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TOPIC: "EPIC FAIL" Dermail Graft and Subcutanious Implant Disaster a 3 part story "Please help"

"EPIC FAIL" Dermail Graft and Subcutanious Implant Disaster a 3 part story "Please help" 12 years 8 months ago #1273915474

Hi All, I have one hell of a story to share. I willgive you all detailed background that entails my experience with Dermal graft, 3 Dr. Elist Implants, penile and scrotal infections! I will present this info in 3 posts if so inclined, please advise on how to proceed in my current state. I am 29 a San Diego native and began my phalloplastyendeavor with a fraudulent doctor known as Dr. Krovkovsky \"spelling.\"He claimed to be a cosmetic surgeon doing Dermal Grafts. I bought into his late 2010 and paid him $10K. He inserted a dermal graft made up of theskin/fat the he harvested off my rear for Girth enhancement and cut the topligament for attempted length enhancement. I was quick to give the procedure atry because of his convenient location here in San Diego. The results gave mesudden Girth increase, but retraction set in within a few days of recovery andit was noticeably shorter. I obviously didn't do my research properlybecause you will find this man is not around anymore and it turns out his Boardof Medicine Certificate ID # was fraudulent. In fact, it turns out he is only atrained anesthesiologist from Russia! Five months afterthe surgery I developed infection near the glands, which he attempted to treatthrough another surgery resulting in more length loss and another incision atthe glands. A few weeks after this 3rd. surgery the infection cameright back, he wanted to remove it but I decided to sever contact and began tolook else ware. Deeper into myGoogle searches, instead of talking to accredited Urologists with Scripps, orthis chat board, I stumbled across Dr. Elist. He removed the rest of Dermal graftresulting in a tear, mid shaft, which was stitched. After healing, the stitchpoint caused curvature to the left and scar tissues began taking its toll,Erect Girth was down to 5-5.5 and length down to 5ish. I naturally was 5.5girth and 7+ Erect! Yearning to continuemy dream and in a position that is much worse than my natural penis, I continuedto buy into Dr. Elists bluntly optimistic attitude about his implants that he seemsto present every patient. Within a few weeks I opted to have him put a XLimplant into me. I experienced the same pain facto that Mustang 2020 had at theglands. It worked for 6 months, I enjoyed sex, life was kind of good. After 6months fluid began to build up between the outer skin and the implant.Eventually that area where he had to stitch on the shaft opened to the size ofa pin-hole. Pink-ish fluid seeped out \"SCARY\". Dr. Elist regretfully said Removal was intimate and infection was present and tookculture samples. This is the beginning...

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"EPIC FAIL" Dermail Graft and Subcutanious Implant Disaster a 3 part story "Please help" 12 years 8 months ago #1273916175

Thank you for the courage to share your experience with us. Rest assured you will get all the support from the guys on this board....Please let us know how it goes and good luck with your healing....

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"EPIC FAIL" Dermail Graft and Subcutanious Implant Disaster a 3 part story "Please help" 12 years 8 months ago #1273932376

Wow...what a roller coaster of terror.Thank you very much for Sharing this horrndously traumatic story with the PE community.'Take comfort with he fact that your story will most likely prevent other ' men from experiencing the same fate.
I\'m not sure if you already know, but I am an \"Elist victim/survivor\" Three years ago I developed the same \"pin hole\" with oozing liquid coming out of it.When I showed the good doctor, , he looked me straight in the eye and told me he had never seen anything like it, and that nobody\'s implant had been rejected. HA!I look forward to the rest of your account.

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"EPIC FAIL" Dermail Graft and Subcutanious Implant Disaster a 3 part story "Please help" 12 years 8 months ago #1273934118

Hi,Yes, he gave me the same kind of re-actions. Thanks for sharing

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"EPIC FAIL" Dermail Graft and Subcutanious Implant Disaster a 3 part story "Please help" 12 years 8 months ago #1273934200

basque23 wrote: Hi,Yes, he gave me the same kind of re-actions. Thanks for sharing'

What an f\'in monster

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"EPIC FAIL" Dermail Graft and Subcutanious Implant Disaster a 3 part story "Please help" 12 years 8 months ago #1273934480

