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TOPIC: What do you take for depression?

What do you take for depression? 8 years 9 months ago #1292312389

Hey man, I know what your going through all to well. Not to whine in your thread as well, most of you that know me, knew I got this procedure right after a very fucked up divorce. My outcome isn\'t perfect, but I love the Girth and I haven\'t gone back and had a 2nd round yet. I lost some length but it came back, so you have my sympathies Smalljay. I am depressed for other reasons, I\'m actually happy with my Dick despite irregularities, I am working on length right now, started light Hanging and wear an x4 2 hours per day. I digress, so shortly after my divorce and procedure, I reconnected with this chick I knew in HS. She had just gone through a divorce as well. We seemed to connected on so many levels, had so much in common, sex was fucking awesome, I was the love of her life.... Except, I had no idea what abuse was until this chick started laying it on thick. Long story short, she turns out to be a malignant narcissist. These are some of the most fucked up people in the world. They actually prey upon people like me who are kind hearted, vulnerable etc. etc. Anyhow, its been a year since I left her, I even have a arguably better looking GF now. I got back in shape, gained an Inch of length back due to fat pad reduction. Have a 6 pack, nice muscles, women actually check me out now, I arguably have a large Dick 6 eg x 6.6 BPEL... So whats wrong with me??? I still obsess about this ex day and night. Its like PTSD, I didn\'t even know what was going on until I told my new GF everything that had happened. She has experience being in her own abusive past relationship and volunteering at womens shelters, I think the only reason she hasn\'t left me is because she understands fully what im going through. She told me one day \" you understand you were being extremely abused?\". She said look up Narcissism. I was made to think I was an insecure, bi polar piece of shit for calling my ex out on her devious behavior. At one point, after we got engaged, I apologized for calling her out after busting her with an online dating profile... Well here I am a year later... I do the same shit you do smalljay, I have visited forums, etc... The only reason I haven\'t done it is because I have custody of my kids, their mom split on em after the divorce. I am all they have. Ya, i know some will say Im a pussy and get over that shit. (Yes, I am grateful i have my kids and love them very much.)Well I went through 3 years of pure hell with divorce. Spent $112k getting my kids back, owed the IRS $40k that year, was too devastated to work, Lost most of my savings cause I was living off of it. Being a single dad to a daughter and son. I feel horrible for them cause they lost their mom, my son is high functioning autism... The narc made me feel good again and to find out it wasn\'t even real...

Sorry Smalljay, to answer your question, when I got really bad, I was very lucky to have alot of supportive people around me, and I was on xanax, that was the only thing that helped me sleep. I was taking prozac, that didn\'t help, I got off of that, it also shuts down your metabolism. I just ate very healthy and went to the gym alot. I will probably get some shit for this, but the only thing that has helped me feel good again is Adderal. Be very careful if you go down this road, I am not recommending it. I use to be a heroin addict and can tell when shit is becoming a real problem, many of you are smart and basically know its clean meth... Ya, i\'m that fucked up right now too man...

So to all of you who think getting a bigger Dick, getting PMMA will make everything in life wonderful and this is your answer to your happiness, Please reconsider the procedure and do more research. Im living proof that its not the magic pill. It has given me alot more confidence, but Most of us just need to fix whats between our ears. Although Im still happy with the procedure 3 years later with just minor cosmetic problems, I am lucky and I know it. Gentlemen, if you start seeing signs of crazy: Narcissism, sociopath, Borderline personality disorder, histrionic, bi polar in your relationship just get the fuck out, don\'t walk, run. You will thank me later

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What do you take for depression? 8 years 9 months ago #1292312749

Please avoid Oxycodone and Vicodin.
I recommend using Xanax or/and Ativan to get to sleep. I\'d say buy both and alternate between the 2 having either one 15 mins before you go to bed each night.
Don\'t take any of these during the day they should only be used to get to sleep.
For daytime use I recommend Seriphos which reduces cortisol levels, aso Buspirone which is a very safe anti anxiety/beta blocker drug.
You need to concentrate on self acceptance and self imrovment, it\'s possible to improve other things about yourself and other things in your life, forget about tryna improve your penis.
Please cancel any future rounds of PMMA,
You need to book a holiday and spend time with a girl.
Also I recommend YouTube sleep hynosis to use in combination with any tablets, Micheal Sealey has some good ones.

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What do you take for depression? 8 years 9 months ago #1292342615

Disclaimer, I am not a doctor so what I state may not help you, but I can speak from my own experience. I would try an SSRI along with Wellbutrin. A low dose of an SSRI such as Prozac along with a moderate does of Wellbutrin can offset the sexual side effects of the SSRI, and the Wellbutrin will give you energy. It took me about 15 years and many doctors to find something that worked and this combination works pretty well for me. Also, if you haven\'t had you testosterone checked you may have your doctor check your T level. Low T can contribute to depression and just because you don\'t have a problem getting an Erection doesn\'t mean your level can\'t be low. Ideally if your doctor would allow you to experiment with drug combination, under their care of course, you will find something that works for you.

