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TOPIC: Dr Viel

Dr Viel 10 years 3 months ago #1285185397

Firstly, I would like to thank the users on this website for sharing their stories with regards to the elist implant. I was a dead cert until then.
However, I am British, and Dr Viel in London has been performing the lengthening and widening procedures for years (FFT) I am aware of the drawbacks of such \'old fashioned\' techniques, but unlike with elist, there does not seem to be the scores of horror stories when you type in Dr Viel\'s name. Equally, there appears to be hardly any testimonials. If you research the man, you get 20 years experience, tried and tested procedure, etc. Increased demand ten fold, etc. I would have thought that if the procedure is so popular (and he is a Harley Street surgeon, would there not be several negative reviews if the doctor botched the job? I would like to start a forum similar to that of elist about this guy. There must be hundreds of Brits who have had it done..? Negative and positive so I can make an informed decision. If I have it done, I will update my results weekly. I am very keen, and would appreciate all feedback.

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Dr Viel 10 years 3 months ago #1285190564

He uses a Y/V incision for his lengthening procedure. I have absolutely no idea why, but he hasn\'t changed it in 20 years! So definitely don\'t do lengthening with him. I did spent 15 years trying to deal the scarring for his Y/V.

Some guys have had success with FFT, but it you need to be prepared to go back for regular top ups and have liposuction every couple of years. I hated my FFT, as it felt lumpy and mostly absorbed, but back then he wasn\'t offering his \"top up\" service.

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Dr Viel 10 years 3 months ago #1285195424

hoddle10 wrote: He uses a Y/V incision for his lengthening procedure. I have absolutely no idea why, but he hasn\'t changed it in 20 years! So definitely don\'t do lengthening with him. I did spent 15 years trying to deal the scarring for his Y/V.

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Dr Viel 10 years 3 months ago #1285195661

Hi hoddle 10,
Thanks for your response. I have done a lot of research, but this confuses me. Why is scarring such a risk? Could covering with pubic hair hide this? Also is a scar not better than avoiding sport because of humiliation showers, etc...? Could he have improved in the last 15 years even if it is the same approach? I am only expecting a Flaccid gain
EG would be nice, but I accept that is not possible. Also, if it was continually so bad, why no negative reviews. The guy seems to get a lot of business?
Just sick of feeling inadequate after sports. Btw, I am not questioning your integrity...also in those youtube videos, the guys looked pretty happy, although that was just FFT. Is a lig cut and FFT with viel that bad a deal for cosmetic increases? Also, other countries are just not an option at the minute for me.

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Dr Viel 10 years 3 months ago #1285199021

Krugman wrote: Hi hoddle 10, Thanks for your response. I have done a lot of research, but this confuses me. Why is scarring such a risk? Could covering with pubic hair hide this? Also is a scar not better than avoiding sport because of humiliation showers, etc...? Could he have improved in the last 15 years even if it is the same approach? I am only expecting a Flaccid gain EG would be nice, but I accept that is not possible. Also, if it was continually so bad, why no negative reviews. The guy seems to get a lot of business? Just sick of feeling inadequate after sports. Btw, I am not questioning your integrity...also in those youtube videos, the guys looked pretty happy, although that was just FFT. Is a lig cut and FFT with viel that bad a deal for cosmetic increases? Also, other countries are just not an option at the minute for me.

The Y/V in the pubic area is notorious for poor scarring. Go through every well known surgeon in the US and find one that still uses the Y/V. Why would they not want to take advantage of a skin flap if there wasn\'t good reason? We have a member called Dassie (sp?) who had the Y/V with Viel a couple of years ago and the last I heard he was asking me for advice with scar Revision.

There aren\'t many reviews of Viel full stop, either negative of positive. I was on PE forums for a decade before I found another Viel patient. So the fact there aren\'t many negative reviews means nothing. However, I\'m not saying Viel is a bad surgeon. But the lig cut is a rubbish surgery, even without scarring. I\'d strongly advise you not to do it, especially if it\'s just for the locker room, as you could end up with an embarrassing scar, that means you want to hide away even more than you currently do.

FFT isn\'t always bad, as long as you know you\'ll probably need to go back for regular top ups. Mr Viel is also a nice guy. I\'m not telling you not to get FFT, but just making you aware that it is unlikely to be a one off procedure. I\'d expect to have to go back about once every 6 months for several years. You might also find you don\'t like the feel, but that is dependent on a number of different factors that we can\'t predict.

