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TOPIC: AirmailPuppet's PMMA Journey

AirmailPuppet's PMMA Journey 13 years 1 month ago #1271829403

So I\'ve been in contact with Dr. C\'s office. I\'m trying to find out when the next available appointment is because I think I\'m going to take the plunge. I have a 4.5\" mseg, and I honestly dread having to take it out for women. It\'s just too tiny. I\'d honestly be happy with ~5.5\"

Am I worried about the long term effects of PMMA? As a guy in his mid-20\'s... absolutely. I don\'t want to end up losing my penis in 10 years. But at this point, maybe the reward outweighs the risk.

I\'ve tried Jelqing and stretching, but it really does nothing for my Girth. If there was something safer I could do that would actually increase my Girth, obviously I\'d want to take that avenue, but to this day, I haven\'t found anything.

So I\'ll keep this updated for when I actually schedule and go to my first session.

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AirmailPuppet's PMMA Journey 13 years 1 month ago #1271836062

Ok. Well gentlemen it looks like I\'m scheduled for mid-February.

Extremely nervous and excited.

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AirmailPuppet's PMMA Journey 13 years 1 month ago #1271860591

Thank you. I\'ll keep you all posted on my progress and what not. I\'ll post some pre-surgery measurements tonight.

Few questions. My appointment is on a Thursday morning, so I was thinking of flying in to San Diego Wednesday night, and staying until Friday morning. I would leave Thursday night but that leaves me with little time to \"nurture,\" post-surgery.

Also, any hotel recommendations?

I\'m really excited now. I wish I was getting this done tomorrow.

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AirmailPuppet's PMMA Journey 13 years 1 month ago #1271860854

I really hope you and others stay to report in the long term!

Can you provide Flaccid pre and after pics aswell, since every user here is looking for diffrent things. Flaccid outcome is interesting aswell for some of us.

I would take as much time as i think i would need for the revovery right after the procedure if its possible of course.

Hope your not doing it for pure vanity. Hope you have informed yourself for at least a month or so before the decision.

The procedure itself is routine at this time for Dr C. so you can acutally relax. (i know easier said then done)

Good luck!

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AirmailPuppet's PMMA Journey 13 years 1 month ago #1271864874

I\'ve thought about this since the first PMMA thread popped up on this forum. I\'ve never been happy with my Girth (who would be at 4.5\"?). I honestly feel like its probably the worst part about me as a person, lol. I\'ve tried Jelqing, stretching, Clamping for years and it usually results in a) no results or b) injury. It just doesn\'t seem to be worth it anymore.

I definitely will keep this thread updated. I know how frustrating it is to follow someone\'s posts, and they disappear 3 months later. \"Oh no, the PMMA killed them.\"

I can take Flaccid pictures too. Not a problem.

I\'ll update later with more info.

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AirmailPuppet's PMMA Journey 13 years 1 month ago #1272030575

Just wanted to update this on what\'s currently going through my head. I\'m a little more than two weeks out, and I\'m nervous to say the least. I\'m excited but definitely nervous.

I read through the complications thread, and I knew what I was getting into, but seeing what that one member had to go through when it came to the Removal of his PMMA. Itis a little unnerving. I\'m just worried about the complications that may arise 3,5,10 years down the road. I just feel like its my only option right now, and well... I want a bigger Dick.

Anyone getting the procedure done soon share similar sentiments? I think you\'d be crazy to not be slightly worried, but I\'m wondering if my I\'m exaggerating the possibility of complications in my head.

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AirmailPuppet's PMMA Journey 13 years 1 month ago #1272040827

I think we are in the same boat brother. I m scheduled for the end of Feb.

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AirmailPuppet's PMMA Journey 13 years 1 month ago #1272049299

I\'ll be there at Dr. C\'s on Friday the 17th!!!
We may pass each other in the office -

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AirmailPuppet's PMMA Journey 13 years 1 month ago #1272053452

He has a separate private waiting room now, so chances are you probably won\'t see each other - or you could just stick you\'re head in and say hi on the way out

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AirmailPuppet's PMMA Journey 13 years 3 weeks ago #1272254399

So the day has finally come. I go in tomorrow, and I just got to San Diego a little while ago.

I\'m going to request 20% tomorrow. I\'m not concerned about aesthetics, I\'m looking for the most Girth possible, and I\'ll be here relaxing for the next 4 days. I don\'t see why I wouldn\'t.

I\'ll post pictures tonight, so I have something compare to tomorrow.

edit: Did you guys actually wear loose pants to the procedure? I\'m not sure I have anything besides my jeans, which are a little on the tighter side.

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AirmailPuppet's PMMA Journey 13 years 3 weeks ago #1272254575

Relax and good luck AMP!

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AirmailPuppet's PMMA Journey 13 years 3 weeks ago #1272272226

good luck man

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AirmailPuppet's PMMA Journey 13 years 2 weeks ago #1272272865

Well let\'s just say that so far, I\'m very happy with the results. The entry points sting a little, but I\'ve been massaging and will continue to do so but everything looks great.

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AirmailPuppet's PMMA Journey 13 years 2 weeks ago #1272325301

Just thought I\'d give a little update.

I had 23 cc\'s of 20%. I specifically asked for 20%, and they had no problem with that. After I got back to the hotel, I was pretty bruised up and swollen. I tried wrapping a $20 bill around it, and it just went all the way around with a very small amount to spare. I measured now that all the swelling has gone down and I\'m 5\" mid shaft, 6\" at the base. I actually was really thin at the base prior to this, so that\'s a huge jump so far.

My biggest issue right now is... pants. I usually wear tighter pants, and my Flaccid is uncomfortable in my pants (I also don\'t want to mess anything up by being so restrictive), and it\'s been very obvious in my pants (this I\'m less worried about haha).

I\'m hoping when all is said and done I\'m sitting around 5.5\" mid shaft, but that\'s just wishful thinking.

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AirmailPuppet's PMMA Journey 13 years 2 weeks ago #1272343096

hey man. congrats on your new schlong! would be great to see some pics of the results

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