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TOPIC: Planning PMMA Procedure / Journal Dr. Ivana Nemeckova Prague

Planning PMMA Procedure / Journal Dr. Ivana Nemeckova Prague 8 years 1 month ago #1294404323

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Hi there!

So I found this forum here, then I took a look around (Findings are here: )

Now I decided the method that could be interesting ' not surprisingly it's PMMA
(also summary about this in the link above if you are new).
(Priapus shot also slightly interesting in addition, if I get rich )

Comments on everything appreciated (especially the things in fat) - of course i will research myself in the forums, and add my findings here.

I have very thin girth with 3.8 inches (9,5cm), that is like in lowest 10-20%. And there was another study that showed basically all 50 women said girth is more important than length (my length is 6 inches 15,5cm).
Especially in swinger scene it\'s a lot about the penis, i expect to be more attractive in this scene where you present yourself online with full nude picture.
I was also thinking flaccid bigness is totally irrelevant, but now i am thinking just regarding how it looks i will look more attractive naked.

Best case: fatter penis, yeeea, going up to average with 1 inch gain (which makes me go from lowest 10% to average)
Middle case: fatter penis, minor complications with nodules and slight deformation,
eg 4 month sex pause
Fear that bad stuff can happen in the future (eg after 40 years?)
Worst cases: fucked up penis, year long complications and only focusing on penis, worrying, regret, looking for doctors, paying, wishing i would have never done it
-> Pmma seems to limit the worst cases drastically in comparison to grafts or implants

Read the forum and summarized my findings (sorry not mentioning the original authors):

Before operation:
- buy an all day stretcher like ESL-40 and bring it, also bring penis pump
- Bromelain 500 mg 1 twice a day,
Arnica montana dose 30C (take 4 small tablets sublingually, 4 times a day),
Vitamin C 500 mg (3 times a day)
hydraulic acid 30mg a day, joint care supps, hydrolysed collagen, Anavar 25mg a day for my collagen building stage (alwan)
'vitamins a, c & e'
collagen supplement
starting 1 week before Surgery
- get all other stuff that I need for post-op care
- bring bandages and tape for wrapping?
- take some pain medication with me

At Operation:
Blunt micro canula, not needles
(only injecting while withdrawing)

olafspo 11/24/14\"I wore the cup of the penimaster plus. First of all, it's much easier for her to have a good grip as she does not need to pull on the glans / skin (as she only injects when your unit is stretched ). Afterwards it is much easier to do a nice wrapping. The penis can not turtle as the base of the penimaster cup will push against the thick wrapping. Just use the cup and wrapping material and you will be able to wear a comfy all day stretcher. Use it for 10 days.\"

10%, 20% or 30% PMMA:
The saying is less concentration is less lumps and stuff, but also less girth.
idea 1: 30% for first and second session, then always 10% touchups
idea 2: 30% for first session, then always 10% touchups
idea 3: always 10%
idea 4: Like Tijuana does it, it seems: 30% for base and middle, 10% towards the head

Dr N is said to use 30% pmma. On the other hand, small amounts - 10cc ml per session.
30% is said to give more lumps and girth.. this is obviously true,
but mustn\'t the second big factor be how much cc / ml there is per session?

'Metacrill is approved in Brazil, Mexico, and Europe, and
ArteFill (Bellafill since 2015; Suneva Medical, Santa Barbara,
CA, USA) is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Adminis-
tration in the United States and South Korea, but the latter
product is too expensive when considering an average volume of
PMMA 40 mL per patient. The same is true for Artecoll (Artes
Medical, San Diego, CA, USA), which is approved in Europe by
the Conformit' Europ'enne and in China by the Chinese Food
and Drug Administration; PMMA microspheres in these prod-
ucts are suspended in rather expensive bovine collagen. There-
fore, for larger volumes, we rely on the two affordable PMMA
products (Metacrill and Linnea Safe [formerly New Plastic;
BioMedical, Sao Paulo, Brazil]) approved by ANVISA, the
Brazilian Health Ministry'

The Dr uses Metacrill, so I guess that's it.
Linnea Safe is a bit pricier, gonna read up on both.

