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TOPIC: old arab/muslim techniques

old arab/muslim techniques 13 years 5 months ago #1270207528

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this thread i will discuss old arab/muslim techniques to lengthen the penis. it works but takes effort and proper nutrition. i would appreciate no one to hijack this thread with stupid comments and only ask relevant questions to these techniques.

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old arab/muslim techniques 13 years 5 months ago #1270208962

never heard of those techniques.. which are they?

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old arab/muslim techniques 13 years 5 months ago #1270220805

Hey, this guy got banned before we could know how they get their charmed snakes to climb Harem walls? That\'s a disappointment... Possibly thanks to a concoction made up of ground eunuchs? Every tradition has its own special recipes for penile prowess.

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old arab/muslim techniques 13 years 5 months ago #1270221919

Aziz was banned by S.O. for rude and derogatory comments directed at yours truly. How have you been my brother? I\'ve still yet to try the colorant you sent me. Sigh. I\'ve been so busy at work and on the home front. I\'ve got some more questions for you but I\'ll either send them via PM or post on your TE thread. BTW... nice avatar.

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old arab/muslim techniques 13 years 4 months ago #1270911011

Is Aziz still banned? Maybe he could be reinstated and post those techniques along with what nutrition specially one should be taking and like EP wrote about his Palestinian friend who was told of certain spices that aided in the process. Besides Aziz wrote he knew of a Mr. Akbar who was a patient of Dr. Fischer-Santos. It would be great if Mr. Akbar could join this forum and share his experience about PE surgery with Dr. Fischer-Santos. Aziz, if you are still around could you ask Mr. Akbar to join this forum?Thanks.

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old arab/muslim techniques 13 years 4 months ago #1270911066

Maybe someone could start a poll asking if Aziz can be reinstated. I would do it myself, but because of my permanent punishment I am unable to post polls.

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old arab/muslim techniques 13 years 4 months ago #1270911917

Aziz will not be \"reinstated\". He directly insulted me. I\'m still a Moderator Sheldon. I could post a poll... or I could simply make the executive decision and say, \"No.\". I\'d bet on the latter. Aziz was banned by Skeptical One... I believe S.O. might back me on that. It\'s true you were \"suspended\" in the past by someone other than me but you never seem to let it go. When will this end?

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old arab/muslim techniques 13 years 4 months ago #1270913024

Sheldon wrote: Maybe someone could start a poll asking if Aziz can be reinstated. I would do it myself, but because of my permanent punishment I am unable to post polls.

As M7 noted, Aziz will not be reinstated, but no harm on Sheldon\'s part for inquiring. As for polls, I believe there is only one sub-forum where polls can be posted, and if I\'m not mistaken, polls are disabled in all other sub-forums. So you should still be able to post polls, and I\'m pretty sure your account privileges (including your member title) have been fully restored.

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old arab/muslim techniques 13 years 4 months ago #1270913352

@SO: Thank you for reinstating my privileges and title as well as not getting upset for inquiring about this former member.
If Aziz is reading this he is probably upset because this thread is getting slightly off track.
While, I am NOT defending Aziz (because he did insult me slightly as well), I think he should be given a chance to come back. Now I don\'t know if he was given the opportunity to delete/modify his posts and he refused and that\'s why he is still banned. The reason for my suggesting Aziz to come back and to be reinstated is to learn about his PE techniques, nutrition/spices which may aid PE (normally I wouldn\'t put too much credence into this but what EP wrote about his Palestinian friend makes me suspect there might be some truth in this) and to read about his friend, Mr. Akbar and his experience with Dr. Fischer-Santos. I think that Mr. Akbar could tell how much (if any) he gained with PE surgery by Dr. Fischer-Santos and what post-op stretching device was used. (you can read about Dr. Fischer-Santos here: )
I couldn\'t find any information about ancient arab/muslim PE techniques, but I did find this: An alternative (power) method The method of lengthening of the penis was not invented by the producers of extenders, and was known much earlier than was proposed first extender. The priests of Indian tribes Sadhus reached amazing results penis enlargement, hanging stones to the penis with vines and grass. Heavy stones stretched tissue of the penis with the same force at all times, while remained fixed to it. On the use of the adaptation period, rulers or additional rods could not be and speeches, and high efficiency was due to the force of traction and exposure time. Of course, a modern man living in the city, can not and will not want to use weights, hanging them to the penis, and would prefer to use an extender. Extender - an attempt to make the extension more comfortable. However, to use an extender to achieve maximum results must reasonably. The idea of an alternative method of power wearing the extender is to create conditions for maximum traction * the penis to achieve quick results. This might be similar to what Aziz was going to write about, but I\'m not sure.

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old arab/muslim techniques 13 years 4 months ago #1270913584

Aziz\'s willingness to disparage members cheapened the quality of anything he could have possibly contributed. The nature of his behavior & posts were that of someone not fit to engage the discussion found on these forums.
Perhaps, he could share with you what he knows about cultural techniques unbeknownst to our forum. He could share this with you by way of email, and then you could relay that information to us on this site.
Besides, I\'m sure he\'s not the only person who\'s both English speaking and is familiar with exotic techniques. This forum continues to grow, and relevant and pertinent information will find its way here.
Aziz\'s status with this forum is final.

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old arab/muslim techniques 13 years 4 months ago #1270913722

I don\'t have Aziz\'s email and could just find information about the Sadhuses of India. Certainly if I found some information/links about some of information that Aziz mentioned I would post it here. Perhaps if EP ever comes in contact with his Palestinian friend he could write about nutrition/spices to aid PE.
Did you offer Aziz the opportunity to come back if he edited his posts or did Aziz contact you and ask to come back if he edited his posts? Maybe if Aziz edits his posts he could be given the opportunity to come back? Just a something to consider.

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old arab/muslim techniques 13 years 4 months ago #1270921910

This may be similar to what Aziz was going to write about:

If a certain part of the body is exposed to a constant, permanent stretch, the cells in this area begin to divide and multiply, thus increasing the tissue mass. This natural principle has been known and used through centuries in many different cultures in order to develop or extend various body parts.


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old arab/muslim techniques 13 years 4 months ago #1270926536

Here are some examples of stretching/Hanging/traction that Aziz may have alluded to.

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old arab/muslim techniques 13 years 4 months ago #1270926910

As far as spices go to aid PE - I couldn\'t find anything. So perhaps another member who does know about this subject could chime in here.
I do think that three vitamins/minerals that may aid PE are zinc, vitamin C, and folic acid. I\'ll explain these shortly.

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old arab/muslim techniques 12 years 4 months ago #1275598353

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I am sceptical on these so called ancient Arab technique heard about it for years mainly from penis enlargement websites who I think started the rumour, Jelqing came from there, to make it sound more exotic.

I have done research online, asked many Arab friends who had no idea what the hell it was about????? There is no evidence at all.

I have seen Indians and some African stretching their penis but that\'s it.

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