I am flying out tomorrow morning for my first round of
PMMA for April 2, at 11:00 with Dr C. I am staying at the Marriot April 3, for a full day of recovery and massaging then leaving April 4, My question is - I will have an extremely long trip home about 10 hours from leaving San Diego to home with a 3 hour layover in Denver. Do you guys wear your extender on the way home? Will it hurt me as far as retraction by not wearing it the second day after surgery. If you do wear it - is there any metal on it going through xray machines and metal detectors?
Also, is there anything specific I need to bring that I can not get there?
I hope all this is not in the wrong thread? I am extremely nervous. I have a very low tolerance for pain. And I\'m terribly mortified by needles! Wade mentioned maybe bringing some pain killers, I live in a very small rural town and my General Practitioner Dr. does not know I am having this procedure so there is no way I can get anything from him for anxiety or pain.
I have read just about everything I possibly can in this Forum, enough to feel confident to proceed. But I am having a hard time remembering where and specifics at the time of reading that I thought was good advice in order to increase my odds of this being successful. That being said if you guys could forgive any redundancy if posted in other specific places, but I would be grateful for any advise at all.
Thank you to all the men that have taken time to document their experiences so that other might benefit!