Penis form: - what to choose?
option 1: base same as middle
option 2: base girthier than middle
option 3: middle girthier than base

I guess one is the best. -> chose 1
But I also read somewhere the ideal shape for female pleasure is superbig head. Well, that's not possible anyway with Pmma.

Post Operation aftercare:
- the idea is to spread Pmma evenly, because when it clumps up it forms Nodules, and you can only prevent Nodules that formed in the 48-72 hours after the operation
- wrapping from her after the thing
- penis should ideally probably free-hang
Meaning when you have a trouser on that carrying it left or right it could make irregularities? (Sherger speculation)
- take 3 days for really checking on your penis, if there is some irregularities massage till it\'s regular again
- eventually even wake up every 3 hours and take a look?
- the entry points are most often problematic, look at that extra
- stay in the city of operation for 3 days, let it check up by doctor on 2nd and 3rd day? (1st being day of operation)
(- don't pump)
- stretch for 2 weeks with ESL-40 (or all 6 weeks in which collagen is forming); tom kat writes some people lose ~0.3 inches temporarily and this is against it
- don\'t jelq or clamp anymore after pmma (sizemic, tom kat)
- after 72 hours pmma stays where it is
- Dr wrote no sex or jerking off (sexual activities? no physical pressing the penis) for 10 days

Here 9_in_Richard writes that he made himself a big nodule or something by jerking off lightly at day 10:

-> so, no sex or jerking for 14 days i would say

- slight irregularities at first become bigger with time

Questions on aftercare:
- Is getting hard often is good or does it not matter? (If it matters could take Cialis)
- Massage with a roller? Read it's 100 times better than with a hand ('Method of the koreans'). But what roller to buy?

Miracle8x7 on 07/19/13
'I used a stainless steel bar 1/2\" diameter, covered it in the antiseptic gel and rolled (like dough) the top part of my shaft
after scouring the web for the ideal roller (in my estimation 3\" wide by 1/4\" - 3/8\" diameter) I came up empty handed. I\'ve viewed probably 400+ carpet seam rollers but none that are perfectly suited for the task at hand. I\'ve recruited Smartman to help locate such a roller.
Guess what? The top part of my shaft is as smooth as a baby\'s butt. No bumps, lumps, hard areas... it is PERFECT.
I personally believe that placing the penis on a flat surgical tray and stretching it out by pulling on the glans and rolling with even pressure along the length of the shaft will yield near perfect results; homogenizing the filler. I am still in awe of just how smooth the portion I rolled is. '

Smartman on 07/20/13 same thread, about Korean technique
'So they have changed their technique (directly post-injection) by using a roller (which will provide equal forces over the shaft but in the other hand hand manipulation or massaging will provide unequal forces over the shaft) with a light force to homogenize the product ; and in their article if you see the pictures (dorsal and lateral views - before and after 18 months) they had smooth and v. good esthetic results after 18 months.
Btw these korean use a compressive dressing with an elastic bandage directly after the usage of a roller.'

When do nodules start to exist? Stupid question, but when do they form ' in the 72 hours after the procedure? 1 month after the procedure? Any time? After sleeping in a bad position?

What to expect after the operation:
- after operation i get penis wrapped up and have to leave it like this for 48 hours!?
- leaking from the entry points (what to do there - ok, wrap)
- chance of big swelling and pain, redness and itching
- i am uncircumcised, so more chance of complications ( says it, but i don\'t know why exactly)
- a little bit soreness and swelling in the first days
- size going down first (after first week eg it looks like you never did anything), then later after some weeks it getting bigger again
- small irregularities become bigger with time
- you can feel the pmma under the skin a bit
- it changes a bit over the years
-Miracle8x7: One can bet that there will be a continued loss up until the 6-8 month mark. Most of my gains from R1 were lost during the 4th month. you perhaps now worry if people \'find out\' because it looks a bit weird

How can i imagine the aftercare in real life?
eg what about the leaking - just do it away with paper towel?