Hi all,This is the 3rd. chapter will bring you up to my current status. I now have a dis-figured penis that is 4inerect that completely curls upward to my belly button. The Erect Girth wentback up 5.5in.+ but is not an accurate measurement because of the shape. Thereis a ring of scar tissue that surrounds the base of my penis and pubic bone.The tissue has already filled the void in front of the pubic region causing theskin above my penis to be shorter than the bottom. All of this scar tissuelinks the epidermis to the outer skin causing it not to extend during Erection.When I'm Erect I can feel the penis bulging down into the scrotum because ofthe tissue. Luckily I have a wonderful girlfriend whois in the medical field and has been by my side, \"sex or not, big orsmall!\" My Urologist at Scrippsis aware of my current status and referred me to Dr. Joel Gelman at the Centerfor Reconstructive Urology. He is in Irvine and I will be seeing him on the 22nd.I gave the details to his secretary and she said she knows of Dr. Elist andscheduled me for consultation. I have also scheduled an apt. with Dr. Gary J.Alter on Monday the 18th. Dr. Elist is still willing to try 1 moretime with his implant and says he can trim the base to anchor in under thelower side of the pelvis which will resemble the first implant I had vs. thelast two. I do not think this is a viable choice at this time! I have just received an extender called theJES Extender and another one that use rubber/latex tubes that you put over theshaft, anchor with a strap for weights hang off of the head of the penis, orcan be tied to leg. The JES extender is actually comfortable but hard for mebecause of my length. The ADS type is easy and comfortable but not as muchtorque with the smaller weights or leg strap. These can be found on theAutoExtender website.Here are my questions 1. Does it seem plausiblefor Dr. Alter or Gelamn to surgically remove this tough scar tissue and try tofix curvature? I mean wouldn't it just grow back in where they cut it out? OrWould stretching aid in this.. My goal is to at least get to a 6x6 status through surgery and/or stretching and possible PMMA. 2. If I were to havethis re-constructive surgery with Alter or Gelman how long should I stretchbefore a PMMA treatment with Dr. Casavantes.3. Anyinsight on the quality of surgery of Alter or Gelman?4. Lastly,any input on PMMA being a long term solution that could help Girth enhancement10 years+ considering im only 29! I understand there will be touch-ups andmaint. involved. Thank you all for all your input and posts. I wishI had researchedbetter and found this site 2 years go. Hopefully we can stimulate more peopleto share their experience in this growing world of Phalloplasty. Please feelfree to P.M. me too

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"EPIC FAIL" Dermail Graft and Subcutanious Implant Disaster a 3 part story "Please help" 12 years 8 months ago #1273934554

I'm not going to bash Dr. Elist to much more; I think his idea about the Implant being a viable solution is starting to fade. His ego as an M.D. can only keep it alive for so long. Always keep in mind his people can read these posts just like we can! To give him credit he did what he could to try to salvage my loss. I just wish he would be clear about the risks of the implant up-front!

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"EPIC FAIL" Dermail Graft and Subcutanious Implant Disaster a 3 part story "Please help" 12 years 8 months ago #1273934811

basque23 wrote: ' I'm not going to bash Dr. Elist to much more; I think his idea about the Implantbeing a viable solution is starting to fade. His ego as an M.D. can only keepit alive for so long. Always keep in mind his people can read these posts just like we can!'To give him credit he did what he could to try to salvagemy loss. I just wish he would be clear about the risks of the implant up-front!

Starting to fade? Well, I\'ve been on this board and other boards long enough to know that this has been going on all along . The man is a sociopath.
You wrote that the doctor feigned
surprise at the infection of your implant...When in fact this has happened countless times before.
He always does this...He tries to make the patient feel as if it is his fault or that the patient is a one-in-a-million bad luck shot.
You mention that his people can \"read these boards like we can\". So the reason we shouldn\'t bash Dr. Elist is fear of retribution? That\'s exactly what he would like us to feel. That and the embarrassment of coming forward to the authorities about about a doctor who is butchering patients.
Often the victimized patients will not report these horrific results because they are dependent on the doctor for aftercare.
This is not bashing. This is trying to get the word out that the implant is an incredibly risky venture. Something the good doctor won\'t tell his prospective patients.
You are right he should be upfront about the risks of his implant. Why isn\'t he? BECAUSE THE RISKS are huge.
If you do enough research, you will find that there are very few documented cases of the implant being successful.
I am not here to discredit Dr. Elist. I am here to prevent men from permanently injuring and disfiguring their penis.
One last thing...You think it\'s a heroic thing for the doctor to try to salvage your loss when he is responsible in the first place? I believe the reason he got off his ass to do anything is because another MD was involved.

Anyway... I wish you the best of luck in your recovery....
There are more than a few members on this board that have experienced what you have.....

