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TOPIC: Smooth Finish & PRP opinions?

Smooth Finish & PRP opinions? 7 years 6 months ago #1299927440

I\'m scheduled for mid October for final touch-up/Smooth Finish procedure. I\'m probably going to add the PRP just for kicks.

Has anyone tried the \"Smooth Finish\" procedure? What about PRP? There isn\'t much on here as to opinions on either. Elsewhere they are touting PRP as the miracle cure for just about everything. I figure I\'ll already be numb, so why not? Only thing is, I don\'t want it in my glans. I don\'t see the point? I\'ve always been happy with mine.

Any thoughts, opinions, ideas about these 2 procedures?

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Smooth Finish & PRP opinions? 7 years 6 months ago #1299927493

I believe a couple of members has had the smooth finish. I think members has said that silkon1000 heals quickly so you may not need the prp.

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Smooth Finish & PRP opinions? 7 years 6 months ago #1299928233

There have been several guys on here who have had great things to say about getting prp with their round. It seems to aid in healing much faster than before. And I am not sure if you are talking about getting prp in the glans or not, but they just inject it into the shaft. If you are talking about getting silikon1000 in the glans, guys that have gotten it (and even Dr. C) say that doesn\'t make much of a difference. If you are happy with it now, I wouldn\'t bother with it. Just go for it along the shaft.

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Smooth Finish & PRP opinions? 7 years 6 months ago #1299928719

@BriceB, the ad said PRP in the shaft and glans. I was just commenting that I would pass on the glans thing. Doesn\'t sound appealing at all.

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Smooth Finish & PRP opinions? 7 years 6 months ago #1299929836

Hey, Smokdu - I have had it done.

First 2 rounds were all PMMA.
The third round was just Silikon over my entire Dick.
The fourth round was just Silikon on 75% of my Dick and PMMA in the base.
5th round was a little Silikon in the base that was really resistant to PMMA.
I went in with really loose skin as I was a PE vet coming off a reversed procedure so had issues with a wavy looking Dick from the PMMA as there was not a lot of skin compression.

The Good News
It really works if you have aesthetic issues. Mine are basically gone. I went over the top slutty the past 6 months in terms of sex - and no one has ever said one negative thing about my Dick, suspected it as unnatural or didn\'t want to get fucked by it and/or give me a blow job. Taken more than 2 photos of guys who wanted a pic with my Dick in their mouth and I am a good host. I have only had lots of really positive comments. I have sex with guys so they would know right off the bat. I am fairly certain I would not have skated by like this with just PMMA. It just did not look smooth the way a natural Dick does. Some aren\'t naturally smooth actually, but it didn\'t quite look like one of those either.

I also love the way it made my Dick feel right away. It feels different than PMMA and I think better.

It also added as much Girth to my Dick when I had it done in my 3rd round as I got in my second round of PMMA -.25\" and there is no aftercare. You can get right back on the plane and fly back home if you wanted to and lumps will not show up a week or three later.

I had so much fibrosis after the graft Removal they literally poured PMMA into my base and on the upper left it was always flat combined with the fact that the skin was the most stretched there. On my last visit, I said (we agreed) just put a heavy amount of Silikon in that square Inch to build it up. It looks good, but when used like that it is softer than PMMA. I can tell - and I am certain one one else in the world would notice that 1sq Inch of my Dick - but it\'s an observation. This also doesn\'t apply to your question as it is generally not meant as a filler but thought I would add.

The Bad News.

It is injected into the deep dermal layer. Once in it is basically there for life. You cannot separate it from the skin. The incidence of reactions to Silkion1000 are very small, even smaller than PMMA, but there are no good options for you if you are in the minority. I didn\'t realize this until after I did it so I started moving toward Silikon and away from PMMA as I did my procedures as I thought it was safer and I was very leery of PMMA and nodules etc. It made the decision easier at the time. Somewhere on here I posted the results of incidences in several studies Silikon vs PMMA. If I recall it was .3% but check.

I am super glad I did it in the sense that my Dick is 100% and I was able to let go. I stopped looking at my Dick and thinking the next time I go I am getting that area tweaked.

It is on my mind that what if I am in the .3%? I am not crazed about it because it has not happened and it is easy to let go of what if\'s. I would be a little more stressed if I was younger than I am. I worry about the younger guys on here more than myself but that includes young guys and any PE.

So - it works, my Dick looked much better after and it let me let go of the obsession, but it is not reversible like PMMA. If I had to do it again I would have done PMMA into my 3rd and 4th rounds in small amounts and then on the 5th visit just done Silikon in all the areas that were lower. I would still do it just cautiously. You just really have to weigh the possibility that if you are in the minority, you can\'t just get your Dick degloved and have it removed. Either the skin that has been treated needs to be grafted or you need to have repeated injections in your dicks semi regularly to keep the reaction at bay. I was glibber when I started doing Silikon. Like all things PE use the internet to see the downsides before you make your decision.

For today, I am super happy I had my Dick done - I feel like my old self and have thought a few times about the 8 years I lost when my grafts died and the time in between where my sex/dating life stopped and I isolated more. But I am also aware that shit happens down the road - longer answer than I inteneded.

