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TOPIC: I'm thinking about asking my dermatologist for $ back

I'm thinking about asking my dermatologist for $ back 8 years 9 months ago #1290327827

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I\'m taken back by the victim role your trying to play. A grown man pleading to have me kicked off a website. You keep calling me an idiot yet my words are so impacting that your willing to throw in the towel here if I\'m not banned...hmmm

This is my last response. No matter what nonsense you write. Best of luck.

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I'm thinking about asking my dermatologist for $ back 8 years 9 months ago #1290327985

Do you have aspergers? I\'m baffled by the fact you don\'t think there is anything wrong with endlessly attacking the person who had the worst PMMA result on this entire board it\'s history. And, I\'ve posted more medical / scientific data than anyone but Smartman & he hasn\'t been around in a while. So, you\'re coming after me? Of all people? A lot of people on the spectrum have anger issues as a child too - because they can\'t express emotions properly. So they just lash out.

In two years and 1024 posts, this has never happened. Ever. You only made it through 25 posts before you brought more drama to the site than I\'ve ever seen. There is something seriously wrong with you. Could you imagine if you had the worst PMMA experience on this board and then had 9 months of reconstructive surgeries and still don\'t look normal - and then having to deal with these kinds of comments? I don\'t think you can. I mean, I don\'t think your brain can actually do it. It\'s done in a tiny little part of the brain called the medial prefrontal cortex. It doesn\'t work in aspergers and autistic people. I think that\'s the problem. There\'s fundamentally something wrong with your brain. If it\'s not aspergers, then its sociopathy. Sociopaths are notorious bad spellers too. They typically have a much higher intellect though. people are banned for being annoying as fuck and harassing people who otherwise would contribute while having no other contributions of any use. Not that complex. And of the 100 things I\'ve said (including refuting every dumb comment you made) the only thing you are concerned about is if you\'re gonna get banned ? \"Hmmmmmm\". Lol. I\'ve never seen such self absorption - well not in the normal population. This board deals with highly sensitive issues. I have 100 pics of my Dick on here, discussion of depression And other sexual health problems. If someone is gonna use that to Fuck with me, and the mods are gonna allow it - then why the hell Would I stick around ? It has nothing to do with being \"a grown adult\". I am not a masochist. I have enough to deal with without some pscyho like you irritating the shit out of me - which - again hasn\'t happened in the two years I\'ve been here. And even that doesn\'t seem to faze you. You. Are. Not. Normal. There are 1000 posts and two years of history to prove it.

And, every time I answer a \"question\" that you think is a big \"gotcha\" (like I just did above) - you just pop up with some other thing & don\'t even remotely acknowledge I (again) squashed your little attempt to argue with me.

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I'm thinking about asking my dermatologist for $ back 8 years 9 months ago #1290328000

Sorry miracle I\'m on my phone and didn\'t see that.

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I'm thinking about asking my dermatologist for $ back 8 years 9 months ago #1290328117

Very well. Conflict resolved. No further mention of jd123. Carry on.

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I'm thinking about asking my dermatologist for $ back 8 years 9 months ago #1290328170

Seriously though. I would appreciate it if the mods (or other users like the 30+ who I have helped via PM - most without even a \"thanks\") would speak up. You think all of this is ok ? I\'ve gone through nine months of hell and apparently its lost on everyone. If he did this to an elist patient (blaming them for their own choices, in particular) amid the dozen other insane things he\'s said - he\'d be gone by now. People are much more used to elist shills - so that\'s why, naturally. But it\'s almost the same thing here. What are the odds that someone would come and respond to the one main person who documented that they had a bad result - posting over and over - replying to them in multiple threads (not just this one) without showing pics or staring goals or anything personal.\'s actually pretty odd from that perspective. Or familiar.

There\'s more to this and I\'m going to Pm you now about it ... Well when I\'m off my phone. But who would have the most to lose by a long discussion on refunds? There\'s simply no reason to be this antagonistic over this topic.

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I'm thinking about asking my dermatologist for $ back 8 years 9 months ago #1290331669

I totally appreciate your time and effort put into PhalloBoards, I am sorry you have gone thru hell and back with your penis. I\'m glad you have shared it, all of it. I\'m glad for every guy that has shared, every guy including jd123. I came here looking for info on the elist and PMMA.

Due to every post about the implant gone wrong and seeing a few bad stories about PMMA injections with less than perfect outcomes then reading what you have gone through I am no longer looking to enhance my penis thru surgery or PMMA injections.

It\'s not just that either. Its also the advice from brice, you, sizemic, s.o., m8, bigben, new1inch and a few others, that my size is ok and I shouldn\'t take the chance of PMMA.

