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TOPIC: Hyper-active muscles?

Hyper-active muscles? 12 years 11 months ago #1272574074

Why the fukk does my scrotum get so tight and tense whenever I hold in my urine? The more I hold it in, the more tense my genitals get. wtf??? I was in a book store reading a magazine when I had to go pee really bad, i went to the bathroom to pee and my Balls literally were out of the scrotal sac near the inguinal ring. wtf does it do that?

My penis also starts to bend to the left while im Flaccid. My Dr. manually felt my penis and didn\'t think anything was wrong.

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Hyper-active muscles? 12 years 11 months ago #1272577312

medilook wrote: Why the fukk does my scrotum get so tight and tense whenever I hold in my urine? The more I hold it in, the more tense my genitals get. wtf??? I was in a book store reading a magazine when I had to go pee really bad, i went to the bathroom to pee and my Balls literally were out of the scrotal sac near the inguinal ring. wtf does it do that?

Not sure, does it cause any pain? What has your doctor said about this? And please observe general posting etiquette, thanks.

medilook wrote: My penis also starts to bend to the left while im Flaccid. My Dr. manually felt my penis and didn\'t think anything was wrong.

You said: \"My Dr. manually felt my penis and didn\'t think anything was wrong.\" I\'d go with that.

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Hyper-active muscles? 12 years 11 months ago #1272579454

No pain, but extremely uncomfortable. It\'s such a turn-off that i have difficulty maintaining Erection because its as if my scrotum is alive and constantly moving. The dr just said it\'s a hyper-active cremaster and i just have to live with it.

I told him if cutting it off would help and he said that no compotent dr would do such a thing. He gave me a referal to a Urologist that is head of USC dept, but said that most likely will say the same thing. Plus he\'s really expensive.

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Hyper-active muscles? 12 years 11 months ago #1272580317

medilook wrote: No pain, but extremely uncomfortable. It\'s such a turn-off that i have difficulty maintaining Erection because its as if my scrotum is alive and constantly moving. The dr just said it\'s a hyper-active cremaster and i just have to live with it.

I told him if cutting it off would help and he said that no compotent dr would do such a thing. He gave me a referal to a Urologist that is head of USC dept, but said that most likely will say the same thing. Plus he\'s really expensive.

Are you saying that you\'d rather cut off your Balls altogether than to deal with a mild nuisance (I call it mild since people experience things a lot worse)? If I understand you correctly then I strongly recommend psychotherapy instead of any medical solution to your Balls. There is nothing rational or healthy about removing one\'s testicle sac because of some uncomfortable hyper-activity as you call it. You say you have trouble holding an Erection, but how do you expect to hold an Erection when your partner starts to wonder where your Balls went? It\'s really quite frankly very alarming that anyone would consider Removal of their testicles for any reason other than cancer. Like I said before, if I understand you correctly, you need to seriously consider the fact that you are suffering from something more than testicular discomfort, and I\'d strongly advise you to invest your resources into something like therapy.
Good luck. And although I\'m no doctor, I can\'t see anything that warrants concern with the penis & testicles in any of your previous postings.

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Hyper-active muscles? 12 years 11 months ago #1272581346

I wasnt reffering to testicles. I wad talking about surgically removing the cremaster muscle which pulls up the testes.

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Hyper-active muscles? 12 years 11 months ago #1272581469


are you on any medications? Some medications (such as amphetamines used to treat ADHD) can cause over-activity of the cremaster muscle. I\'ve also noticed that anxiety causes the scrotum to tighten up (for me anyway). Perhaps the anxiety you experience when this happens causes it to tighten even more? I would consider discontinuing medication that may be causing the problem and just trying to relax before considering any hypothetical surgery.

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Hyper-active muscles? 12 years 11 months ago #1272581679

medilook wrote: I wasnt reffering to testicles. I wad talking about surgically removing the cremaster muscle which pulls up the testes.

Okay, for a second I thought you were actually talking about castration - pardon the misunderstanding. I must have missed the line with the \"cremaster.\"
But as your doctor had mentioned that no other competent doctor would perform this, it seems that this kind of procedure is not the best solution. At this point I\'d consider getting multiple (medical) opinions and taking them very seriously.

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Hyper-active muscles? 12 years 11 months ago #1272586014

No, but i am on anti-anxiety prozac. And anxiety adrenaline does cause my scrotum to tighten up bad as well so i guess prozac can only help.

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Hyper-active muscles? 12 years 11 months ago #1272587370

Have you considered Botox? It is supposed to help with the hang for both the scotum and Flaccid.

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Hyper-active muscles? 12 years 11 months ago #1272589176

I have considered botox, but I;m just afraid of what the side effects could be as not alot of people have done this typ eof procedure before.

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Hyper-active muscles? 12 years 11 months ago #1272596050

Listen bud-
You have some things going on. I do not fault you for it. We all have our issues. We are all equal at some level and I want to see you \"normal\" for whatever that is worth. I say \"normal\" and what I mean is not agonizing with your situation more than you should be as opposed to physical perfection. You are seeking advice on a forum that is... well... not in the mainstream. I personally (and anyone else please help me here) do not think you need injections, surgeries, etc. You MAY. But I think you should be discussing some of these things with a psychotherapist. By the way, if you do it does NOT mean you are crazy, weak, stupid, incapable of heeling yourself, etc. It just means you need help from a specialist dealing with mental processes.
I think you should consider going to a sexual therapist or at least a counselor (with some exposure to the types of issues you are having generally) for a few sessions. Explain all of your background. Talk about social issues, surgical, etc. Explain what you are going through. If you feel comfortable going to this person for advice see if they would possibly speak with a physician on your behalf to discuss your situation.
I do not want to see you paying someone to inject you, cut you, etc. anymore at this point. I think you need help on a more comprehensive level. If I can speak frankly I think you have some psychological issues. This decision is based on private communications we had in addition to this post. If you do have issues (guess what? I have had some too so it does not mean anything about you personally or your self worth), then the best any of us can do is support you in seeking help. It pains me to think you would ask for an exotic surgery like what you described.
Does anyone else see what I am saying? If we are here to help each other then let\'s not tell this guy to get injections.
Medi- Do you have a close friend that you think other people look up to because he is mature or smart that you could ask advice from?
Also, by all means keep posting. And please reach out to me again in a PM when I am online. I know I was curt before but I do want people to get help from this forum. I can tell you are suffering. Whether you can tell or not I care about you even though I do not know you. I think you may want to include someone who you know cares about you in some of your thought process and decision making.
Anyone else?

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Hyper-active muscles? 12 years 11 months ago #1272853409

Well i went to a pelvic floor therapist and told him about my hyper active muscles and showed a picture when my testes were pulled up. He thought it was abnormal to pull up that high so often.

I just havent been able to find any information about patients that got the cremaster muscle excised.

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