Hi my name is Kapitalizam and I\'m a porn addict. It all starts when I discovered PE 2 years ago. Since then I started doing regular exercises and became very obsessed with my penis. I saw some modest gains in length but not much
Girth. I was getting frustrated and fatigued my self a couple of times but no injuries thank god. I masturbated 2,3 times a day and plus had sex with girlfriend. As time passed by i got a very distorted image in my mind of how big my unit should be, because of reading the stats of other members on PE communities. It started interfering with my daily life and totally become unproductive and depressed. I\'m 27 years old and am fighting against this state of mind. I have always been a productive person and a motivator for other people. I workout 5 times a week and used to play professional basketball at some point in my life. Now, my penis has become my life and have literally lost 2 years of my life. My relationship has been falling apart due to me not wanting to have sex because of depression and fear of under-performance( i have always been so competitive by nature). My size is normal. 6,4
BPEL with almost 5 midshaft
Girth (but it feels like the smallest thing in the world). Recently i started having anxiety attacks over that issue, and it has been happening before sex mostly. I am at the lowest point of my life right now and am fighting back to regain my old self. The reason I am writing this thread is to make sure all members on this forum be aware of porn addiction and performance anxiety, as it is as serious as cancer when it comes to mental health. I am pushing myself towards productive things which has been hard (although i still workout 5 times a week). I wake up and go to bed with the same thought in my mind every day which is \"how let down i have been by the size of my unit\". Among other things, this thought had made me aggressive, not concentrated and with very high temperament towards other people, and the worst thing of all, I\'m not interested in things I used to enjoy before. Right now I\'m am wasting my life for no reason, but am willing to change that.
I have been with lots of girls and performed quite good but as from 2 years ago i have to admit to myself that I have a mental problem \"penis dismporphia\". For that reason I am going to cut all my sex contacts and start working on my relationship hard and push myself towards that goal. also I\'m even thinking of disconnecting my internet for a while because of the huge pressure I fell when at home to watch porn and get an
Erection just to make sure that my
Dick is normal size. I do that very often and then i would pull out the tape measure to reassure my self that everything is fine. But as I measure my self over and over again the insecurities tend to grow. I have even consulted with a psychologist who sad that I\'m worrying about not important things in life which is true to some degree. But I cant help it, and have been fighting with it for quite a while.
Anyway I found this forum a couple of months ago and have been lurking since. I find this place very informative and am very glad that some of the old members here are constantly emphasizing what normal and acceptable is when size comes to play. Some people here have went pretty far with
Girth and some have remained more down to earth. Every man has a different personality, so I can\'t judge that. After doing a lot of research and reading lots of progress reports I finally made a decision of getting
PMMA done. My journey will begin shortly after I receive a conformation e mail from a doctor in Prague which some members here have already visited. I feel like it is the right thing to do, i truly feel that way, so I will go ahead and do it.
After the procedure, I will be posting a progress report as honest as one can be...