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Dr Viel 10 years 3 months ago #1285204536

My advice is stay away from the twin Viel brothers Roberto & Maurice.
Neither one is a qualified surgeon of any kind. I had Penoplasty done 12 years ago by Roberto Viel.
The only thing that got bigger was his bank balance. After the first op I\'d lost length so he agreed to
do the procedure again. All I got from that was to regain the length I\'d lost plus maybe half an Inch.
To increase Girth he\'s still using the very old method of fat injection. It\'s a waste of time and there can
be bad results e.g lumpy results due to the fat being re-absorbed. He\'ll tell you at your first consultation
that the normal increase in length is between 1 to 2 inches,(you\'ll think whow 2 inches,great!),however
the truth is you\'ll be lucky to get half an Inch. This figure is well known world wide and 97% of all men,
(world wide) who had Penoplasty done are disatisfied with the results. One guy in the States was so mad
he went to the doctors office and shot him dead.
I felt like taking Viel to court I was so mad at him. But after careful consideration I decided the only one to
gain would be the lawyer.
Roberto Viel knew how I felt so recommended I contact a Dr.Elist who was coming over to London to demonstate
a new procedure involving silicone implants. I contacted Dr.Elist but got only half baked answers to my questions.
Fortunately I didn\'t take the matter any further as we now know from posts on this site that Dr.Elist is not a nice man
to deal with and his implant procedure doesn\'t live up to the hype.
So Krugman my advice is please don\'t have Penoplasty surgery you will have paid a lot of money for very little gain.
Best of luck.

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Dr Viel 10 years 3 months ago #1285204959

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Dr Viel 10 years 3 months ago #1285208077

Cheers for the feedback lads. It is much appreciated. Just curious though, could his technique not have improved over the years? This would seem logical? Does.anybody have a photo of lig cut Y/V scarring? My goals are only Flaccid increases to avoid awkward situations. I am not looking to be king dong. What is the story with this PMMA? Would that, combined with the scrotal lig cut from say clinic brazil be a better option combined with PMMA?
Are there any positive viel
? Surely in this internet age there must be for him to still be performing?
Pretinho, did you have the combined surgery with viel too?
Finally, is there any logic in the view that happy patients will just move on and not feedback? I clung on to this view for a bit, after reading the elist horror stories. Also, why such little feedback about viel available? One would think the most famous surgeon I the uk at this would have lots!?!
Final final question to hoddle. Were you happy with length gains from your lig cut? Was the scar the main source of upset? Also, why is it that bad? I can\'t find an internet picture, but I have read this risk before. Still, I would have thought Tha even a deep scar covered by pubic hair would be better than a notably small knob? I have never noticed this area on anybody. Just corner of the eye stuff of people Hanging when I don\'t. Complete respect hoddle, and I am sure I am not realising the severity of your scarring.
Pret, did you have scarring too? Was it that bigger deal for you too?

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Dr Viel 10 years 3 months ago #1285209537

Mr Viel has improved his FFT technique, or rather he\'s accepted that it wasn\'t the permanent solution he used to claim it was. That is why he now stores fat and expects patients to go back for regular top ups. But, even then, some people just don\'t like the feel of the fat. He\'s never going to be able to get around the fact that fat is soft.

I didn\'t really gain any length from the lig cut.

Here are some examples of Y/V scarring. It\'s not just the scar tissue that is the problem. The Y/V creates a skin flap that can lower the penis into the scrotal skin. Basically my penis ended up buried in scrotum. Messageman also had the Y/V and the same thing happened to him. If you read his thread he describes how it looked.

I hated having a small penis, but preferred it to having a deformed penis that I got from Y/V and FFT.

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Dr Viel 10 years 3 months ago #1285214486

Hi Krugman. To answer your questions. Yes I had the combined treatment done,
e.g length and Girth procedure,(using my own fat)and yes I have a Y scar which
hair doesn\'t cover/hide. I don\'t know if Drs Viel (they are not surgeons so shouldn\'t
be called Mr,they are Doctors, originally from Italy) have changed their procedure.
It doesn\'t appear so as hoddle 10 would suggest as when I had my operation 12
years ago they stored some of your fat for future top ups, (more money for them)
My advice to you Krugman is to forget about Penoplasty surgery. It\'s very expensive
and you\'ll be disappointed with the results. Check out the web and you\'ll understand
that my advice is sound. Dr. Roberto Viel is a nice man but shouldn\'t be doing this
type of surgery and nor should any other doctor throughout the world.
Best of luck with your goal to get a bigger penis.


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Dr Viel 10 years 3 months ago #1285217080

Thanks again chaps,
Ok, you have both made strong cases against, and I do not doubt their authenticity. I find it confusing why there are not plenty of negative reviews circling though. If the surgery is as popular as it is claimed by the uk press, one would think so. Are there any positive reviews, even one?
I think from what you two have told me, I would be a fool to get the lig cut with viel. Near certain disaster. Although is it not feasible his skill has improved over the past decade for lig cutting, even with the same approach? I am not stupid, and unlikely to pursue this unless I get a number of positive reviews. I am still 50:50 on FFT. I understand that PMMA seems to be all the rage at the minute, although this seems to only be done by Dr C in Mexico?
What are your thoughts on a scrotal lig cut and PMMA. I was only considering surgery after 12-18 months any way. I may have to change my time frame if I pursue this. Or Gary Alter for the lig cut? I have heard of his name before and he is the corrective surgeon on the hyper-link hoddle sent me. There is also clinic brazil who perform the scrotal lig cut. I read one indifferent review on that. I understand the risks, but an extra Flaccid Inch would be magic!
Finally, why do both of you write viel is a Nic guy if you both suffered and regretted his surgery? He cost you money and set you back. Isn\'t this the same as elist? But he gets battered on here from pillar to post, and rightly so.
Pretino, there is no way I would have that done, thank goodness for this site! I was going to take a loan out and go having read about his FDA approved technique, and shill reviews. I was/am a rookie and bought it. However, how is viel any better? Maybe no shilling, but he claims to have a very high success rate and nearly no complications...
Is there anybody on here with anything positive to say about his surgery?

