Thanks for this report and I\'m glad things have worked out for you. You aren\'t the first person to have reported good results via
FFT. The trouble is fat is so unpredictable so one person can have a great result and another a very poor one, even if they use the same surgeon. I know a guy on another forum who had
FFT 5 years ago and his result was fantastic and still is to this day. It\'s a shame that it isn\'t a more reliable method as fat isn\'t dangerous and the surgery itself is relatively minor. I actually think that uncircumcised guys will more often than not have a good result with
FFT, as will guy with a low circ scar. I think one of the big problems with this surgery in the US is that most guys have a high and tight
I\'m looking forward to seeing your pictures and congratulations on your result.
I\'m going to move this to the \"progress reports.\"