PhalloBoards as a whole is a good community of guys with common goals or interest. If it was not for a variety of information from a multitude of people, whom by the way have opinions like polar opposites regarding penile enhancement, this site would not be as great of a resource as it is.

That being said keep this board about what it is, the best place to find real information about phallo issues without the bs of other sites. I dont think many members here will find fault in either of you.

Sometimes people disagree and fight, you guys did so both of you could just lick any wounds that there may be and move on.

I think in life most people take what they like (sometimes people only hear what they want to) and leave the rest. We say that in program (12 step, like AA, NA )

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I'm thinking about asking my dermatologist for $ back 8 years 9 months ago #1290334196

Thanks man. Ironically, for 2016 - I want to NOT think / talk about penile issues. It\'s been 6 years now since I had Peyronie\'s disease. It\'s been a nightmare, and anyone who thinks they can talk to me like that is out of their minds...or has a dysfunctional mind (which is what I suspect - given the posts). My goal is not to ruin Avanti\'s practice, as the first two rounds for me were life changing, and if I was content with 4.5-5.0 (tapered) Girth, I would have never had any of this nightmare. But, there are guys who start at 5.5 and keep going. The point of my last 9 months of posts is that IF you have these problems - this is how you should (and should not) fix them. Unfortunately, they read more like anti-PMMA ads. That wasn\'t what I wanted - and I think it unnecessarily pissed off Dr. C and Wade (maybe - I don\'t really know.)

The only thing I want to say that may not be well received is that I disagree that there is nobody at fault, but I take your other points and appreciate you\'re the only one who replied in this. I said to S.O. a long time ago that the only reason I am able to contribute as much as I do is because of how well moderated this board is. He\'s been offline, so he hasn\'t seen any of this - but I still stand by that statement I made about 2 years ago. These are incredibly personal and sensitive issues. Someone with aspergers (or whatever is wrong with him) doesn\'t have an understanding of that. He was the first and only person in 2 years to write like that, but there\'s no way to ensure he will be the last - or if the lack of responses from other people is a tacit agreement with him on some level. I have been through e-n-o-u-g-h...and this board is one of the only reasons I probably didn\'t shoot myself in the head while I had a Dick that felt like a sack of frozen peas and leaking wounds for months.

Just to recap my history for 6 years (and why I might be sensitive about this topic):

The Start - 2010-2013

- Peyronie\'s Onset 2010
- Limited results with trental & Arginine w/ traction - but seemed to halt the process
- Failed Verapimil injections into the plaque - hit Girth low point at 3.7
- My situation progressed to a point where I finally had plication surgery . I was back to about 4\" Girth through the surgery maybe helping somehow.
- Some of the curve returned over two years, as is a known risk...but not ideal.


- PMMA Round 1 2014 - Good result
- PMMA Round 2 - 2014 - Small result but no problems
- PMMA Round 3 - 2015 - Disaster

Last 9 months - 2015

- 30+ injections of Kenalog and 5 fu weeks 2-12 - all showed no response
- 2 Nodule excisions, one of which left an open wound
- Saw a plastic surgeon to fix the open wound...he made it worse by using silver nitrate (AND REFUNDED MY PAYMENT). He didn\'t \"scoff\" at anything.
- Saw a wound care specialist who was shocked at what the plastic surgeon did. Gave me Skintegrity gel until I could schedule surgery.
- Wound Excised in operating room by Urologist & punch excision done of lower Nodule.
- Lower Nodule punch excision did not heal for 6 weeks.
- Lower Nodule had to be excised with surrounding skin in operating room by same Urologist. (So, a total of 1/2\" skin lost on one side, making the other side bunch up and look lumpy).
- Radiesse \"Revision\" - that had good results at first but it wasn\'t really enough product to smooth things out for $700 - it\'s too costly to add a lot of it.

Present- 2016

- Scars are now turning into keloids / hypertrophic (not where my Urologist did it - where my derm did it and it was stitched improperly).
- Due to the keloids (that look almost like genital warts since they are white and raised), I saw a better plastic surgeon who said the use of silk Sutures by my derm was completely wrong - and not burying Sutures was a clear error (agreed with my Urologist -which prompted this post). He put dilute Kenalog in the keloids, but he said it will also probably have to be excised since he\'s never even seen a scar like that on the penis and there\'s still PMMA under there, making the inflammation continue.

Now... I invite anyone to go through this... for 6 years (and still things are abnormal).. and then come back to me and think the things that were said to me in this thread were okay.