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"EPIC FAIL" Dermail Graft and Subcutanious Implant Disaster a 3 part story "Please help" 12 years 8 months ago #1273934827

Sorry to hear of your problems and thanks for taking the time to post. Forget PMMA and don\'t even ask any questions about it until you are fully healed. All your focus should be on trying to resolve your current problems. I\'ve never heard of Gelman, but Gary Alter has an excellent reputation. Scar tissue can be removed, but you have to remember that cutting scar tissue, will mean new scar tissue.
To be honest I think you have a long road ahead of you. I doubt either Alter or Gelman will perform another surgery until at least 6 months and more likely a year after your last. But that 6 month - year long wait can be put to good use. Scar tissue really can be manipulated. I should know as a veteran of 10 or 11 penis surgeries! Determination is key. After my last surgery I lost about 1.5\" in Erect length and had an upward curve, but I stretched all day long (16 hours) and every time I went to bathroom I\'d did manual stretches. My length has now come back. I\'m currently applying DMSO and Iodine to the shaft to try and dissolve some scar tissue. You might also try pumping. Your scarring isn\'t the same as Peyronies, though the effect might be the same. So many of the treatments that rarely work for Peyronies might well work on you.

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"EPIC FAIL" Dermail Graft and Subcutanious Implant Disaster a 3 part story "Please help" 12 years 8 months ago #1273935194

basque23 wrote: Hi all,This is the 3rd. chapter will bring you up to my current status.''''' I now have a dis-figured penis that is 4inerect that completely curls upward to my belly button. The Erect Girth wentback up 5.5in.+ but is not an accurate measurement because of the shape. Thereis a ring of scar tissue that surrounds the base of my penis and pubic bone.The tissue has already filled the void in front of the pubic region causing theskin above my penis to be shorter than the bottom. All of this scar tissuelinks the epidermis to the outer skin causing it not to extend during Erection.When I'm Erect I can feel the penis bulging down into the scrotum because ofthe tissue. Luckily I have a wonderful girlfriend whois in the medical field and has been by my side, \"sex or not, big orsmall!\" ''''' My Urologist at Scrippsis aware of my current status and referred me to Dr. Joel Gelman at the Centerfor Reconstructive Urology. He is in Irvine and I will be seeing him on the 22nd.I gave the details to his secretary and she said she knows of Dr. Elist andscheduled me for consultation. I have also scheduled an apt. with Dr. Gary J.Alter on Monday the 18th. '''''' Dr. Elist is still willing to try 1 moretime with his implant and says he can trim the base to anchor in under thelower side of the pelvis which will resemble the first implant I had vs. thelast two. I do not think this is a viable choice at this time! '''''' I have just received an extender called theJES Extender and another one that use rubber/latex tubes that you put over theshaft, anchor with a strap for weights hang off of the head of the penis, orcan be tied to leg. The JES extender is actually comfortable but hard for mebecause of my length. The ADS type is easy and comfortable but not as muchtorque with the smaller weights or leg strap. These can be found on theAutoExtender website.Here are my questions'1.''' Does it seem plausiblefor Dr. Alter or Gelamn to surgically remove this tough scar tissue and try tofix curvature? I mean wouldn't it just grow back in where they cut it out? OrWould stretching aid in this..'My goal is to at least get to a 6x6 status through surgery and/or'stretching and possible PMMA. '2.''' If I were to havethis re-constructive surgery with Alter or Gelman how long should I stretchbefore a PMMA treatment with Dr. Casavantes.3.''' 'Anyinsight on the quality of surgery of Alter or Gelman?4.''' 'Lastly,any input on PMMA being a long term solution that could help Girth enhancement10 years+ considering im only 29! I understand there will be touch-ups andmaint. involved. ''''''''''Thank you all for all your input and posts. I wishI had researchedbetter and found this site 2 years go. Hopefully we can stimulate more peopleto share their experience in this growing world of Phalloplasty. Please feelfree to P.M. me too

I agree with hoddle. Try to fully recover before you even think about PMMA.
Originally, I went from 7.25 inches to 5 inches (length) after the Removal of my implant...I stretched and pumped for 6 weeks and amazingly I regained my penis length and actually ended with a .5 Inch gain (7.75 inches)...Just recently I gained even a little more and hovering around 8 inches...
Tenacity and Disciplin are key.
I hear nothing but good thingS about Dr. alter. He is a class act but expensive.
Again...Best of luck...If you have any questions you don\'t feel comfortable posting on the board, feel free to PM me..

