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TOPIC: Heart issues -- seem to be my health -- or any chance PMMA?

Heart issues -- seem to be my health -- or any chance PMMA? 12 years 3 months ago #1275818521

Hey guys

Firstly, I just wanted to say how professional and friendly DR C, Wade and his team are --- They had me talk to them about the below situation I\'m facing, and I really appreciate them taking the time out of their day to talk to me.

So ... I\'m about 6 months since my PMMA procedure ... and I seem to be having some issues with my heart.... I went into AFIB about 3 weeks ago.. the doctors said that it could have been my potassium level, which was 3.1 -- or even holiday heart as I drank considerably the night before.

I went to the cardiologist 2 weeks ago and they did a cardio stress test on me with ultrasound to look at my heart --- and it looks great. They couldn\'t get my heart to go into AFIB on the treadmill.

However, I have had a few times since then that my heart has freaked out and I take this 3 pill betablocker that my cardiologist gave me to take in a emergency...

My question to the forum is --- is there _any_ way this could be related to PMMA? ... anyone ever heard of anything like this with PMMA?

I\'m 40 years old, 5\' 9\", 205 lbs... I haven\'t worked out in over a year--- and I\'m on diuretics to lower by blood pressure (which could help explain the lowered potassium level).

Again, I really am not trying to cause any panic with this procedure ... I love, and my GF loves the new plastic penis ... I\'m just curious what the board thinks ...

Any chance this is related to the procedure?

Thanks all

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Heart issues -- seem to be my health -- or any chance PMMA? 12 years 3 months ago #1275818939

While I can\'t say that I know of or have heard of any association between PMMA & heart issues, or even how it could relate physiologically/pathologically speaking, that isn\'t to say there couldn\'t be a connection.

Fortunately your most recent tests show your heart in good health. Would you describe to us your symptoms? Also, have you mentioned your PMMA to any of your doctors?

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Heart issues -- seem to be my health -- or any chance PMMA? 12 years 3 months ago #1275819019

I mentioned PMMA to my cardiologist, but it didn\'t seem to register with her. (I didn\'t say it was penis, so she may not of understood --- I should probably clarify with her) ...

My symptoms are ---

#1: Unstable Angina --- when laying down and resting, I frequently get pain around my heart area. Since my AFIB was only 3 weeks ago --- wondering if this could still be related to how long I was in AFIB -- 26 hours.

#2: Skipping beats --- I\'m skipping beats --- and I have Flecianide to take when I think I\'m having another AFIB attack, took them tonight after sitting down to watch the football game because my heart started to go crazy again.

#3: Occasional rapid heart beat --- It\'s like 100 BPM when I get #2, usually is happening at the same time.

Also, my penis seems to be a little swollen again ... not hurting at all, just a little inflamed.

I never had Angina like this before --- I\'m thinking that IF this was related to PMMA, it would have happened immediately after my procedure, and even though I beat my little guy pretty hard, there is no way of my forcing any of the PMMA into my bloodstream after the site has healed right?

I guess this goes back to the mobility question around PMMA --- has anyone heard of any mobility issues?

My next step is to return to the Cardiologist and ask for a Thallum scan --- one that checks for any blockages...

I hope I\'m not scaring anyone already planning to get this procedure done --- I\'m just looking for some feedback here that what\'s going on through my brain couldn\'t happen --- my GF really loves my new size!


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Heart issues -- seem to be my health -- or any chance PMMA? 12 years 2 months ago #1275821065

Hey Darkstaff, thanks for reporting this.

Please try to keep this board updated on your condition, I think a Thallum scan is definitely a good next step. The fact that your unit is swollen again concerns me a little. Good luck!

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Heart issues -- seem to be my health -- or any chance PMMA? 12 years 2 months ago #1275823676

If it occurs frequently after drinking it could be pancreatitis. One of the symptoms is increased or erratic heartbeats. The pain would be on your left side.

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Heart issues -- seem to be my health -- or any chance PMMA? 12 years 2 months ago #1275830978

Thanks for the support guys.

