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MoreGirth PMMA 9 years 8 months ago #1287660433

I have been following this forum for a few years, previously under a different name. After much consideration I went down to Mexico to get the PMMA procedure done from Dr C/ Wade on 6/2/15. Dr C and Wade were great! Dr C is obviously great at what he does. The procedure was nearly painless. If you don\'t mind needles then it isn\'t bad at all. After the lidocane kicks in you dont feel a thing unless it wears off. I tend to metabolize things quickly, so they did have to give me another shot or two of lidocane. Wade is an awesome addition to that team. He made the whole experience less nerve wracking and I looked forward to seeing him for my follow ups. I thought it would feel strange going to see him the following days and letting him check how thing were going, but he made even that scenario relaxed and easy going. I stayed and extra two days after my procedure for aftercare.

Pre PMMA Stats

FL - 4\"
FG - 4\"
EL - 6.75\"
BEG - 5.25\"
MSEG - 4.75\"
BGEG - 4.75\"

Pre- PMMA Erect Pics ( Only Pics I have)

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MoreGirth PMMA 9 years 8 months ago #1287660455

A Flaccid Pic 1 Hour after procedure and 7 hours after procedure

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MoreGirth PMMA 9 years 8 months ago #1287660489

First Erect pictures 4 days after procedure. I did lose a little length from the procedure (1/4 Inch to 3/8 Inch) , but I believe its from the base being a bit sore/ swollen and the ligs retracting. So, it should return. This is a bone pressed measurement

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MoreGirth PMMA 9 years 8 months ago #1287663903

Congratulations and happy healing!

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MoreGirth PMMA 9 years 8 months ago #1287665470

Hey looks pretty good, Keep us posted on you progress. Do you know what % and cc you went with? did you chose metacrill or linea safe? How much gain were you going for?

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MoreGirth PMMA 9 years 8 months ago #1287666947

The Erect pic shows .75 Inch gain up to the circ scar and then .3- .5 Inch gain before glans. Metacrill 12 cc\'s 30% and 6 cc\'s 10%. I would like to have that be my end result. We will see, though. As there is still a bit of fluid retention/ swelling and who knows how much collagen I will produce

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MoreGirth PMMA 9 years 8 months ago #1287671148


nice man, honestly really hope your results stand because from afar they look very good--congrats. A few questions, when you saw him the following days did they add anything/do any touchups? I was a little confused on the pricing model, but from what I can tell a follow-up appointment in the days after costs $1100? Wondering if its worth it to hang around if thats the case.

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MoreGirth PMMA 9 years 8 months ago #1287671529

The follow up appointments in the days after are not $1100. It\'s included in the price of the procedure. $1100 is if you go back for a touch up requiring more PMMA, them to set up the room again, and do more detailed modifications. The follow up is mostly checking the healing and massaging the PMMA.

abitmoregirth - it\'s looking good. Length loss comes back. I lost 2\" the day of the procedure...freaked me out - the next day it was back to 1\" lost - and eventually in a week or two it was normal again. It\'s from swelling. In a few cases, guys have had more long lasting length issues, but usually a stretcher resolves it.

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MoreGirth PMMA 9 years 8 months ago #1287672301

They didn\'t add anything during the follow up appointments. Wade just checked to make sure I was doing proper aftercare and also pointed out spots I might need to give a little more attention to. It was definitely worth staying the extra two days. Like Restoration said, it doesn\'t cost any extra. Except for the hotel stay and food. I pretty much just ordered room service the whole time.

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MoreGirth PMMA 9 years 8 months ago #1287672356

I forgot to mention... I do have 3 small nodules at 3 of the base entry points. You wont be able to see them in any picture, but they can be felt. Given time, I\'m sure they will dissipate. The nodules only happened at the entry points that closed up right away and didn\'t ooze.

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MoreGirth PMMA 9 years 8 months ago #1287675690

Looking good. Keep up the aftercare and the positive attitude.

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