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"EPIC FAIL" Dermail Graft and Subcutanious Implant Disaster a 3 part story "Please help" 12 years 8 months ago #1273935861

Wow, the shamelessness of these so called doctors is unbelievable. DO NOT under any circumstances drive to Tijuana and have PMMA injected. You have been through so much you may not be looking at this completely clearly yet. Unfortunately you are just a 30 minute drive from the offices and if you show up with cash in hand Mexican doctors will inject you with little regard to your situation just like Dr E will stuff another implant in there if you ask him too. PMMA will literally freeze your penis in to its present deformed state.

What makes your case very remarkable and scary is that you had 9 surgeries in 18 mo ! It is typical to wait 6-12 mo between revisions so you essentially had 5yr of work done in only 18mo. Gary Alter mentioned to me this is the reason so many people get in trouble with cosmetic surgery. Not because of a failed surgery, but because they try to correct too soon, or too aggressively. The human body has tremendous capacity to heal when given the time and patience. Certainly I do not fault you, but rather the treating doctors.

I think the good news is that the scarring is probably not internal (like it is in peyronies) so as it resolves over time your penis will come back to its normal shape and function. All of the problems are signals your body has been overwhelmed by all of the invasive measures.

I have seen Gelman and Alter, they are two of the best in the world for your situation. They may want to remove fibrous tissue but in all likelihood not for another 12 mo. Be sure to ask them how extensive the scarring is and if the inner penis is compromised. I would avoid any stretching right away unless you get the blessing from Alter or Gelman. Do not rely on advice in PE boards that contradict your doctor, as you have too much to lose.

Your key goal should be patience and proper nutrition, health, ect. I think you will be surprised at how much things will improve spontaneously. And forget about future enhancement procedures. Your girlfriend is solid proof you don\'t have to have a large penis to live a happy life. good luck and keep us posted !

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"EPIC FAIL" Dermail Graft and Subcutanious Implant Disaster a 3 part story "Please help" 12 years 8 months ago #1273936065

MessageMan, What stretching and Pumping equipment did you use. My JES extender is really hard to use because of my 4in. length. Any ideas? P.S. I still have to get my medical records from DR. Elist before I can fully release hell on him

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"EPIC FAIL" Dermail Graft and Subcutanious Implant Disaster a 3 part story "Please help" 12 years 8 months ago #1273936160

\"One last thing...You think it\'s a heroic thing for the doctor to try to salvage your loss when he is responsible in the first place? I believe the reason he got off his ass to do anything is because another MD was involved.\"

MM makes an excellent point. PE doctors do not like to deal with problems. If any of you guys are having issues it may be a little embarrassing at first but do not hesitate to see a Urologist. They are used to seeing all kinds of weird stuff so swallow a little pride and do what if best for your health. Almost always you will get better treatment if an independent MD is reviewing your case.

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"EPIC FAIL" Dermail Graft and Subcutanious Implant Disaster a 3 part story "Please help" 12 years 8 months ago #1273936256

basque23 wrote: MessageMan,'What stretching and Pumping equipment did you use. My JES extender is really hard to use because of my 4in. length. Any ideas? 'P.S. I still have to get my medical records from DR. Elist before I can fully release hell on him '

I used an electric pump called \" Vacu tech\"...It\'s a very good pump...
It costs about $150.00. On the internet. Dr. Elist sold one to me right after he removed my implant and I was still high on morphine for $750.00. This is unbelievsbly true. I was speechless but because I was completely dependent on the guy, I did whatever he asked.

I use an Ads with a plastic cup on the end...It\'s simple but it works....
I did a lot of manual stretching.
Don\'t do anything until your wound is fully healed.
Let me know if you have anymore questions, MM

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"EPIC FAIL" Dermail Graft and Subcutanious Implant Disaster a 3 part story "Please help" 12 years 8 months ago #1273955137

Hey,Thanks you guys very much. Wounds are fully healed and I have begun stretching. No real changes yet of coarse just feels a bit akeward. My appt. with Dr. Alter got moved to tues. I will keep you updated with what he says.
For all of you who have delt with elist, have you gotten copies off all his post pop reports bd medical records? I keep calling Silvia and dr. Enlist direct and they keep giving me the run-around. Dr. Gelman wants me to hand carry him all my operation reports at. Minimum. I feel I am entitled to these and feel it is illegal for them to withold them. Any advise?

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