’m on no hurry because they don’t really bother me. I’m not zapping them again with the burn gun. It took forever for the burns to heal and I masturbated and had sex too soon when I thought they were healed. I had to wait four weeks after they broke open in order to fully heal and have sex again. They didn’t fully go away. Look how tight my scar line was. Those pre Ellanse photos are a little less than 3 months after my adult circ and soon before my first round. Again, I believe injecting in that fresh skin really aggravated it. I’m not touching the skin up there again. I’d rather massage product just into the edge and above the scar line. It does look shorter but I assure you it’s the same length.
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39ml Ellanse Progress and Beyond 3 years 3 months ago #1308705961

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Great results dude!

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39ml Ellanse Progress and Beyond 3 years 3 months ago #1308705981

Excellent results hyperbol. You might have already looked into this - you could be a good candidate for a scrotal webbing Removal. It would make your side profile look a lot longer (obviously not necessary though). Look forward to seeing how much bigger it gets. What’s your NPBEL?

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39ml Ellanse Progress and Beyond 3 years 2 months ago #1308706099

man you should leave well enough alone. You already have issues. I wouldn't be pumping more and more into it. You're already a decent size.

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39ml Ellanse Progress and Beyond 3 years 2 months ago #1308706207

Damn that´s a huge amount of Ellanse you got right there.I think anything above 20ml should be taken with caution.

I plan on having 2 rounds (1st one for 10-12 ml and 2nd just 5-6ml to taper any irregularities) . I should reach my goal of 6MEG with this, as I start with 5.1 mid and 5.4 base.

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39ml Ellanse Progress and Beyond 3 years 1 month ago #1308706369

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Excellent results hyperbol. You might have already looked into this - you could be a good candidate for a scrotal webbing Removal. It would make your side profile look a lot longer (obviously not necessary though). Look forward to seeing how much bigger it gets. What’s your NPBEL?

Thanks grey, you're right, it'll probably make it look longer. I may look into it, would be kind of cool, but it seems like a lot to go through just to have a better side profile Dick pic. It wouldn't make it look any longer from the top down. But, either I'm messaging with bots/fraud artists in Nigeria or women don't really know what they're looking at. The best comments I got from my Dick pics were from a trans women who understood how thick it was. I think I'm like 6.7 nbp.


amn that´s a huge amount of Ellanse you got right there.I think anything above 20ml should be taken with caution.

fightclub over 20ml in one sitting for sure. There are plenty of people with more PMMA in them though.

man you should leave well enough alone.

You're probably right but I can't help but go for one more round of 11cc. I'll probably stop after that until I see decreases I'm trying to set myself up for when the PCL of Ellanse starts dissolving, leaving behind the collagen.

Below are some photos of my penis in various swollen states. The largest one is probably 6.75 in Girth. In my experience, the severity of the swelling has to do with the intensity and duration of intercourse. If a girl rides you real hard and is bending your Dick back and forth, it'll probably cause more swelling then some gentle penetration. Last night this girl said something like, "everytime you put it in it feels bigger". That's the swelling she's talking about but doesn't realize what's happening. While still concerning, the swelling doesn't hurt and goes away pretty fast depending on a multitude of factors.

The amount of initial swelling also depends on numerous factors. When your Dick balloons up, you don't feel like having more sex until it goes down. Something in your head tells you it's not a good idea and you should give it a rest. Your Dick will be most swollen the morning after. I've had morning sex with a pretty swollen Dick a few times and it got some girls off during missionary more easily than it might have at base level. One made the comment, "I didn't think I could orgasm in this position". I wouldn't push it into the night though. I'd take that night off. Every other day seems fine. And sometimes the next night also seems okay if the selling went down pretty fast. I had some pretty rough sex last night, had morning sex this morning, and while my Dick is still swollen, I could see having sex again tonight if the moment was there.

You might be thinking that any hinderance to being able to have hard core sex everyday is a big problem. But I'd much rather have way better sex a few times a week than constantly having average sex. And here's the thing, I'm single and moved to a new city. Getting going on the dating apps isn't easy. I'm not ugly by any stretch but my profile pics (for those apps which don't allow nudity) aren't great and women who are looking for hookups have their pick of the litter. My theory is women are going for guys who, to them, look like they have a big Dick. When someone looks at me, they don't think, "he must have a big Dick". The irony is, I'm probably bigger in Girth than the vast majority of guys these girls are messaging with over me. My point is, I'm not having sex everyday with all these hookups and I don't live with someone so there isn't a temptation to having sex every night. I wouldn't be seeing more than two woman during any one period. Most of the time it's one woman that I'm seeing. And even if you are married or living with someone, come on man, sex every single night sort of dilutes your desire for it. I don't even masturbate every day. It's good to build the need up.

I don't have enough time with where I'm at in my life and career to constantly be dating or trying to get hookups. I'm fine with having sex twice a week and even once a week with a chick is fine. And so be it if I go more than a week without sex. That shouldn't be high on my list of problems. I eventually want to settle down with someone but I like living alone at the moment. Therefore, I don't know what it's like to continuously have sex without letting swelling go down. My first thought is that it would be a bad thing. However, I have other thoughts telling me that if I do keep having sex more often either right after the swelling goes down or still during some swelling, the dermis will get used to the friction and figure out some way to get rid of the edema better or reduce the release of edema. Or maybe it'll be a signal to your collagen that the PCL needs to be better covered. I'm trying to think of a comparison but maybe it's like a boxer who gets hit in the body as part of his training. At first, swelling occurs where he gets hit. But after repeatedly taking body shots, eventually his body figures out how to manage the trauma. Or maybe there's an analogy to be made with viruses. COVID-19 is a foreign entity that invades your body. If you get sick from it, your immune system couldn't figure out how to stop it. But after you get it, your body comes up with ways to protect itself form the virus.
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39ml Ellanse Progress and Beyond 3 years 1 month ago #1308706370

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Out of curiosity Hyperbol, have you measured your base Girth? It looks much thicker than your midsection Girth.


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