The fact that there hasn\'t been any other reports on PMMA and heart involvement has me feeling better.

Part of this is the fear factor... as scared that I might be trapped, if for some reason if it was related to the PMMA procedure ---- how could I really be sure, and how would I be able to resolve it.... so panic.

I\'ve been pissing a LOT with my heart meds, so I\'m hoping its related to that, and a low electrolytes like Potassium.

It\'s weird, ever since I had the AFIB attack 3 weeks ago, my hearts been fluttering ever since.

I watched the movie \'Fat Sick and Nearly Dead\' .. where the guy drinks juiced veggies and fruits for 90 days and loses a ton of weight and gets off his heart meds .... I\'m going to do that as well.

Part of me wanting to resolve this is because I really want to go back for Phase 2 and perhaps 3 ... my GF loves me new size.... sucks this is happening to me...

I\'ll report back!


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Heart issues -- seem to be my health -- or any chance PMMA? 12 years 2 months ago #1275831019

Oh -- -GSXR -- thanks for the Tip

The first occurance of this happened after I had just stuffed myself with a pizza -- so perhaps this could be it?!?

It also seems to get worse when i lay down, or when I eat.

I\'ll ask my doctor about it.



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Heart issues -- seem to be my health -- or any chance PMMA? 12 years 2 months ago #1275832499

Ive been having Heart issues, especially the fluttery sensation, for about 5 months Pre PMMA. My naturopath put me on a hi dose of vitamins and trace minerals. I also started using a meditation CD every morning and evening.

My flutters, which I was experiencing multiple times a day, have completely subsided. Its been about 2 weeks of no flutters, and about 9 days of having PMMA in me. Im scheduled to get a heart monitor on the 17th of Dec. just to be sure.

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Heart issues -- seem to be my health -- or any chance PMMA? 12 years 2 months ago #1275833375

Hey Red

So what your saying is that your heart issues occurred before the procedure, and with PMMA -- no more heart issues... right?

Thats good news

I\'m really starting to think this is in No Way related to PMMA .. and most likely my dueretics


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Heart issues -- seem to be my health -- or any chance PMMA? 12 years 2 months ago #1275834200

Ya, I was having multiple \"flutters\" daily. It was getting pretty scary actually. They stopped just prior to getting PMMA and I havent had one since. Also, I have never taken COQ10 before and I started on that about 2 weeks prior to PMMA. Im not sure what has helped but I take 6 Multi Vitamin/minerals per day, C0Q10, Adrenal support, meditate and stopped eating Dairy and wheat. I have never felt or looked better...and I have a bigger Dick too

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Heart issues -- seem to be my health -- or any chance PMMA? 12 years 2 months ago #1275837359

Great news RED

Thanks for the heads up.

I feel a lot better now ...

If it wasn\'t for this board as well as how professional Dr C and his staff are, I would have gone nuts.

I\'m really happy with my new size too ... now I need to lose 25 lbs, and I\'m going to start on the same diet you are --- once I\'m in better health I am heading in for phase 2.


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Heart issues -- seem to be my health -- or any chance PMMA? 12 years 2 months ago #1275922321

Hey Everyone

Seems like I have good news... my heart fibs are gone! .. The blood pressure medication I was on was the culprit!

What a relief.

I feel stupid that I thought it was the PMMA procedure... I\'m just happy that I have the resources, namely this board and Dr C and team to cool me down.

Thanks everyone... I\'m going to definitely plan my phase 2 sometime next year.


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Heart issues -- seem to be my health -- or any chance PMMA? 12 years 2 months ago #1276147291

Just wanted to update everyone.

My heart FIBS are back --- also my nervousness about the whole situation potentially being related to my PMMA procedure have me going mad. (walking around the neighborhood with tears in my eyes feeling like I\'m trapped)

Here are the details:

I\'ve been off my old heart medication HCTZ, and am on a new one call Benicar -- however the chest Angina has returned.

