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TOPIC: 18cc of 30% Linnea w 1.5cc of 10% and 2cc of MD

18cc of 30% Linnea w 1.5cc of 10% and 2cc of MD 9 years 10 months ago #1286717354

Just completed my first round of PMMA and everything went very well. Very little swelling. I have the shaft out gently extended (no hard pull) with no signs of lumps or cavities. My wife and I will massage it in a few minutes for the first massage session. Little bleeding at the entry points, and i have a heating pad gently wrapped around it without any pressure on the shaft to keep it 120 degrees, feels very nice and comfy. Scheduled round 2 for June.

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18cc of 30% Linnea w 1.5cc of 10% and 2cc of MD 9 years 10 months ago #1286721908

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good stuff mate, it looks great to me. Good luck

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18cc of 30% Linnea w 1.5cc of 10% and 2cc of MD 9 years 10 months ago #1286722019

It looks good - were you able to keep it that way? In my first round, it went through a rather contorted phase...but it evened out in the end, with their help too. I got decent growth that round too - I never really had a low period followed by growth, personally... it just shrunk down from the swelling at stopped after about 1/2\" over my original EG.

Are you wearing the ESL 40 stretcher with the strap on your leg? Does yours fall off constantly? Mine does.

Are they doing penis enlargements on Mondays now? They said they only did it Tues-Fri but maybe it changed.

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18cc of 30% Linnea w 1.5cc of 10% and 2cc of MD 9 years 10 months ago #1286723572

Happy Healing! And I moved the thread to the Progress Report section.

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18cc of 30% Linnea w 1.5cc of 10% and 2cc of MD 9 years 10 months ago #1286725588

Restoration- There was a mexican holiday, so they did a Monday procedure. I was able to keep the ESL 40 on and a penimaster pro vac head (that just grabs the glans) on after the procedure and for half the night (first night). ESL 40\'s loses their gripping abilities (viscosity) after about a month of use and a new cap is needed. Perhaps you have an old/tired cap. I\'ll ask Wade about the sleeve today.

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18cc of 30% Linnea w 1.5cc of 10% and 2cc of MD 9 years 10 months ago #1286725675

Here\'s a photo 20 hours post procedure. Not any bumps noticed, so is it still recommended massaging be done or when bumps/cavities are noticed.

The shape appears to have good symmetry, so is it best to leave it alone to continue the good symmetry? or message it anyway?

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18cc of 30% Linnea w 1.5cc of 10% and 2cc of MD 9 years 10 months ago #1286725703

I\'ve also used a heating pad I got on Amazon that regulates the temp (I set it at 122 degrees F).

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18cc of 30% Linnea w 1.5cc of 10% and 2cc of MD 9 years 10 months ago #1286727495

Keep massaging it - after 72 hours the product is harder to move and more set.

I can keep the esl on too for about half the night...then it falls of at some point. I probably pull it off in my sleep.

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18cc of 30% Linnea w 1.5cc of 10% and 2cc of MD 9 years 10 months ago #1286729498

Looks good! How does the heat feel? Sounds like a good idea

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18cc of 30% Linnea w 1.5cc of 10% and 2cc of MD 9 years 10 months ago #1286737453

Best part of the after care has been the heating pad. I wear it when I\'m sitting in bed, and sometime during the night. It has a 60 minute timer, so it goes off during the night. I\'m getting a burning sensation, but that\'s probably due to herpes reaction to the trauma. I\'m taking acyclovir, and it takes care of the burning sensation.

Restoration- It\'s hard for me to feel product, or that massaging is moving anything, so I\'m massaging it anyway the way Wade shows, but doesn\'t seem like I\'m doing anything cause the size is very symmetrical and even. So, I was thinking that because it\'s symmetrical and even, why mess with it? But, I\'m massaging for about five minutes every 3-4 hours.

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18cc of 30% Linnea w 1.5cc of 10% and 2cc of MD 9 years 9 months ago #1286749503

If it all feels even, then you don\'t have to push anything really hard...just check it out and make sure it\'s even. If it\'s fine, you wont have much to do. How does the silicone MD look?

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18cc of 30% Linnea w 1.5cc of 10% and 2cc of MD 9 years 9 months ago #1286774193

As far as I can tell, the MD look transitioned well to the glans. I believe they shot my glans ridge, because about six spots were evident and sore after the procedure.

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18cc of 30% Linnea w 1.5cc of 10% and 2cc of MD 9 years 9 months ago #1286803187

If anyone cares, Toolman changed his handle from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Thanks,

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18cc of 30% Linnea w 1.5cc of 10% and 2cc of MD 9 years 9 months ago #1286850843

Any updates?

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18cc of 30% Linnea w 1.5cc of 10% and 2cc of MD 9 years 9 months ago #1286885801

Nice results. The aesthetics look great. Helps me with the butterflies I have about making an appointment (which I have actually tried to do twice now and no one answered the phone and no one has responded to my email)

Any updates? Symmetry still good or have you developed lumps?

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