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What do you take for depression? 8 years 9 months ago #1292342618

jnoell2001 wrote: Disclaimer, I am not a doctor so what I state may not help you, but I can speak from my own experience. I would try an SSRI along with Wellbutrin. A low dose of an SSRI such as Prozac along with a moderate does of Wellbutrin can offset the sexual side effects of the SSRI, and the Wellbutrin will give you energy. It took me about 15 years and many doctors to find something that worked and this combination works pretty well for me. Also, if you haven\'t had your testosterone checked you may have your doctor check your T level. Low T can contribute to depression and just because you don\'t have a problem getting an Erection doesn\'t mean your level can\'t be low. Ideally if your doctor would allow you to experiment with drug combination, under their care of course, you will find something that works for you.

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What do you take for depression? 8 years 9 months ago #1292347634

Since you have OCD, Luvox or Zoloft. They might have sexual side effects (might not), but that\'s probably a good thing. You need to stop thinking about your Dick.

Remeron was the most effective anti-depressant in peer reviewed meta analyses, but it caused the most weight gain.

Cymbalta doesn\'t cause weight gain or sexual side effects, but it has a severe withdrawal syndrome.

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What do you take for depression? 8 years 9 months ago #1292349606


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What do you take for depression? 8 years 9 months ago #1292351421

I tried Wellbutrin due to the supposed \"lower risk of sexual side effects\". Gave me a limp noodle. So I switched to Xanax. I take it only as needed, versus Wellbutrin\'s 2x day. I get 1mg tablets, break them into 4ths, & only take a piece when my head chatter starts. (I work inside a prison, so anxiety can really get to you.)
Are you seeing a counselor of any sort? You seem a good candidate, as you are very open about what\'s troubling you; that\'s the hardest part. Seek out some qualified counseling, let them decide what meds you need. Please don\'t self-medicate, that can have bad consequences.
PM me if you need anything, I\'ve been down this road already

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What do you take for depression? 8 years 9 months ago #1292355990

I am very sorry to hear of your experience. I have to say, if you read my post today on Kingpin\'s thread you will see my situation. I wish I had lost 1/8\", in-fact I lost over an inch in length and the glan twisted back, and the shaft kinked. It was rough at first, but I didn\'t go to medication...your suffering has real causes, therefore real solutions. But I don\'t know that anti-depressants are the answer. I have not had sex for nearly a was tough, and I was depressed. But, I had to remember something...I\'m a man, not a dick. I hope that one day soon I will have resolved this issue, but I will find a solution through a more informed decision making process this time.

I recommend you talk to someone, a therapist or your family doctor for that matter. If a recommendation comes as a result of that, about antidepressants, then take professional advise, but talk to a professional about it, and

Your are worth, you are strong, and you can work through anything you choose too. Your masculinity does not hang between your legs, it is the will of you mind and your heart.

Never give up on your own potential to build the life you want, to find happiness, and peace.

Talk to someone...get up and fight.

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What do you take for depression? 8 years 9 months ago #1292359078

Kindly enlighten me. How can a narcissist abuse me? Thanks ...

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What do you take for depression? 8 years 9 months ago #1292364237

Kindly enlighten yourself. I think there is this search engine called google or something? thanks ...

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What do you take for depression? 8 years 9 months ago #1292366130

I was at google when I discovered this forum. Depending on google alone I would have considered only Dr Loria. Fortunately I will be saved from him. More than that, I have learnt many things from here - for instance, I never knew about Bathmate before coming across the posts on it here.

If you cannot be of help to someone asking for it, why are you here?

Please, are there others who can suggest?

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What do you take for depression? 8 years 9 months ago #1292366257

I used to take MOGADON some years ago to help me sleep during a depressing period. I wish smalljay could just think \'fuck it\' then jump into life and take the most of what he can get. After our rebel war, some guys had there legs and groins blown by left over mines in some farms. Some ten years later they are seen in wheelchairs on the beaches etc. And with girls!!! I can\'t help wondering what they will be doing with these girls, but these guys just don\'t give a damn - they are doing their thing.

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What do you take for depression? 8 years 9 months ago #1292366809

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I believe in some of what you say. And if theres anybody who lives their life to the fullest, even with being unhappy about their Dick, its me.

But if it was as simple as saying fuck it and living your life without giving a shit about Dick size, I don\'t think PhalloBoards would exist. But clearly it does.

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What do you take for depression? 8 years 9 months ago #1292367661


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What do you take for depression? 8 years 9 months ago #1292373509


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