And testing for nodules and stuff: do i carefully lightly touch the penis, find anything i don\'t like (visually or extra hardness) and massage superlight so long till it\'s ok again?
And if i don\'t feel and see something i don\'t like of course don\'t massage.
And just do this every hour?
I guess the biggest problem is sleep?

Dr N and Dr Cho from South Korea both say not to massage (and Cho says just leave the wrap on for 7 days and only take off for shower; Dr C says to keep it on for 48 hours)

Entry points are most problematic, they get hard often - i guess massage softly there
-> no, probably never massage, but always use a roller
(massaging hard seems to me to be dangerous in actually making nodules)

Between sessions:
- take 6 months between sessions.

Question: How long to wait ideally between sessions?
Make pmaa-injections like only after 6 months after the last one? Idea being that after 6 months the penis is finally done changing from the injection and in best state for touchup? And: You see if Nodules come up + if they resolve again on their own. So I can make the 'corrections' and 'next session' in one?

When irregular:
- touch-up session with 10% pmma
- or silicone dripplets (don't know advantages/disadvantages)

I am Austria. One doctor that does PMMA, actually the next one, is in Prague. That's like only 3 hours per car! And in a cheaper country. Great.

- Dr. Ivana Nemeckova Prague
+420 722 725 703
+420 601 322 822
Skype: aurumclinic-drnemeckova
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Aurum Clinic, estetick' medic'na a chirurgie najdete n's zde: Zborovsk' 56, Praha 5
(She also lives and i think operates part of the year in Sevilla, Spain)

She has done over 200 penises over the years, but it's not her main business (but she has lots of pmma experiences on other body parts)

She does the procedure since 2009. Someone wrote she does like 1-2 dicks a day. Southdub wrote recently 02/2017: \'She also told me she did 4 dicks yesterday had one after me today and 2 more tomorrow\'. It seems she started small and does more and more dicks.

3 x 10-15 ml of 30% Metacrill; 2 month between (i will wish 3 months or more)
3500 euro

Uses micro cannulas
Works alone, without assistant
She said 'I did not have encountered any granuloma or necrosis, we are also monitoring the statistics of complications at worldwide level and it is very low (below 0.5%).'

I guess when I tell her I want 10% this is not a problem.

She does not inject much, which is ok for me. She has a reputation for good aesthetic results here it seems (probably because not injecting so much and injecting it more at the middle of the penis - someone wrote (sry don\'t remember) that she does inject more in the middle of the penis, while Dr C does the same base middle and towards head - which is probably more riskier to the aesthetic result all around).
She injects through single injection point on top of the base (Dr C Tijuana i think uses 6 as shown in the pdf linked in this post)
One thing that seems bad about her seems she eg doesn\'t answer an email for a month for new customers.

People that had PMMA with this Dr: (Names in Clauses were not patients but knew about other people)
- eastender (2014 he was still happy)
- Letsgiveitago (thinks she is good and got kenalog treatmen for nodules from her)
- andydandy
- Shergar (got it 2014, )
- Superman (something strange happened?)
- (rifflair said on local review website she did not know how to deal with lumps in one patient)
- (hoddle10 thinks her track record is not bad)

Already done:
- find a forum, find a procedure
- sent Dr N email on 5.1.2017 asking if possible certain dates next 8 months are possible
edit: sent mail on 5.1.2017, then forwarded it on same adress on 21.1 and on 6.2, still no answer

Todo now:
- read 40 page thread
- read all the threads where Dr. Ivana Nemeckova Prague is mentioned
- really plan how the aftercare goes
(eg what supplements are really good for collagen)

Todo later:
- up before-pics
- have it all planned out
- setup date with the Dr
- book hotel

Current most important open questions and fears (gets edited and updated):
- made a post about it \'The perfect PMMA aftercare\':

[for later:

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Last edit: by Dev_Team.