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Dr Viel 10 years 3 months ago #1285219793

The issue with the Y/V isn\'t the skill of Dr Viel. It\'s the incision type itself. In the pubic area it\'s notorious for creating poor scars. That is why none of the well know US surgeons use it.

We have a member here, called JAM, who was pleased with his FFT with Dr Viel. Also the guy I told you about who wanted his scar corrected, he was pleased with his FFT, however, he\'d run out of fat top ups and wasn\'t going back for more. I don\'t know what happened after that, as I never spoke to him again and he was vague as to why he wasn\'t getting more fat stored. I guessed it could be financial, as he did seem to be happy with the result.

Dr Viel is a nice guy. He performed 2 scar revisions on me, for the low cost of the operating theater. He also gave me Kenalog injections every 3 months, for 3 years and didn\'t charge me. Maybe you could argue that\'s the least he could do, but I do know of Dr\'s that abandon patients that have problems. But the main reason I said he\'s a nice guy, is simply because he\'s affable.

If you are absolutely set on doing the lig cut, then go to Dr Alter. A UK alternative is David Ralph. He\'s a senior Urologist at UCH on Euston Road. He has a consulting room on Harley Street.

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Dr Viel 10 years 3 months ago #1285220471

Hi Hoddle (Chelsea fan?)
I appreciate your advice and I completely take it on. I realise Viel may not be the best man for a lig cut. To be honest, Alter in the U.S may be a cheque too far at this point I my life, but I want to sort out this problem at this point of my life. Equally, I don\'t want to do something that I may regret financially and even more importantly physically. I have read some success stories for Flaccid increases cia the lig cut. I was thinking the UK as if there were any complications, London is only down the road. Does Ralph do FFT? Does he use the Y/V? Could not be an option to go for FFT with viel, I can accept a few top ups, but hopefully not indefinitely, and then see Dr Ralph. Also I read that (possibly fromnon of your posts) that Ralph is only willing to perform on what is termed a mocropenis. I am not that, but certainly no 7 Inch looking for a monster either. I will update every stage due to the help of this site, but after that I want to put the whole episode behind me. I have a patient and understanding girlfriend, but I can\'t take the piss and be flying to Mexico and the USA and wherever else....
I know if there was a magic wand, we would have all done it and this forum would not exist, and I am not somebody so small it hugely effects my life. What do you think? FFT with viel, chill for a year, with a couple of top ups and then a Ralph lig cut? Also, do you have any info on him? I honestly can\'t find anything about the man...
Again, thanks for your help. O will be at least a year before surgery as it stands.
Does Ralph not do the V/Y? And if he does, why in your opinion is he less of a risk than Viel?

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Dr Viel 10 years 3 months ago #1285221968

Hoddle is hardly know for his time at Chelsea is he! He\'s a Spurs legend.

I wouldn\'t have suggested Ralph if he did the V/Y incision. As I said before, it\'s the type of incision that is the problem, not the Dr performing it. It\'s a basic surgical technique, but doesn\'t work well in the pubic region.

I\'m not sure what Girth procedure Mr Ralph offers, but I think it\'s a type of allograft. But I\'m not recommending him for it.

I have suggested FFT with Viel for the odd member in the past, but I wouldn\'t want to recommend you do it. If you go ahead it has to be purely your decision. It can work and there have been guys happy with their results. However, never lose sight of the fact that fat transfers are incredibly easy, yet hardly any surgeons offer them. There is a reason for that and it isn\'t because they don\'t like getting well paid for an hour of easy work! If fat transfers were predictable and offered consistent results, then the cosmetic filler industry wouldn\'t be anywhere near as big as it is.

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Dr Viel 10 years 3 months ago #1285224667

Hi Hoddle,
Of course he was! Silly me, but that Hoddle-Waddle era was a bit before my time.
Appreciate the help. Do you have a link for Ralph? I can\'t.seem to find him anywhere? Maybe an email address? Also, what order would you suggest? Would FFT be the starting point or the lig cut with Ralph? I will arrange consultations and keep you posted on what both say. Although the combination may seem the preferable option at this stage
I completely take your point. This would be my choice. You have made me very aware of risks.

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