Following are answers to some frequently asked questions including your questions about pricing. Bear in mind, Dr. Rheinschild developed his procedure based on what he learned from repairing other doctor\'s poor workmanship and disfiguring procedures. Dr. Rheinschild\'s procedure is the only procedure that uses your own tissue that IS NOT fat. This presents a lasting enlargement that does not 'wander' on the shaft of the penis, thereby creating lumps and an unsightly appearance. You may call me at any time if you wish to ask any further questions, day or evening, weekdays and weekends. If Idon't answer, leave a message and I will get back to you. And of course, you may also call me for availability any time. I usually hold a slot or two open each week for last minute scheduling. John866-371-MALE714-800-0084For Girth Enhancement, BE INFORMED, CADAVERIC TISSUE vs. FAT INJECTIONS vs. DERMAL GRAFTS:==============================================================Cadaveric Tissue ( Alloderm):Dr. Rheinschild DOES NOT USE CADAVERIC TISSUE (Alloderm). Alloderm is cadaveric tissue (harvested from dead people), which in this type of procedure, would be placed under the skin of your penis to make it thicker. We have seen many cases of infection and rejection, leaving an unaesthetic penis. See this link on use of cadaveric tissue:
Dr. Rheinschild has done many reconstructive surgeries on men who received Alloderm, so he is strongly opposed to its use. Alloderm is available in many thicknesses with the thickest requiring up to 4 layers to equal just one layer of your own dermis. Alloderm enhancements will also make the penis appear taller rather than wider. Alloderm is also not as elastic as your own dermis with many patients having reported a REDUCTION IN LENGTH of about 1 to 1 1/2\". Fat Injections:Fat injections can become mobile over time and create a lumpy penis. Dr. Rheinschild has also done many reconstructive surgeries on men who received Fat Injections in the U.S., Latin America and Asia, so he is also strongly opposed to its use.Dermal Graft:Dr. Rheinschild USES YOUR OWN LIVE TISSUE (dermal graft). Dr. Rheinschild harvests your own tissue (Dermal Graft) which is the safest method for increasing penis girth (thickness). Dr. Rheinschild harvests sufficient width so as to provide a wider penis. Dr. Rheinschild is the only doctor practicing this method of girth enhancement.FAQ'S:=====Who we are:We are a professional private practice with extensive experience in customer care. Dr. Rheinschild is world renowned. He developed the procedure and is still the only one doing the safest enlargements'dermal grafts. Dr. Rheinschild will do your procedure, not an intern. We are not a production house that rushes the patient through and provides no post-op support. We are here to answer questions and to keep you informed before and after the procedure.How big will \"it\" be?Flaccid length gained is usually 1 to 1 1/2\". Erect length gained can be as much as 1 1/2\" but usually is around 1/2\". Erect length can be increased through stretching exercises. We are aware of one individual who has increased erect length from 5 1/2\" to 9\", but that is rare and would require quite a bit of physiotherapy. We will include and send to you a physiotherapy device when we feel that you are ready. Girth gain is 1 to 1 1/2\" in circumference or about 3/8 to 1/2\" in diameter in the erect state. NOTE: Although lengthening first, followed by physiotherapy will provide the best length result, this is recommended in men who have an erectile length of less than 5\". For men who have an erectile length of 5\" or greater, most choose to do the dual augmentation because the potential gain from the lengthening portion of the procedure plus follow-up physiotherapy may provide some significant length gain. Remember, this varies by individual. Also, most women prefer girth over length and also tell us that an erect penis over 7\"-7 1/2\" can be painful and very unsatisfying.When can I use it?We will take very good care of you and instruct you in post-operative hygiene and procedures to ensure the best result. It usually takes 6 weeks for the incisions to heal to an acceptable level. Even after that it is very important that you be careful and perhaps use a condom for a little time until the incisions toughen.What\'s the price?Dependent upon the procedure(s) performed. Lengthening alone is $4,900. Thickening alone is $8,700. Price for the lengthening and thickening with a head circumference enlargement done at the same time (triple augmentation) is $9,800. As for price, note that you are getting the expert to do