Planning PMMA Procedure / Journal Dr. Ivana Nemeckova Prague 8 years 1 month ago #1294407166

I was in the bottom 30% when it cam to Girth so I can completely understand we\'re your coming from.
It\'s so handy that your only 3 hours drive from Prague
Your country is beautiful by the way, I go to a village called Zel am Zee for skiing every couple of years.
I\'m looking forward to hearing about your procedure.

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Planning PMMA Procedure / Journal Dr. Ivana Nemeckova Prague 8 years 1 month ago #1294527032

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Argh, wrong button, i just wanted to edit the first post. (and wrongfully instead quoted whole post in a new reply here - deleted it again)

Anyway, i will edit this post if something big happens.
Right now the Dr. did not yet reply to my email (from 10 days ago).

What else:
- Not yet 100% if i should do it
Pro: going from lowest 10% girth to probably about average girth (from 3.8 to 4.8), we only have one life, why not risk a little bit and go for it (and pmma is nothing compared to the procedures before)
Con: penis size is not a superbig problem, new worry will be \'does she recognize that it feels/looks a bit weird\', worries about what happens to 30 years in

- Questions of aftercare in first post; edit: made a post about it \'The perfect PMMA aftercare\'

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Planning PMMA Procedure / Journal Dr. Ivana Nemeckova Prague 8 years 1 month ago #1294533005

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Why you choose Dr. N instead of Dr. C?

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Planning PMMA Procedure / Journal Dr. Ivana Nemeckova Prague 8 years 1 month ago #1294533410

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SSC wrote: Why you choose Dr. N instead of Dr. C?

Because i drive 3 hours to Dr N in Prague with car (6 hours travel time)
and i would need about 24 hours to fly to Dr. C (48 hours travel time and muuch higher cost of travel)

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Planning PMMA Procedure / Journal Dr. Ivana Nemeckova Prague 8 years 1 month ago #1294536269

Because i drive 3 hours to Dr N in Prague with car (6 hours travel time)
and i would need about 24 hours to fly to Dr. C (48 hours travel time and muuch higher cost of travel)

I totally understand the reasoning. I think a question worthy of consideration is: is the cost/convenience factor the most important variables in a penis enlargement procedure?

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Planning PMMA Procedure / Journal Dr. Ivana Nemeckova Prague 8 years 1 month ago #1294536907

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but Dr N. seems pretty good. See the notes above (small amounts, aesthetic results). And it\'s 3500eur it seems for 3 rounds.
Dr C. seems to be the master with more experience.. what\'s his rate?

Well.. \'less convenience\' - it\'s 800 euros - per round just in flight-costs!
And i looked it up, the travel time in total is at least 27 hours per flight. It\'s cracy. 27 hours to there, then 27 hours back. Which also means having to take holiday again and again every flight.
So it\'s 2400 euros flight costs for 3 rounds, and much less flexibility than car.

And when i have a Nodule? Another flight and another 54 hours travelling.

For me the choice is very clearly Dr N Prague

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Planning PMMA Procedure / Journal Dr. Ivana Nemeckova Prague 8 years 1 month ago #1294537041

Dr. C is going to be 3000$ per procedure soon. So 9000$ for 3 procedures. I\'m sure any people in Europe will be considering Dr. N with those prices.

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Planning PMMA Procedure / Journal Dr. Ivana Nemeckova Prague 8 years 1 month ago #1294537057

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Dream wrote: Yea..

but Dr N. seems pretty good. See the notes above (small amounts, aesthetic results). And it\'s 3500eur it seems for 3 rounds.
Dr C. seems to be the master with more experience.. what\'s his rate?

