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TOPIC: GM Trip To Tijuana

GM Trip To Tijuana 12 years 8 months ago #1273906101

Hello Dear PhalloBoards friends Finally I got it done my trip to Tijuana. I'm 5 days after swollen and bruised and more swollen on the right side looks like a swollen balloon for now. I got 20% of 21 or 23cc don't remember I was a bit dizzy after the procedure . The story goes like this: I came to the office about 11am sign some papers then the assistant took photos and I get injection in my shoulder of some stuff that prevents the unit from swallowing from the Dr's assistant oooh and he measured my blood pressure also. Then came the Dr and his nurse Wade. got a lot of anesthesia injections and after a couple of minutes they start the PMMA injection the nurse hold the unit and Dr injected the stuff I got the cold sweat maybe I was to nervous so they stopped and give me some chill pill . from there everything went well I felt only pressure but when he got near the glans I felt pain so I got a couple more anesthesia injections then they proceed they both told me that they got it done also and also in the muscles . both of them looked good and healthy. The Dr finished I got up felt a bit dizzy the assistant took another after photo. The assistant give me Cialis and a box of antibiotics and Wade told me to massage the unit to prevent hard spots . I stayed in the Grand hotel Tijuana it's the same building across the hall .I stayed there for a couple of days. I came to my room lay on the bad and massage for a minute but it was to swollen and painful so I stopped and got some rest. The next day the unit was swollen and not even so came by the office to see Wade again he told me that its only more fluid on the right side and that he seen worse post 1day units than mien. He told me to proceed massage it and try to maintain erections. The next day I was a bit worried after it got more swollen so I contacted Christian via email about 5pm asked if I can to come again to check up on me . He called me and said sure you can come this time Wade checked and also the Dr C looked at it and felt it he told me that looked fine but it maybe a sine of infection on that right side he told me to keep take the antibiotics and Wade give me another box just in case. I came back home yesterday after a couple of ruff flights. forgive me for my poor English I'm not from the US. So this is day 6 I finished my first box of antibiotics and it still swollen but the bruising a bit improved I sent Wade mail with a questions if I should open the second box. No answer yet. I hope for the Best . My Pre stats are:FL-3 FG-3.9 EL-6.29 EG-4.9Special Thx to S.O, Miracle7,Mustang2020,Paso,Messageman.eqstudent,Sizemic,ghostfmj, and all the other members of the PhalloBoards You helped me with my decision We need to keep this forum posted and alive as much as possible Thx GM

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GM Trip To Tijuana 12 years 8 months ago #1273911663

I was very disappointed to see the CHL DRUDGE REPORT today

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GM Trip To Tijuana 12 years 8 months ago #1273911680

I have a burning sensation and some slight pain sometimes is it common guysstill swollen

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GM Trip To Tijuana 12 years 8 months ago #1273911942

GultzMaster wrote: I was very disappointed to see the CHL DRUDGE REPORT today

I have similar looking bumps as CHL on the shaft and there is still some pain near the glans area that has lessened over time. I think you will find that some if not all of these issues will resolve over a few months.

Good luck healing and congrats on your 1st session.

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GM Trip To Tijuana 12 years 8 months ago #1273976992

Thanks Mustangsorry for not updating my progress,I had some complication and some infection on the right side near the glans and a lot of pain. I freaked about it and was sick from the infection and from the antibiotics they made me dizzy dry mouth and no appetite. as I told here I got the second box from Wade,Wade was super cool and very concerned he guide me thru the healing process on the phone every day.I will update later Thx GM

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GM Trip To Tijuana 12 years 8 months ago #1274036739

hey guys
I\'m not feeling well as I expected,after more the two weeks the swelling is gone but the unit is always warm and I have pain and tension all the way to the prostate and sometimes in the testicles also appear in the left and right side of the stomach.
I hope the warm burning feeling is collagen formation and not complications.
I will update my stats later,it\'s not in my concern right now.
I just want to heal.
If someone hear had the same experience after the procedure
please share so I can be calm.

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GM Trip To Tijuana 12 years 8 months ago #1274036971

Not sure what antibiotic you took but sounds like you may have a minor infection. I think it would be a good idea to have a local doctor examine you. Even a GP would be fine.

The PE doctor may indicate this is \"normal\" and discourage you from seeking outside treatment. But I think in your case 2 weeks is long enough to get checked out. Quite possibly a different antibiotic will do the trick and if it is an infection you want to get it treated before it gets bad (which does not sound like the case, you don\'t have a fever right ?)

Sorry I am not a doctor and don\'t have PMMA so I can\'t give more specific info.

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GM Trip To Tijuana 12 years 8 months ago #1274036992

Sounds like you have an infection and it may be spreading. You may need a stronger and different kind of anti biotics...Do not wait and see, get it checked asap!

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GM Trip To Tijuana 12 years 8 months ago #1274037076

Can we get an update Are you feeling any better ?

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GM Trip To Tijuana 12 years 8 months ago #1274091575

I hope your situation improved..

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GM Trip To Tijuana 12 years 8 months ago #1274134906

Hey guys
Sorry for not updating sooner,I was sick and in pain for a while but things get better now and I feel good .
Bigben-I got it only in the penis and thank\'s man for caring.
Mustang-Dr C called me and recommended to take IBUPROFEN 200mg-3 pills (600mg)3 times per day he said it will help with the swelling and it did also with the pain.
I had a hell of a ride with my procedure,I hope to heal well photos come soon.

Mustang-It\'s still has a slight pink color to it and a bit warmth but it looks good,did yours was the same,maybe it\'s the collagen formation?



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GM Trip To Tijuana 12 years 8 months ago #1274139041

If it is warm then you may still have an infection and/or inflammation but it sounds like you are getting better. Good luck!

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GM Trip To Tijuana 12 years 8 months ago #1274144280


Sounds like you are doing the right thing. Preventing infection is number 1! Due to differences in physiology, some respond better to certain antibiotics. I\'m an azithromycin man myself. The pinkish hue and some warmth is normal. Things should return to normal in a few weeks.

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GM Trip To Tijuana 12 years 8 months ago #1274148205

Thanks guys
Its been three and a half weeks,only time will tell.

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GM Trip To Tijuana 12 years 7 months ago #1274348836

It has been over 2 weeks now. Any update ?
Do you still have a permanent warm burning unit as you described it, and the pain in the other area ?
How is your situation ?

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