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Smooth Finish & PRP opinions? 7 years 6 months ago #1299930032

I love reading your posts because you go into such detail and talk about the mental aspect which I think many people fail to do
Cheers D

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Smooth Finish & PRP opinions? 7 years 6 months ago #1299931966

damn HunkyDory. Super good knowledge there

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Smooth Finish & PRP opinions? 7 years 6 months ago #1299939074

Thanks Hunk. Ironically, I was reading your story just before I read this response. Sounds like you\'ve been through some shit. I\'m very thankful and appreciative of you sharing your story and experiences with all of us.
I am where you were at your fourth visit. I have a few imperfections that bother me more than not, mostly Flaccid, so I\'ve decided to address them. I\'ve gained .75\"+ after 2 rounds. My goal was size first, then aesthetics. Now, reading that there is around a .25\" gain from the Silikon, and getting everything evened out, I think I\'ll be able to hang it up.

Did you try the PRP at all? I can\'t recall if you did or not. I think I\'ll give it a go.

Thanks again for your insight!

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Smooth Finish & PRP opinions? 7 years 6 months ago #1299939101

Here\'s another question. If you get some PMMA (as in a touch-up), and get the full Smooth Finish procedure, do you still have to massage? Or does the silikon kinda lock shit in place?

I will need a few touch up spots (Wade said a \"bit\" of PMMA) and so I\'m curious as to the after care. I\'ve only had full rounds of PMMA, never a touch-up. I read/hear that the silikon requires zero aftercare. So if you get both simultaneously, how does it work?

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Smooth Finish & PRP opinions? 7 years 6 months ago #1299939728

Hi Smokdu, first thanks, I never had the prp. I think he just started offering it as I was finishing my rounds and so it never came up. I think it is cheap so I would certainly do it if I was starting over.

So long as you are doing PMMA you will need to massage, but it may not be ideal getting both at the same time if the Silikon is going over the PMMA. The Silikon pretty much stays where it is put and after the residual swelling goes down in a week or so, you will know what you have pretty much. It is not going in the same layer as the PMMA so it does not set it.

It does smooth out what imperfections you have - but since the new PMMA takes longer to set you don\'t know what you are going to end up with in terms of new high and low spots. I actually think I had PMMA added to my base and asked since I was there could we just cover it like the rest of my Dick and they did, but I still needed to go back for PMMA.

I feel dodgy recommending anything that is as permanent as Silikon in terms of Removal, but I did it and it got me over the hump in terms of letting all this shit go, so don\'t want to be a hypocrite. If you want to wrap things up and the PMMA touch up areas are not that deep, I would discuss with them is you can forego it and just do the silikon.

Ideally, I would get it as close to done with PMMA and then do the final round of Sikilon - but maybe you are at that point already - and I know what a huge pain in the ass it is to fly there from NYC. I am not sure where you are coming from, but waking up at dawn to get a Jetblue flight to SD is in my past now.

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Smooth Finish & PRP opinions? 7 years 6 months ago #1299944967

I feel bad complaining about making the trip as the flight from here to SD is only an hour and a half. It\'s more of a scheduling thing. And a getting jabbed by giant needles thing. I just want to be done with it.
Also, I\'m going out of town for 10 days immediately after this visit, and so I\'m not telling the wife. She will just go on about how I\'m already perfect for her and blah, blah, blah. They do not understand. Yet she wants a tit job, and thinks thats totally fine even though I tell her her tits are perfect for me
I\'m hoping by the time I get home, the swelling will be down (both rounds I\'ve healed extremely fast) and she won\'t notice much difference. I usually pump a bit if I think sex is in the cards that night, so that is what she\'s used to seeing anyway. When I pump, everything is perfect (aesthetics & size). I honestly don\'t think she\'s seen it completely Flaccid since round 1, cuz if she\'s looking at it, it ain\'t usually Flaccid So the PRP is supposed to help with healing; 10 days should be enough.
As for getting PMMA separately, Wade is the one that suggested getting the 2 done simultaneously after seeing my photo. I guess I won\'t need much PMMA?

So, we will see in October. I\'ll update my journal for future travelers.

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Smooth Finish & PRP opinions? 7 years 6 months ago #1299979504

Thanks, Guys, for your posts

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Smooth Finish & PRP opinions? 7 years 6 months ago #1300003237

Tangential to the thread, but is Wade back at Dr. C\'s? I thought he had moved on and Ian had taken his place.

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Smooth Finish & PRP opinions? 7 years 6 months ago #1300019500

Im Getting the Elist implant removed this week- and am very much considering PRP so ill keep you guys posted, i\'m going to do it once a week. I\'m lucky my friend is a Doctor and can do it for me in the office with a huge discount. So i\'ll keep you guys updated on the results. THe elist implant for some reason - caused this purple necrotic tissue on my glans - its lie the stitching at the glans disrupted blood flow or something during surgery. it never went away. i\'ll attach Pictures.

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Smooth Finish & PRP opinions? 7 years 6 months ago #1300041894

Hey Guys, I spoke to Dr. Mark Solomon about when to start PRP a after surgery. He said why would I want to waste my money. My friend is a doctor and licenses at PRP at his office so I told him I\'d try. He seems to think that plasma will disrupt the healing- I honestly didn\'t get an accurate answer from him. I asked when I could do it- as like after I start to heal. He said \"I\'d never let anyone inject PRP on my shaft\"

Anyways I\'ll do more reasearch and I think I just want the get it on my Glans- there is some discoloration there since the implant. I\'ll keep you posted

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