Well.. \'less convenience\' - it\'s 800 euros - per round just in flight-costs!
And i looked it up, the travel time in total is at least 27 hours per flight. It\'s cracy. 27 hours to there, then 27 hours back. Which also means having to take holiday again and again every flight.
So it\'s 2400 euros flight costs for 3 rounds, and much less flexibility than car.

And when i have a Nodule? Another flight and another 54 hours travelling.

For me the choice is very clearly Dr N Prague

Yeah yeah, I also consider her because he does PMMA in Sevilla part of the year, very close to me (5 hours).

The question is: would you go to her if nodules happen or something goes wrong instead of Dr. C? She does not do the \"smooth\" finish round nor micro droplets... Perhaps she does not need that, because the rounds with her PMMA are almost perfect...

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Planning PMMA Procedure / Journal Dr. Ivana Nemeckova Prague 8 years 1 month ago #1294537403

Great detailed thread. I considered Dr N before I decided to go for HA instead .

Hope all goes well.

Will be following your progress.

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Planning PMMA Procedure / Journal Dr. Ivana Nemeckova Prague 8 years 1 week ago #1294767989

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Ok, i sent email to the doctor concretely stating \"i want the procedure and when can i come\" to her email on 5.1.2017, then forwarded it on same adress on 21.1 and on 6.2, still no answer.

What to do? Calling to another country is pretty pricey. Ok, i try skype.

Sent something on skype at 9.2, sent something on whatsapp at 12.2, sent another mail on 13.2, sent something on her company facebook on 16.2 just now

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Planning PMMA Procedure / Journal Dr. Ivana Nemeckova Prague 8 years 1 week ago #1294768967

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Dream wrote: Ok, i sent email to the doctor concretely stating \"i want the procedure and when can i come\" to her email on 5.1.2017, then forwarded it on same adress on 21.1 and on 6.2, still no answer.

What to do? Calling to another country is pretty pricey. Ok, i try skype.

Contact her through Facebook.

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Planning PMMA Procedure / Journal Dr. Ivana Nemeckova Prague 8 years 5 days ago #1294847752

Thanks for sharing your journal dream. I copy and pasted it and added it to my own notes. I\'m interested in the rolling pin method. Did you happen to find a specific rolling pin product yet?

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Planning PMMA Procedure / Journal Dr. Ivana Nemeckova Prague 8 years 4 days ago #1294853107

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Hi there!She wrote back ' the facebook did it I think.30% pmma, 95eur/ml (which is about 3000eur for typical 3x 10ml), 'Nodules don't normaly occur, do not charge for extra treatment but it was never needed in last 8 years' Ok.So next steps:- setting a date: I'll try 3. April- Finding out if I really really ' really really want this
Going through all pmma progress reports, for whole days and getting lost in detail.
And writing a thread where I summarize all of this. All this taking tens of hours.
edit: started it here: am not super-sure about it. Perhaps I already researched enough. Pmma overall seems pretty safe.- I could research the perfect perfect pmma aftercare.. ' thread here:
Eg the thing with the roller, which is described as nothing less but genius
On the other hand Dr N I guess is about wrapping that thing and leaving it for 3 days without looking at it.
So doing it another way for the first time also seems just a bit risky.
And what roller to buy and where, nobody seems to know. Argh, the research needed. - Ok, I guess I should read a lot of reports still.

- decide if i want to use 10% instead of 30%

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Planning PMMA Procedure / Journal Dr. Ivana Nemeckova Prague 8 years 4 days ago #1294853418

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Dream wrote: Going through all pmma progress reports, for whole days and getting lost in detail.And writing a thread where I summarize all of this. All this taking tens of hours.

@Dream - This would be great! I just mentioned doing the exact same thing in this thread:

I was thinking of a spreadsheet with username, date first round, number of rounds, PMMA percentage, overall satisfaction, and NOTE any minor, significant, or serious issues.


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