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TOPIC: Diga's Nub

Diga's Nub 9 years 6 months ago #1288268498

Diga reporting.

How It Began:
Even as a kid, I knew I had a small one. My parents told me that when I was born, the doctor jokingly said \"Congratulations, it\'s a girl.\" The aunts that babysat me also asked my mom why my penis was so small. When I was ten years old, I remember measuring myself (Flaccid) in the bathroom. It was 2.5 centimeters. I asked my dad why was it so small, but he wasn\'t concerned since I was still prepubescent. Later on, I found out about penis pumps and asked him about them. He told me that he used to have one and that they don\'t work, which is why I didn\'t need one. During my middle school and high school years, I got asked out by girls, but I was too shy to even risk it.

The Beginning of PE:
Sometime during my junior year of high school (in 2000), I fell for an ad on a porn site. It was for \"enhancement\" pills. I think it was Viacyn (they were all Tribulus based), I can\'t remember. I ordered them, got them in the mail and when I took them, my penis and sac would get fuller. My ejaculations were thicker and more powerful, but I would finish bottles and after a couple of months I noticed no gains from my original size.
Back to the drawing board, I saw ads for extenders. During that time, pretty much all of them were the noose design. I went with a deal that bundled enhancement pills. Tried the extender for a few months, several hours every day (even until my glans turned blue), and I was able to achieve a half-Inch gain in length. Due to the time and effort it required, I had to take a few weeks off. I lost almost all my gains during that time and I just gave up on PE.....until 2006.
In 2006, I was researching penis surgery and went with Dr. Brian Rosenthal of Beverly Hills Surgical. I decided to have my suspensory ligament cut (since I was more concerned about my length). Post surgery, I ordered another extender (without the noose) and also started Hanging. I was able to gain half an Inch permanently this time
In 2007, I came back to Dr. Rosenthal for an Alloderm thickening. I gained around 0.5\" to 0.75\" Girth around my base, but has slowly diminished since. So slowly, that I never noticed enough to make measurements. It always looked nice and \"fluffy\".

Post Relationship:
In 2014, I broke off a \"long term\" relationship due to trust issues. I really thought she was going to be my life partner. But, it turns out that you can\'t turn a h* into a housewife. So, don\'t dedicate the rest of your life to one. The following is not the reason for the breakup, but I do remember asking her about my Dick when we were in good standing. Let\'s call her \"Survey\", since she surveys every Dick out there. Survey said I had a good Dick, but I asked her to be honest. So, Survey says....\"When I first saw it, I was like, is that it?\" Yes, this hurt my ego, BUT it was much better than me going around and thinking I was the best ever. Haha. Plus, she was still getting great orgasms from my Dick. The problem was that she was still in contact with her previous main f**k buddies. I asked her about all her f**k buddies and their sizes. Survey said they were all BIG, but she said she loved me. Ok, cool, but why was she still texting them late at night and sometimes disappearing when they were only \"f**k buddies\"? Thank goodness I didn\'t marry her.

The Linnea Safe Journey:
Earlier this year, 2015, I was on a news site (CNN) and saw a video report for some sort of silicone-related injection for penis enhancement. The doctor they reported on was Dr. Victor Loria. I was interested in learning more about it, so I Googled it and found some reviews. I ended up finding PhalloBoards this way. I called Dr. Loria\'s office, but never scheduled an appointment. I chose Dr. Casavantes because of his experience and patient reviews. I scheduled my appointment for late July and I am currently 2 weeks post op.

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Diga's Nub 9 years 6 months ago #1288268608

This is my pre-op pic. Hey, I was nervous and cold! So, there was A LOT of retraction that morning!

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Diga's Nub 9 years 6 months ago #1288268664

Post Op. Right after surgery.

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Diga's Nub 9 years 6 months ago #1288268864

Day 1 Post Op

About 7 Inch Girth at the base. Major swelling as expected. Still oozing from the entry sites. Thankfully, Wade was able to correct the shape and wrap it long enough to last for my travel home. He told me that I need to massage it once every hour and to think of it as tough clay when massaging it. It really helped me understand how much pressure I could apply while I was smoothening it out.

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Diga's Nub 9 years 6 months ago #1288268885

DigaDik wrote: Post Op. Right after surgery.

How do you feel brother?

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Diga's Nub 9 years 6 months ago #1288268915

Day 4 and 5 Post OP

6.15\" Base Girth and 5\" Mid Girth (Flaccid). I also noticed that I lost some of my Erect length. Down to 5\" from 5.5\". I\'m sure when all the swelling finally clears, a little bit of stretching will get it back.

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Diga's Nub 9 years 6 months ago #1288268943

iron_martian wrote:

DigaDik wrote: Post Op. Right after surgery.

How do you feel brother?

I\'m feeling great. I did develop two small nodules, though. One at each of the entry sites. I\'m currently on day 15, so hopefully nothing else pops up and I can get them removed on a touch up sometime down the road. One of them looks like a whitehead ready to be popped, but I don\'t want to aggravate it or cause an infection.

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Diga's Nub 9 years 6 months ago #1288269004

I was given 15cc total of Linnea Safe. 9cc of 30% and 6cc of 10%.

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Diga's Nub 9 years 6 months ago #1288270204

Your contribution is greatly appreciated brother. Hope you can keep us updated on your progress.

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Diga's Nub 9 years 6 months ago #1288291380

Thanks for the story diga.. Some of us can relate to your story. What were your starting stats before the length surgery?

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Diga's Nub 9 years 6 months ago #1288303850

Thanks New1inch!

My starting stats were:

FL: 3\"
FGMS: 4\"
FGB: 5\"

BPEL: 5.5\"
EGMS: 4.5\"
EGB: 5.5\"

I\'m currently on Day 19 of post-op. I\'ll wait a few more days to update stats due to it constantly fluctuating.

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Diga's Nub 8 years 9 months ago #1292490284

It\'s been 6 months since my last op (Round 2). Round 2 was 9cc of 30% Linnea Safe. I had 6-7 nodules after 4 weeks post op round 2. Most of them went away, but I do have 3 that can easily be felt. 1 of them is pretty big and very visible. I believe it to be at one of the entry sites. I have attached a photo.

My measurements are currently at:

NBPFL: 4.5\"
FGMS: 5\"

EGMS: 5.5\"
EGB: 6.5\"
BPEL: 5.6-5.7\"

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Diga's Nub 8 years 9 months ago #1292490692

thanks for the update. are you happy with it? you said you lost some length after round one, did you get that back?

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Diga's Nub 8 years 9 months ago #1292492039

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Looks good bro. You most def left the small catergory.

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Diga's Nub 8 years 9 months ago #1292492150

number22 wrote: thanks for the update. are you happy with it? you said you lost some length after round one, did you get that back?

Other than the Nodule in the front, I am happy with the results so far. I was able to get the length back a month after round 1 by doing manual stretching whenever I could (watching a movie, taking a shower, etc.). I\'ve had a HydroMax pump long before I had any PMMA, but rarely use it. I also have the stretching device that Dr. C and Nurse Wade had provided after round 1, but only used that for 1 day (immediately after the procedure).

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