your procedure and his proprietary technique plus using your own tissue. Price includes outpatient center, anesthesiologist and Dr. Rheinschild. You will also need to add in your transportation to and from Orange County, California as well as hotel, meals and about $100 in prescriptions and miscellaneous bandages.NEW SERVICES: Ask us about our in-house lipo and other male cosmetic surgery procedures. Financing is available through CapitalOne. Here\'s the instructions: 1) Go to 2) Across the top of the page, click on \"Healthcare Finance\", 3) See Cosmetic Surgery on the next page in the middle, click \"Apply Now\"4) Scroll down to \"Enter Preliminary Information\"a) Enter amountb) Enter \"Where are you applying from\"...c) Enter \"I am\"...d) Have you selected a Doctor? Click \"Yes\"5) Find a doctor by name or practice:a) For area code, enter \"866\"b) For Doctor\'s last name, enter \"r\"c) Click \'Search\"6) Highlight the listing for \"Dr. Gary Rheinschild\", then click \"Continue\"7) Continue your applicationYou will hear from them on acceptance as will we. We are a preferred provider with CapitalOne.Is this the best Dr?Dr. Rheinschild is a reconstructive surgeon who worked on war injuries. Can you imagine what that was like? He\'s the best and a caring physician. Many who do surgeries of the enlargement type are cosmetic surgeons who\'s practice is not concentrated in the area of male genitalia. Dr. Rheinschild has completed over 5,000 of these procedures. Many have used his name in order to be associated with the expert. Any association is false. Dr. Rheinschild is THE surgeon who did the reconstruction on The Learning Channel for which many are now taking credit for. So be careful who you select, otherwise there is a good chance you will see Dr. Rheinschild for your second procedure...a reconstruction.Do I need a consultation?No you don\'t need a consultation before committing. You will have a consultation the night of your arrival the day before the procedure. We will pick you up from the airport and transport you to your hotel. Dr. will either meet you there or at the surgery center. The following day we will pick you up and take you to the center. We will bring you back to the hotel and see to it that you are comfortable. You will be able to walk but we want you to rest. You can have a light lunch then dinner. How long do I need to be there?We recommend you come in the day before and depart the second day after surgery after Dr\'s. release. After surgery you will be followed up on every day by the support staff. We take very good care of our patients and will instruct you in post-operative hygiene and procedures to ensure the best result. Satisfaction with your results is only exceeded by satisfaction with your comfort and attention during the post-op. We will pick you up and drop you off at the airport and provide transportation to and from the surgery center.How soon can I get in?We work about two weeks out but usually have a few openings over the next week or two. We work on Saturdays and Sundays because many want to do this over the weekend.Is there discomfort?Dr. Rheinschild will prescribe the appropriate pain medication for you, if needed. Some patients use only Motrin or an over-the-counter pain medication after surgery for the first and perhaps second day. There is some additional discomfort until you fully heal (six weeks) and you\'ll need to wear pants (slacks, not jeans) with some room in them because, as in most cases, you will be noticeably bigger. Are you a good candidate?We do not accept patients who are HIV positive. If you do smoke, quit. Smoking is an obstacle to the healing process...more than you would think. Dr. Rheinschild has a very simple remedy for this that doesn\'t make you sick. If you drink a lot, stop or cut back then quit before and for several weeks after surgery. obstacle to the healing process. Age is also a factor. We require an angiogram before surgery for patients 50 and over. Then again, I was 51 when I had mine and received a great result. We know that this is something that you want to investigate further and decide on without pressure. We are available to keep you informed. You may call, to get firsthand knowledge of the procedures from someone who went through it, including Dermal Graft vs. Alloderm. We are a practice which focuses on care, comfort, convenience and results.Call our toll-free number (866) 371-6253 or email if you wish to schedule or to ask any further questions.Best regards, http://www.rheinschildmaleenhancement.com866-371-MALEFrom: WebSite Inquiry [
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