The guy I\'ve been seeing (open relationship obviously due to my inability to have sex for 6 months) is a lawyer. He wrote the letter to my plastic surgeon, which I signed...and I got my money back. He also wrote the letter to one other provider in my penile nightmare history who I am not allowed to disclose due to the settlement agreement (who also refunded me). My lawyer / friend stayed out of it - he just wrote the letters - but they came from me. So there are 2 providers here who felt that they should give me my money back. Nobody \"scoffed\". They didn\'t even argue with it. Maybe they were scared of a bad yelp / realself review - maybe they just felt bad (because unlike JD, they have human emotions - not reptilian ones). But, they knew my result was disastrous, one way or another.

My lawyer friend also read this thread, and his comments were asinine. A non-physician / non-lawyer with no experience in medical / legal disputes is flipping out because he is shown as knowing nothing & making some comment about how I went to the \"Jiffy Lube\" of dermatologists...who would \"scoff\" at any letter (that was totally false - but just the start) He knows nothing. He can\'t see this because he\'s fucked in the head. Still, he just went on and on and on for 2 full days attacking me with my personal info in other threads. Every single weak & pathetic \"argument\" he tried to make, I crushed easily. But, he\'d just ignore all that and keep going. (my friend said it reminded him of the Trump candidacy - every time he says something horrendous that would get a normal politician killed in the polls - he does better and says even more absurd things...though trump is actually cognitively a smart man underneath all the bs he\'s been spewing)

Are people not participating in this thread because they\'re afraid JD will go after them next? See, it\'s already starting. That\'s why this board can\'t keep people like that on here.

I said it two years ago - and I\'m saying it again, now. The only reason I have contributed as much as I have is because people like that were NOT here.

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I'm thinking about asking my dermatologist for $ back 8 years 9 months ago #1290334732

you and your penis have been thu hell. You are emotionally attached to this subject as it is your Dick we are talking about. Jd123 is entirely allowed to have an opinion and to voice it, just as you are.

Was he out of line yes, but so were you too. Im just sayin from my perspective......

People see or hear what they want. That is based on perception, situations, thoughts and beliefs.

You believed he wronged you and attacked him right back. You chose to, not had to.

People here would have formed thier own opinion or had their individual thought process, without any further input from you.

Most of us here know round 3 fucked your penis up and its been a battle. I personally think your penis is fine Erect, and I am a straight guy though. I dont look at dicks the same way a gay man might.

Most of this whole thing could have been a non issue if you simply let him have his opinion/rant, whatever you want to call it.

Let a spade be a spade. Sometimes its easier to smile and walk away giving the other person the dignity to live as they want, to appear to others exactly as they are, accepting people as they are, flaws and all.

Before I ever get into a fight or altercation, I think to myself is this a hill Im willing to die upon or a hand grenade im gonna jump on and save people? Most of the time my answer is no and I gently move on. Does that make me any less a man?

Personally it makes me a bigger one!

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I'm thinking about asking my dermatologist for $ back 8 years 9 months ago #1290335221

Thanks. I appreciate you taking the time to write that. I agree with that. I never should have engaged him. There was already an issue with him suggesting I try turning straight - from a post a few weeks back - so when I saw this, I was like...ok not this freak again. Anyway, that\'s all well taken. Time to move on.

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I'm thinking about asking my dermatologist for $ back 8 years 9 months ago #1290335405

I saw that post and inwardly giggled. To me that was like you telling me to try sucking some Cock and turn to the other side. But like I said i read it made my opinions on it and moved on....

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I'm thinking about asking my dermatologist for $ back 8 years 9 months ago #1290335754

Leave jd123 alone. He\'s not posting in your thread anymore. Drop it.

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I'm thinking about asking my dermatologist for $ back 8 years 9 months ago #1290339505

Sorry m8. I didnt see that as harmful.......

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I'm thinking about asking my dermatologist for $ back 8 years 9 months ago #1290479450

So did you approach the refund or gonna let it go?

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I'm thinking about asking my dermatologist for $ back 8 years 9 months ago #1290480401

I don\'t really want to continue this thread after what went on last week, but briefly: I\'m waiting for my friend who used to be a malpractice defense atty to have more free time. He thinks it is possible, but he hasn\'t had time to review it. Fortunately, my journal is all online! I\'ll probably end up writing a letter, and if they say no - then at least they know they said no to someone who then went on to need a chunk of their penis removed thanks to their screw up. I won\'t get the money, but they\'ll see the mess they created by rushing, overusing cautery, and putting in superficial silk Sutures. I know this doctor (and the other derm in this office has been my friend for 20 years) so I think they will actually have human emotions and feel bad about what they did.

There are also administrative hurdles to paying me back, as they are part of a large healthcare system that simply may not allow it. My insurance company also has issues with refunds of coinsurance, since those should (theoretically) be paid to them...not me...since they came out of my deductible.

It\'s probably more trouble than it is worth...analogous to what happened in this thread.

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