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TOPIC: Dr Marc Abecassis

Dr Marc Abecassis 13 years 6 months ago #1269800809

Dr. Marc AbecassisParis, FrancePlastic SurgeonFree Fat Transfer; Ligament Severing Length Procedure; Glans Enhancement via Hyaluronic Acid; Testicular Enhancement; Vaginoplasty; Adipocytary grafting of the Vaginal wall; Small lips reduction; Hymenoplasty INT+ 33 1 4923-0081

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Dr Marc Abecassis 13 years 6 months ago #1269800817

Dear Friends,
This is my first contribution to this database, and reflecting my Paris location it is about a French doctor who has been a pioneer in Phalloplasty and who was kind enough to respond to my recent inquiry.
You can read about him respective to the feminine side of his practice in the following New York Times article:
In Europe, Debate Over Islam and Virginity
With his authorization I am relaying his response to my letter with my own questions presented after the initials HC and his replies preceded by his own initials MA.

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HC: Dear Dr Abecassis,

MA: Hello HC

HC: An active member of the American Phalloplasty forum, I am writing you pursuant to the praise formulated by Dr Panfilov regarding your great professional achievements.

MA: Mister Panfilov is a Master himself and I am honored by his words.

HC: In fact, our group has already had a certain incidence, having contributed to the development of a knowledge base accessible to the public pertaining to the different forms of plastic and reconstructive surgery dedicated to operations on male genital organs. Also, I invite you to discover it, with the understanding that this forum is only in the English language.
Today many European patients travel to the United States, Brazil and even to Mexico for phalloplaty procedures, not knowing all of the available options on the European continent. And it is to this effect that I am contacting you, in order to bring them certain alternative options which would not mandate such distant travel in order to meet with a qualified surgeon.

MA: You are right, I have been many times to South America and also to the USA to train colleagues because there is considerable demand.

HC: Also, I thank you to be so kind as to authorize my relaying your answer, so that I may, should you so desire, translate it into English and publish it on the website after submitting this translation for your agreement.
We would be curious to know the operations and procedures which you recommend, as well as the associated precautions and ensuing convalescence requirements.

MA: I am a plastic and cosmetic surgeon practicing in Paris, France and Geneva, Switzerland. In a regular manner my specialty is in the field of Surgery of the External Genital Organs of the man and woman. I was the pioneer in France and in many countries of this, including of the reconstruction of the Hymen, a very delicate procedure in some cultures but an essential one, for which I have broken many taboos, and in France it has become the normal method, to the benefit of certain women in distress.

HC: A precise or general idea of the costs per procedure would be of great utility for those considering medical solutions which can sometimes be costly and who need to conciliate this with their budgets.

MA: The lengthening intervention and girth enhancement of the penis costs 5,500 Euros.
Girth enhancement alone: 3,600 Euros approximately
Vaginoplasty; Restauration of the Vaginal Caliber by Muscle Tightening and Adipocytary Grafting of the Vaginal walls: 5,000 Euros
Reduction of the small lips: 3,000 Euros
Hymenoplasty: 2,700 Euros ......
The operation lasts between 30 minutes to 1 Hour and convalescence some Two to Three days on average.

HC: Certain permanent and apparently risk free solutions having been recently developed for girth enhancement by PMMA, the primary interest for most of our members would be essentially for lengthening procedures as well as those enhancing the size of the glans or its crown.

MA: Personally I only use fat tissues to enhance staff girth. I do not think that the other products are good. Except maybe for the Glans. I don\'t like PMMA nor Hyaluronic Acid, at least in my own hands, we can further discuss this later.

HC: Also, some seek testicular lifting procedures to have a reduction of their scrotal sack or to separate the webbing from the shaft. Of course we are attentive to any of your propositions related to this field of medicine and would like to publish your remarks and suggestions, born of your great experience.

MA: We routinely do scrotal liftings, to reduce excessive skin of the sack. We have also designed testicular implants for aesthetic purposes to increase testicle size (the only ones in the world to my knowledge).

HC: I therefore thank you to be so kind as to authorize us to present the procedures you may propose to French and foreign clients seeking \"the French Touch\" of a precursor of intimate surgery. This website is in the English language and located in the United States and the information will be relayed by an independent third party in the context of the comparative evaluation of surgical choices available throughout the world. I therefore think that this information, whether it may be precise or of a more general nature, will not go against current French legislation pertaining to publicity of medical acts, quite a few of your colleagues already having to this effect their own dedicated websites.

MA: I trust you regarding the deontological aspect because I ma very attentive that no publicity is made about me, only information. And you do well to provide information about multiple doctors because this is more ethical.
You can see on the website of the CLINIQUE DES CHAMPS ELYSEES an explanatory video about intimate surgery where I discuss technique.
Should the case occur, please do not address patients to that clinic but directly to me, and this for organisational reasons.

HC: With all our thanks in advance

MA: I remain at your disposalYours truly.
Dr Marc Abecassis[/quote]

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Dr Marc Abecassis 13 years 6 months ago #1269800828

For those who may be interested, Dr Abecassis uses in his ligament cut lengthening procedure an organic spacer taken from the patient\'s own tissues which is elastic in nature, similar to that which attaches the testicles. He claims that thanks to such a tissue no post-operative stretching is needed and that he has had no cases of length retraction after surgery. FWIW

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Dr Marc Abecassis 6 years 2 weeks ago #1307805862

Great post. Anyone ever went with Dr ab'cassis? Consider a treatment with him

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