My regular doctor thought it might be acid reflux or GERD --- so he refered me back to the cardiologist who put me on 20mg of Omeprazole a day, and asked me to get a holter monitor put on (basically a EKG monitor that you wear home for 24 hours)

The night I had the holter monitor on, I had a bunch of chest flutters, and pain -- so I took my emergency AFIB medication I got in November (Flecinide 100mg x3) --- that helped... but my cardiologist is worried as the holter monitor showed fluttering and I\'m heading into her office on Friday to talk about it.

The night after I had the holter monitor on, I was having crushing chest pain, so I went to the ER.. they did all the blood work on me, and it came back fine. They also do a CTscan with contrast, and that came back fine.

They gave me a copy of the CT scan, and part of it shows my penis ... guess what ---> you don\'t see any PMMA in the CTscan .... is PMMA invisible to CTscans???

Since my doctor thought my problems might be gastro (stomach) related, I setup a appointment with a GI doctor earlier this week. The idea here is that sometimes AFIB can be caused by GERD (acid reflux) or stomach issues... I had a esophagogastroduodenoscopy today, and it showed some distress (my doctor said it was a 3 out of 10 in terms of seriousness)

I asked him if it could be related to the AFIB attacks, and he said no.

So -- here I am -- worried sick again... and just the worry I\'m going through that I have small plastic balls of PMMA causing all this.

I\'m thinking I just want this stuff out of me ... anyone know how I could get that done? I\'m in Austin, TX --- but I would go wherever ...

I\'m worried that I can\'t really talk to my Doctor or specialists about this because they don\'t know what PMMA is, and also it will void my insurance...

Am I alone in this mental world of feeling trapped and scared?


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Heart issues -- seem to be my health -- or any chance PMMA? 12 years 2 months ago #1276148226

Hey Darkstaff, sorry to hear about your health issues, but I think you may be causing yourself some undue stress, which in turn can make those issues worse. There\'s a lot we don\'t know about PMMA, but from the research and anecdotal evidence that is available this doesn\'t seem to be a PMMA type of problem (at least from what I\'ve read.) Heart flutters and gastric problems aren\'t uncommon and there are probably a dozen explanations or causes that are more plausible than PMMA migration.The problem with PMMA from a psychological standpoint, at least to me, is that it seems easy to see it as the cause of any health issue that pops up. In this case, though, it just doesn’t seem likely. One thing I do know, however, is that your particular issues are definitely made worse by stress, so do whatever you can to calm yourself down. I feel for you, this would drive me crazy too-I’m a bit of a hypochondriac which is one of the reasons I haven’t had the procedure yet. I can convince myself that I have the symptoms to just about any disease or condition. But one thing I always remind myself is that just because something makes total sense doesn’t mean it’s true.

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Heart issues -- seem to be my health -- or any chance PMMA? 12 years 2 months ago #1276149290

Sorry to hear about your heart problems darkstaff. But, you say your 40yrs old 5\'9\" 205lbs. I can see from those numbers that it seems your problems are most likely poor diet & exercise. I had the same problem that started when I was around 38yrs old. I was 5\'9\" 190lbs and I was feeling heart issues, felt my heart beating hard & irregularly often. I was drinking a lot & eating way too much wheat, meat & sugar products like I did when I was 25 but, it caught up to me. Until one day I felt like I might have a heart attack, I was scared. Luckily, I got some straight talk from a friend who\'s a progressive doctor & he told me I need to get serious about my health or else.. As many know most traditional American doctors are trained to treat the symptoms NOT the cause. Many traditional American doctors are just gonna tell you to take some drug.

I recommend exercising, eating & juicing vegetables like your life depends on it, you\'ll be surprised how fast your body will turn around for the better. It will feel like your suffering while your exercising but, after you recover from each training session you\'ll feel better little by little in no time. I know I went through it, it was tough at first but, soon only after a few weeks of eating veggies & training I was starting to feel great. I didn\'t stop, now I\'m walking around at 170.

Also, Red1975 is right Q10 is great for your heart & Red Rice yeast is great to lower cholesterol many use it as an alternative to cholesterol meds.

Good luck!

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